Chapter 553 Improper Antidote
The premature baby was the little grandson that Lu Jiu had seen at the dinner table earlier. He was three or four years old and could not speak or walk, just like a puppet without a soul.

Village Chief Chen's second son is not his own, but the offspring of his mother-in-law and other men. Although his limbs are healthy, his mind is stupid and he has a strong tendency to violence. He even likes to sleep with women while beating him. The woman is a complete pervert. He is very strong, his body is very strong, his blood has mutated, and he has killed three women. In the end, the village chief had no choice but to lock her up.

Because he hasn't touched a woman for a long time, the second son is now insane. Village chief Chen has no choice but to pin his idea on Lu Jiu.

In the view of Village Chief Chen, a woman doesn't work at all, they just want a man.

A woman can give birth to at most one, but a man can make many women pregnant.

It was precisely because of this that Fu Lanqing was given special care and drugged.

In fact, there is another reason that Fu Lanqing can't afford to be tortured by so many women.

As long as this man can impregnate all the women in the village, then they can pass it on for several generations.

It is precisely because of this that Fu Lanqing was brought to the bamboo house...for breeding.

After hearing all the ins and outs, Fu Lanqing's face was ugly, and he vomited.

The physical and psychological desire to vomit has long overshadowed the medicinal properties.

Fu Lanqing never thought that there would be such ignorance in the world.

There are many troublemakers in the poor mountains and rivers, this is not only a troublemaker, it is simply a pervert, the devil!

Lu Jiu patted Fu Lanqing on the back. In fact, she had almost guessed it, but she couldn't believe it.

It was only seen on TV before, but now it is shown bloody in front of them.

Hateful people must be pitiful.

"Miss Lu, I offended you. Our whole family can apologize with death, but this man must stay." The grim look on Chen Village Chief's face has long since disappeared, but he said calmly: "The inheritance of our Chen Family Village cannot be broken. Ah, we cannot cut off our offspring!"

With a bang, the village chief Chen knelt down directly to Lu Jiu: "Miss Lu, you are kind and kind, please do your best, please pity us, our entire Chen family village has been cursed, we can't get out at all, we just have to If you want to keep him, please leave this man to us, I beg you!"

Although the village head is now talking to Lu Jiu in an almost begging tone.

But Lu Jiu believed that if he hadn't shown his astonishing force value, the fate of the two of them might not be worse than those people.

Feeling Fu Lanqing's increasingly hot body temperature, Lu Jiu directly knocked him out.

"If you don't want the last bloodline to be cut off, hand over the antidote quickly, my patience is limited!"

Qian Qian: "Where can I get the antidote for this kind of thing?" Usually it takes XXOO to get it.

"Then what should I do?" Lu Jiu looked at the group of women who owed money, feeling a little helpless: "Shall I choose a good-looking woman to detoxify him?"

Qian Qian: "If you were drugged, who would you choose?"

"Of course it's Fu Lanqing, do you need to think about it?"

"..." Qianqian was a little speechless: "Why do you take Fu Lanqing as the antidote when you are drugged, but you can't let yourself be the antidote when he is drugged?"

Lu Jiu was serious: "Because the boss never acts as an antidote!"

(End of this chapter)

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