Chapter 407
Hearing this, Bai Yemao turned his head to look at the old man, and then glanced at the other members of the Chen clan. After calming down for a while, he turned his head and said indifferently: "What do you think?"

The old man probably didn't expect Bai Yemao to ask back, he was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and said with a bad face: "What do we want, of course, let your granddaughter die, if you don't hand her over, then let her younger brother die." Come on, otherwise, your Bai family should find another place, our temple in Yanxi Village is too small to accommodate your big Buddha."

"Damn, is Chen Jiabao dead?" Bai Yemao narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Heh, you should be glad that you didn't die. If you died, I wouldn't be here to talk to you. Someone from the yamen will come to take you away. If you resolutely refuse to cooperate and play rogues, then we can also report to the officials. Don't Say we are ruthless and let your Bai family be ruined." The old man sneered when he heard this, squinted his eyes and glanced at the Bai family, seeing those people shrinking, his eyes were even more disdainful.

If the Bai family hadn't brought a lot of benefits to the village in the past few years, the clan would have driven him away long ago for what the Bai family had done during this period of time, and let him, an outsider, step on their heads.

"You, you..." Bai Yemao pointed at these ungrateful people angrily.

"Fourth brother and sister, where is that girl Wuxia going? Tell me quickly. If she wants to die, she will die. Why bother us." Wang Shi shouted eagerly at Zhao Shi when she heard the words.

"Yeah, fourth brother and sister, where did that dead girl Wuxia go? You are her mother, you shouldn't know, call her out quickly, or we won't be able to please her." Yang Shi also looked at Zhao Shi eagerly. Dao said, the rest of the Bai family basically looked at Sifang with condemnation in disgust.

Mrs. Zhao opened her mouth, she was also scared when she heard what the clan elder said, but she really didn't know where Wu Xia's dead girl went.

"I don't know either, I really don't know." Zhao looked at the condemning crowd with a mournful face.

"What right do you have to let us move out? The title deeds of all the houses in our Bai family have been registered in the yamen. If you want to take this land back, you need the yamen's consent. Besides, Chen Jiabao is only abolished, not dead. This kind of case is the crime of intentionally hurting people, and it is a matter of hitting several big boards, why do you need people to kill, do you think we don't understand the laws of the Great Wei?"

"Besides, this is not a crime that implicates the whole family. You want to rely on us for what Bai Wuxia committed. Who gave you the courage? Do you think you are the emperor? You can decide how you want to be convicted. Oh, you are trying to plot treason Ah, treason is a serious crime that implicates the nine clans."

Ruixue curled her lips at the quarrelsome Bai family, turned her head to look at the old men in the Chen family, and said every word in a calm and breezy manner.

For a moment, not only the elders of the Chen clan, but even the villagers who watched the fun outside shut up, and the Bai family also looked at Ruixue stupidly.

"You, you, you..." Now it was the old man's turn to turn blue with anger, and the hand pointing at Ruixue was trembling all the time.

People in other clans didn't know whether Ruixue's words were true or not, but what they said about treason and Zhu Jiu clan made them feel heart twitching, and they couldn't confess such a crime even if they were beaten to death.

"You're talking nonsense, who said you were implicated, we, we just asked you to hand over Bai Wuxia, she hurt someone, shouldn't she make up for it." Another old man in the Chen clan blushed and said.

"That's right, that's right, we just want you to hand over Bai Wuxia, and we didn't say anything else." The others agreed after hearing the words.

The old man who spoke first would still be pale, and he didn't know what else to say.

(End of this chapter)

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