Chapter 588 Seek help from Mr. Lu

"Is Mr. Lu there?"

As soon as the words were said, the thick animal skin curtain was lifted, and a man in a navy blue gown and a tiger fur cloak came out. He was about 20 years old, tall and straight, with a handsome face. His eyebrows are picturesque, his eyes are clear and energetic, and his whole body is filled with a faint bookish air.

His appearance is not very outstanding, but his temperament is excellent, which completely conceals the shortcomings of his appearance.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Lu's complexion was not very good, his face was pale, and his voice was pleasant to hear: "The three faces are anxious. It should be that some life-or-death event happened in the village?"

"Yeah, our village may really be doomed this time!"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Lu frowned: "Don't worry, come in and talk slowly..."

"We won't go in, let's talk as we go."


Along the way, the three of them explained the ins and outs of the whole matter clearly.

Mr. Lu frowned slightly: "What you guys did is not very authentic."

"Hey..." The head of the family sighed, and said regretfully, "I have no choice. I just want to get more money so that the people in the village can live well, but who knows, it's self-defeating, not only did I not get money?" Money, and even destroy your own home!"

In the past, the entire Hutou Mountain was unowned, so they could naturally live there.

But when Hutou Mountain has owners, if they don't move away, it will be regarded as embezzlement of other people's property, and they may even go to jail.

Not to mention that they have already developed feelings after living in Hutou Mountain for so many years, even if they wanted to move, they couldn't move.

Their ancestors fled to the mountains with the villagers in the whole village for the sake of refuge during decades of war.

Now there is no fighting outside, and they have lived in the cottage since they were young, and they have no household registration certificate at all.

Without a household registration certificate, even the gates of the city cannot be entered.

In other words, if they leave Hutou Mountain, they have no money, no food, no place to live, especially now that it is still winter, there is only one way to go, and that is death.

The head of the family is almost regretting it now, if he knew it earlier, he would have listened to the second child, and he is not so greedy.

But if according to what Mr. Fu said, let the people in their entire village sign and sell themselves as slaves, he would not be able to do it.

If he only wanted to sell himself as a slave, he would sell it directly without saying a word.

But they wanted the whole village to be sold into slavery, otherwise they would set fire to the mountain.

The head of the family is now in a dilemma. In desperation, he can only ask Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu is a scholar with a smart mind, so he can definitely come up with a good solution.

"I don't have any good solution now, I can only take one step at a time."

In this matter, they didn't take it seriously.

Whether it is setting fire to the mountain or expelling them down the mountain, it is in accordance with the law, but the law is also human.

The premise is that the people in Heihuzhai don't offend them.

But now he offended him completely because of his lack of greed.

This matter is not generally difficult to handle.

Hearing that the resourceful Mr. Lu had nothing to do, the head of the family was so anxious that he knelt in front of Mr. Lu and begged bitterly: "Mr. Lu, please, please save our cottage, the three of us can sell ourselves As a slave, but the whole village is not allowed, please help us and tell Mr. Fu."

(End of this chapter)

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