Chapter 546 Strange Mountain Village
On the dinner table, there was only a large pot of clear rice soup with little water, a few steamed buns with noodles, a plate of boiled cabbage and a pile of black pickles.

The conditions are not difficult.

However, the dishes and chopsticks were very clean, but Fu Lanqing still looked disgusted.

He had never had such poor food.

Lu Jiu was also a little disappointed. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let those small animals go. It's also good to have a tooth-dashing festival.

But she was really hungry now, and she didn't feel disgusted. She greeted Village Chief Chen and started eating.

Fu Lanqing still didn't move, she lowered her eyes to hide the disgust in her eyes.

"Master Lu, is the food not to your liking?"

"No." Fu Lanqing said casually, "I'm not hungry."

Lu Jiu didn't respond either, and concentrated on eating her own food.

Don't eat this, don't eat that.

Who is used to his stinky problems!
Lu Jiu was too lazy to talk to him.

Fu Lanqing didn't sit down either, but stood behind Lu Jiu. He always felt that the village was weird.

That's a gut feeling.

His instincts were never wrong.

But Village Chief Chen's family is old and weak, women and children, and there is no threat at all, but why does he feel that way in his heart?

Could it be because the eyes of Mrs. Chen's mother-in-law are not right?

"I'm going out to get some air."

"Okay, let's go."

Fu Lanqing said something to Lu Jiu, and then walked out.

This is an ordinary small mountain village. It is poor and backward, and the life of the people in Xingfeng Village is more miserable. Everyone's face is full of weather-beaten exhaustion, and even most of them are not healthy.

Donglin Country is indeed the most backward country among the four countries. There is still such a place. If it is not protected by Nanyue, the country may have perished long ago.

Fu Lanqing was about to go back to the house to wait for Lu Jiu, when he heard some voices.

He followed the sound to the door of a house.

The door was locked, but there was a crack in the door.

Through the crack of the door, Fu Lanqing saw a person chained in the room. He seemed very unwilling, with a ferocious face and an angry roar.

"Master Lu, why are you here?"

The village chief's voice came from behind.

Fu Lanqing acted casually as if he hadn't seen anything: "Just walk around."

Seeing that Fu Lanqing didn't get to the bottom of it, the village head, instead of revealing the matter, took the initiative to say, "The person inside is my second son. He is a fool and often hurts people. My eldest son went hunting in the mountains." At that time, he was killed by a tiger, and there was only such a single seedling left. In order not to let him go out and hurt others, I had to lock him up."

Fu Lanqing hummed, as if she wasn't interested in this matter at all.

"I'm a little sleepy, I'm going back to my room first."

"Master Lu, rest well."

Fu Lanqing responded and went straight back to the house.

After a while, Lu Jiu also came back, obviously full of food and drink.

"Why is there only one quilt?"

They are two people, how can they sleep.

Fu Lanqing said nonsense in a serious manner: "This place is too poor, so we can only give us a single bed."

Lu Jiu: "..."

There is indeed a bedding in her system backpack, but can she take it out now?

I have no choice but to make do with it.

In the winter, two people can sleep warmer.

Lu Jiu was not pretentious, and said directly: "Sleep with clothes on, you should be able to bear it through the clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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