Chapter 586

Fu Lanqing embraced Lu Jiu, and looked at the proud head of the family with beautiful peach blossom eyes. He wanted to say something but didn't say anything in the end, the second head of the family, and the third head of the family who was full of smiles. Does the head of the family think that we are settled, and he is very proud?"

"No, no." The head of the family refused modestly, and he didn't pay attention to the boy and girl's little boy face at all. He was very proud now, but he still said mercifully: "How about it, considering the past In terms of friendship, I will give Miss Lu a little bit cheaper, 18 taels of silver and one hundred shi, no less!"

The almost benevolent tone successfully angered Fu Lanqing.

"Very good!" Fu Lanqing smiled instead of anger, and shouted into the air: "An Yi."

In the next second, the door curtain rolled up and down.

A black figure suddenly knelt on the ground with one knee, and said in a cold voice, "This subordinate has seen the master and Miss Lu."

Fu Lanqing didn't let him get up, but looked at the little girl in his arms, and said solemnly: "Jiu'er, I want to give you a present."

"Huh?" What gift?
A surge of hope suddenly grew in Lu Jiu's heart.

"What about things?"

The casual tone made everyone present hold their breath.

Black Shadow took out a folded piece of paper from his arms, holding it with both hands above his head: "Master, please have a look."

Fu Lanqing picked up the piece of paper and put it directly in Lu Jiu's hand, with a doting voice: "Ji'er, open it and have a look, do you like it?"

Lu Jiu dubiously opened the paper and found that it was nothing but a land deed.

It is a title deed to a mountain.

The coordinates on the title deed are exactly the same as what Qian Qian said.

In other words, from now on, this mountain belongs to her, Lu Jiu!

Lu Jiu jumped up and down like a happy child. She hugged Fu Lanqing's neck, stood on tiptoe, and slapped him heavily on the face: "Fu Lanqing, hello, I love you so much!"

Fu Lanqing's little heart couldn't help being a little excited when he received the sweet kiss from his sweetheart, but when he heard the familiar "five-character mantra" behind him, he felt a bucket of cold water pouring down his head, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, especially My own heart is pulled out of the cold.

No need to think about it, he must have been too excited to kiss him or even confess his love.

After the excitement, Lu Jiu was a little embarrassed, her little face was a little red, and she stammered: "That...that..."

"I understand." Even though his heart was full of disappointment, he couldn't bear to blame her: "You are just too excited and don't have any thoughts about me, I... understand."

In the end, the mouth is full of bitterness.

"It's good that you understand, I was a little excited just now." After all, he took advantage of others and reciprocated courtesy, Lu Jiu decided to praise Fu Lanqing: "Fu Lanqing, you just exploded!"

She is simply the domineering president among the current big presidents, she is handsome with blood all over her face.

Why is the CEO now the most popular?
Because the big boss slaps the face is the best.

Especially now, slapping the face is so refreshing!
If she had been a man, she might have agreed with her body.

"Hey, what does it mean?"

Although I don't understand what it means, it feels like I am boasting about myself.

"It's just to praise you for being handsome, praise you for being powerful, and be able to touch girls' hearts."

 In fact, Jiaohua is not a weak chicken, but she is very weak in front of the heroine.

  I think that as a man, you don't have to compete with a woman. The woman you like, how can you be willing to let her be wronged, even if you wrong yourself, you can't wrong the woman you like.

(End of this chapter)

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