Chapter 566 Pretending to be a Couple
Fu Lanqing has already interrogated Village Chief Chen. As long as there is a life lawsuit in hand, all of them will become experimental subjects. Experiments must be done on them first. After the experiment is successful, they can be used on children or innocent people.

They are too bad. Once those foreign populations are tortured to lose their fertility, they will be killed cruelly, just to not waste food.

Although they are experimental subjects, they don't seem to have any sad emotions, especially when they see that the children in the village have not been killed, and are even taken care of well, they feel more at ease.

Since it is an experimental subject, it is inevitable that there will be casualties. Even if the experiment is successful, the experimental subject's lifespan will not be very long. Instead, it will have to endure great pain, but it can be regarded as atonement.

Speaking of which, they are also poor people.

But poor people must have something to hate!
More and more doctors are coming from Miracle Doctor Valley, Chen Family Village has now been officially taken over by Miracle Doctor Valley, and everyone has been properly dealt with.

Lu Jiu finally completed the hidden mission and got 150 points. This trip was not in vain.

After all, there are very few tasks with points.

Lu Jiu looked at the balance of points, -830 points.

"Jiu'er, should we set off?"

At this time, Fu Lanqing bumped into him desperately.

Lu Jiu glared at him fiercely, turned around and left.

The culprit who caused her a lot of points and debts, really fucking wants to kill him!

Fu Lanqing quickly chased after her: "Jiuer Jiuer..."

Qian Qian: "..." The road to chasing his wife is long.

It thought, if Fu Lanqing continued like this, Master Jiu might never think about that in his life.

A normal girl, who would want to have anything to do with a beggar who has nothing.

Fu Lanqing was not a beggar, but he was a money swallower that made her heavily in debt.

Especially for a money-hungry person like Master Jiu, how could he "want" to fall in love with a money-swallowing beast that made him heavily in debt.

She would be showing mercy if she didn't drive him away.

Especially now that Master Jiu has no intention of falling in love at all.

The two continued on their way.

Fu Lanqing was penniless and could only be forced to eat soft food.

At night, Lu Jiu found an inn to stay.

"Boss, come to a second-class room."

Sleeping in the same room or something is simply not too good.

But why is it a second-class room?

"My lady, why don't you live in the first-class room?"

Fu Lanqing wronged Baba's complaint.

Lu Jiu handed the money to the innkeeper, and gave him a blank look: "You return the clothes now, and I will change to the first-class room."

Fu Lanqing hurriedly hugged the bag tightly, and said cowardly: "The second-class room is the second-class room, and you can live in it if you can."

Inside the baggage is the change of clothes that Lu Jiu bought for Fu Lanqing, which are sold at a discount.

But in fact, it was the kind that Fu Lanqing usually wears.

For men's underwear, no matter how fearless Lu Jiu was, she would never look for men's underwear.

Fu Lanqing had already contacted the dark guard, and the obscene trousers had been dropped by the dark guard.

The reason why Lu Jiu bought clothes for Fu Lanqing was because he received a signal from Lu Sidong that he was safe and sound.

Lu Sidong was safe and sound, so Lu Jiu agreed to buy clothes for Fu Lanqing.

But Fu Lanqing went ahead and asked Lu Jiu to pretend to be husband and wife with him. In this way, he could avoid the men in black from being besieged again, and he couldn't join Lu Sidong and the others. He said that the goal was too big and it would easily bring danger to Lu Sidong.

(End of this chapter)

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