Chapter 538
Lu Jiu fired a few more shots, either in the heart or in the head.

This pistol has only five bullets because of its relatively long range.

Lu Jiu changed bullets so quickly that he was almost killed by one shot, and no one survived.

Soon, the man in black discovered Lu Jiu's problem, and when she was changing bullets, he attacked crazily.

In order to protect Lu Jiu, Fu Lanqing was gradually injured, not externally, but internally.

Lu Jiu changed bullets faster and faster, compressed from seven or eight seconds to two seconds.

The man in black gradually showed signs of decline, so he could only grit his teeth and order: "Get out!"

Fu Lanqing still hugged Lu Jiu, her face pale.

"You put me down."

It's not that Lu Jiu never thought of breaking free from Fu Lanqing, but Fu Lanqing hugged him very tightly. If she insisted on breaking free from him, she might hurt him.

The bloody smell here is a bit strong, Fu Lanqing walked forward for a distance with Lu Jiu in his arms, and then put Lu Jiu down.

It's getting darker now.

Moreover, this place is still deep in the mountains and old forests.

Lu Jiu moved his body and looked at Fu Lanqing, who looked obviously a little pale, and couldn't help asking: "Fu Lanqing, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Fu Lanqing shook her head: "It's just a little sleepy."

Lu Jiu looked around and found that it was either a mountain or a tree, and there was no place for him to sleep at all.

"Qianqian, is there a cave nearby?"

In desperation, Lu Jiu could only turn to Qian Qian for help.

Qian Qian quickly replied: "At four o'clock, there is a cave."

Lu Jiu quickly supported Fu Lanqing and walked towards the cave.

Fu Lanqing's spirit was very poor, and his eyes were bloodshot.

After walking for more than two quarters of an hour, Lu Jiu finally helped Fu Lanqing find the cave.

Lu Jiu covered Fu Lanqing's eyes, took out a flashlight and took a picture.

The cave is not big, dark, very dry, not humid.

Lu Jiu helped Fu Lanqing lie down.

Fu Lanqing leaned against Lu Jiu's arms and soon fell asleep.

Lu Jiu deliberately found a shelter from the wind, but the cold wind was still blowing.

In desperation, Lu Jiu had no choice but to take out the tent sleeping bag from the system backpack.

She prepared two one-person tents, one in the carriage and one in the system backpack.

It was impossible for her to leave Fu Lanqing alone, but there was not enough space in the tent, so she could only make do with it.

Lu Jiu pitched up the tent and dragged Fu Lanqing into the tent.

She took off Fu Lanqing's coat, stuffed him into a sleeping bag, and adjusted the temperature of the sleeping bag to a comfortable temperature.

Lu Jiu is not very sleepy now. Sitting beside Fu Lanqing, she is a little worried about Fu Lanqing.

There is still some food and drinking water in the system backpack, so I shouldn't starve to death, but I don't know how the fourth brother and Fu Yi are doing, and whether they will be in danger.

But it's useless to worry about it now. For the present plan, I still have to go out and join the fourth brother and the others.

Lu Jiu looked at Fu Lanqing, who was sleeping peacefully. That magnificent face was a little dirty at this moment, and she looked very embarrassed.

Lu Jiu took out a wet tissue and wiped his face.

When her hand was about to leave Fu Lanqing's face, Fu Lanqing suddenly grabbed her hand.

He was still in a coma, as if he had been haunted by a dream, frowned, and kept shouting: "Jiu'er..."

"I'm here."


"I'm here."


He didn't seem to hear Lu Jiu's words at all, he just kept repeating Lu Jiu's name.

In the middle of the night, Fu Lanqing felt hot all over, which woke Lu Jiu up.

(End of this chapter)

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