Chapter 411
"Grandpa, don't worry too much. Tell me about the situation of the family where you were a servant back then. I'll send someone to the capital to investigate the situation first." Ruixue comforted.

"That family's surname is Shen, and they were the richest man in the Liang Kingdom back then. If you want to inquire, many people should know about it." Bai Yemao said.

"Oh, by the way, the name on my deed of sale is not my original name. It was taken by traffickers. It is called Mingyuan. It was also the name when I was a servant. Your grandma's first and last name have not been changed, and the name is not what it is now. , called Da Ya." Bai Yemao added as he spoke.

Ruixue murmured in her heart that the family's surname was Shen, but she didn't think too much, she just nodded to her grandfather and said, "Grandpa, I understand, I'll take care of the rest, you and grandma can stay at home Just stay and enjoy yourself, don't think too much."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Do what you can, and don't force yourself if you can't. I never expected to go back for revenge in my life. If it wasn't for that girl Wuxia's troubles, Yanxi Village is actually not bad." Bai Yemao sighed.

"I see, Grandpa." After comforting her grandfather, Ruixue went out. She planned to go to the town to find Shen Fengnian as a borrower and help her find Bai Wuxia.

If you can find someone, that's even better. If you can't find someone, then you have to think of other ways.

"Father, mother, grandma, I'm going to town, I have something to do." Ruixue came out and looked at the people standing in the main room and smiled.

"Why is it so urgent? It's cold outside and it's snowing and it's hard to go. If you're not in a hurry, just wait." Jiang frowned and said.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of the cold, and the snow isn't too deep, it's a bit urgent, I have to do it first to be at ease." Ruixue said as she walked to the room, ready to change clothes and go.

Seeing this, the three of them didn't say anything else. They probably knew in their hearts that it was the old man who said something that made the child so anxious to do it.

Because it was snowing outside, Ruixue changed into a women's dress with trousers underneath, which Ruixue made for the convenience of rainy and snowy days.

After changing her clothes, Ruixue went directly to the Fuyun Building in the town to look for Shen Fengnian, and this time it has been nearly ten days since the last visit.

"Is your master not here?" Ruixue looked at Xiao Jin who was standing in front of her and asked.

"The master has gone to work, Miss Bai, what's the matter, if there is something urgent, I can call the master back." Xiao Jin nodded.

"Well, let's forget about it." Ruixue thought about it and shook her head. She refused when he confessed to him before. Although there is a cooperative relationship now, she can't treat him as an outsider too much.

After Ruixue finished speaking, she turned around and went out, and went to the business school. Everyone was actively researching and growing vegetables.

Ruixue looked at these children with bright smiles on their faces, and suddenly said, "Who among you wants to learn martial arts from me?"

"Ah, martial arts, what martial arts?" Yun Fei asked curiously.

"That's it." Said Ruixue flew up to the roof, and then came down to laugh at everyone who looked surprised.

"Wow, miss, you are so amazing, I want to learn."

"I want to learn too."

Everyone agreed that they wanted to learn. Ruixue didn't think about teaching these children martial arts so early before, because they needed to learn how to read and learn how to grow vegetables. There were already a lot of things to do every day. If they practiced martial arts again, they might be greedy for more I can't chew it well, so I want to speak slowly.

However, there are always accidents. I didn't expect that being disturbed by Bai Wuxia would make the originally abundant time less abundant.

(End of this chapter)

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