Chapter 593 Doubt

Lu Jiu arranged things in an orderly manner, attracting Lu Shuangxia's frequent glances.

Of course Lu Jiu could feel the look in Lu Shuangxia's eyes.

Obviously, Lu Shuangxia had already begun to doubt her.

Because Lu Jiu's current vision is definitely beyond the reach of a small peasant girl.

It still makes sense for a fairy to be reincarnated to deceive other people in the Lu family.

But it would be impossible to lie to Lu Shuangxia.

Because Lu Shuangxia is so smart.

If the original owner hadn't delayed him, he would have been admitted as a scholar long ago.

"Jiu'er, how do you know so much?"

In the end, Lu Shuangxia still asked this question out of her mouth.

Just when Lu Jiu didn't know how to answer, Fu Lanqing said slowly: "Of course I taught it!"

When Lu Jiu heard Fu Lanqing's words, he seemed to see some kind of savior, and quickly said, "That's right, Fu Lanqing taught me. He taught me how to read, write, and be a human being."

Fu Lanqing did teach her how to read, but now she is still at the level where she can only recognize but not write.

"is it?"

Lu Shuangxia still had some doubts.

"I hate people who betray my heart the most in my life. At the beginning, my father betrayed my mother. When I was five years old, my mother hanged herself to death." Fu Lanqing suddenly became sad, and her voice was low: "Seeing Jiuer's At that moment, I thought of my mother, and I didn't want the tragedy to repeat itself, so I taught her that women should be self-reliant, live happily and don't care what others do!"

At the end, he also added: "It is precisely because there are too many women that such tragedies are caused, so I made a vow since I was a child that I will only marry one wife in this life!"

However, in fact, Fu Lanqing has never thought about marrying a wife since she was a child, especially avoiding women.

Lu Shuangxia: "..." Why do I feel that the second half of your sentence seems to be showing your loyalty?

Lu Jiu nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, I was taught by Fu Lanqing. We are good teachers and friends, and we have a good relationship!"

Lu Shuangxia suddenly pulled up Lu Jiu's arm, looked at the small mole on her arm, and quickly breathed a sigh of relief, she was indeed her own sister, and no one had replaced her identity.

But Lu Shuangxia never thought that her sister's body hadn't changed, but her core had changed.

With the mutual cooperation of the two, Lu Shuangxia finally believed in this fact.

"Jiu'er, when you needed your second brother the most, second brother wasn't by your side, damn it!"

After the words fell, Lu Shuangxia bowed to Fu Lanqing again and said, "Thank you, Mr. Fu, for saving me. Jiu'er is now... very good."

"Jiu'er and I are friends from the beginning, so there is no need to thank you."

When Lu Shuangxia heard this, she knew that this handsome man was interested in his baby sister.

However, after experiencing Lin Wenyi and other scumbags, Lu Shuangxia now controls her future brother-in-law very strictly.

Don't say that Lu Jiu disagrees now, even if Lu Jiu agrees, he has to go through his assessment before they can get married.

"It's all in the past, why mention it!" Lu Jiu quickly changed the subject: "Now that the matter is almost done, shouldn't we continue to set off now?"

"Let's go tomorrow."

After being away for so long, Lu Shuangxia also misses her wife and daughter a little.

Lu Jiu really didn't have much money on him now, and he almost spent it all along the way. Fortunately, Fu Lanqing got in touch with his subordinates in time, brought a lot of food to Heihuzhai, and gave them 100 taels of silver in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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