Chapter 536 The Real Assassin
Fu Lan said with a clear heart, I don't want to eat candied chestnuts, I want to eat you.

But it seems too frivolous to say so.

He took a deep breath and thanked in a low voice: "Thank you Jiu'er."

Fu Lanqing lowered her head, and rolled the sugar-fried chestnuts in Lu Jiu's hand into her mouth in one gulp.

Whether it was intentional or not, his tongue licked Lu Jiu's finger.

Feeling the wetness of her fingers, Lu Jiu took out a handkerchief and wiped it, obviously disgusted.

Fu Lanqing: "..."

Lu Sidong always felt that something was weird, but he couldn't tell, so he could only pull the two of them away.

The ambiguous atmosphere that Fu Lanqing deliberately created was completely destroyed.

"It's getting late, hurry up and get on the road."

As soon as Lu Sidong spoke, no one had any objections.

But the road was really boring. I originally wanted to play cards to pass the time, but who knew that the more I played, the more tired I became.

Lu Jiu was so bored that she took out a pen and paper to draw.

Seeing this, Fu Lanqing also stretched her neck to draw with Lu Jiu.

But it was stopped by Lu Sidong.

The two are far away, one east and the other west, and there is a mountain (Lu Sidong) between them.

Fu Lanqing only felt that it was difficult to be a human being.

It is even more difficult to be a man who wants to hook up with Lu Jiu for sex.

Because Fu Lanqing calculated the time in advance, there was no such thing as sleeping in the wilderness.

When we arrived at the inn where we were staying, we had dinner, washed up and went straight to sleep.

It's Fu Yi's turn to keep watch tonight.

Fu Yi heard the movement and hurriedly chased after him.

A short figure suddenly appeared.

His speed is very fast, and the wind has no trace.

He had already reached Fu Lanqing's door, and was about to make a move, but suddenly withdrew.

In the next second, Fu Yi returned to the inn again.

He always felt that something was not quite right.

After thinking for a while, Fu Yi called out the dark guards.

Fortunately, the night was calm.

After breakfast, continue on your way.

The people in the carriage were drowsy, Fu Lanqing and Lu Jiu had already fallen asleep, and even Lu Sidong was dozing off.

The carriage entered a small valley, and countless hidden arrows suddenly struck.


"Protect the master!"

Fu Yi took the lead in drawing out his long sword and releasing a signal flare, hoping that the reinforcements would come soon.

It was afternoon at this time, around three o'clock, and it was a period of depression. Everyone was a little sleepy, especially the dark guard who hadn't slept all night.

It's normal to stay up all night, but what if it's a night with a high degree of mental concentration?

What's more, the mental power was highly concentrated all night, and there was no rest, but directly on the road.

There is a saying that boats and cars are tired, so it can be seen that traveling is not an easy job.

Fu Lanqing's people are all masters of martial arts, but the enemy is not easy to deal with.

The enemy chose to ambush here, which shows that they have a good understanding of the terrain.

After the back arrows were shot, countless men in black began to attack the carriage.

A large swath of people in black was so dense that it almost drowned the entire valley.

Fu Lanqing opened her eyes, her first reaction was to hug Lu Jiu up.

The carriage is not safe, but has become a target.

Fu Lanqing felt that he had a crow's mouth. Not long after he discussed the countermeasure with Fu Yi, he really met the assassin.

However, he looked down at the little girl in his arms, which might be an opportunity.

"Fu Yi, protect Lu Sidong!"

"Subordinates obey."

When he said this, Fu Yi also saw Fu Lanqing gesturing to himself.

——If you make a mistake, make a mistake, take Lu Sidong away.

Originally, Fu Lanqing planned to find a way to separate when he was approaching Lin'an Mansion.
(End of this chapter)

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