Chapter 444
Because this is a newly discovered place, and in order to train the hidden guards to adapt to various aspects, there is no decent stove here, and everyone eats soup and grilled meat cooked in a simple stone stove.

"Why don't you drink some soup first, and I'll go down the mountain to buy you something to eat now." Shen Fengnian frowned as he watched Ruixue holding up a piece of barbecue meat and didn't eat for a long time. It was an overnight stay, so he only brought one meal for the two of them, and now he had to eat with them at night, he didn't care, he just looked at Rui Xue as if he couldn't eat.

"No need, cough." Ruixue hurriedly stopped, looked at the salted barbecue in her hand, frowned, closed her eyes and bit down.

It was just as she thought, unpalatable.

"Don't eat, let's go, I'll take you down the mountain to Jiuhe County to eat." Shen Fengnian looked at Ruixue's unbearable appearance and directly grabbed the piece of barbecue from her hand and said.

"Hey, you..." Ruixue didn't want to appear to be too hypocritical. Last night she said that she was not afraid of any hardships. Today, she just ate a piece of barbecue with no seasoning and it was hard to swallow. It was really a shame.

Just looking at the barbecue snatched by Shen Fengnian and the small mouthful of meat that he hadn't swallowed yet, he still didn't refute.

Forget it, it’s better not to embarrass yourself, anyway, if you don’t eat a meal, you won’t starve to death, and you have space, and you’re used to eating the things inside, eating these things will really embarrass your stomach.

"Forget it, it's so far away from the county seat, it will be midnight when we come back from eating, we won't be hungry without a meal, let's go rest." Ruixue got up and walked to a thatched hut on the far side after speaking.

There was no way to wash in this place, so Ruixue just sat cross-legged on the simple wooden bed and meditated.

I don't know if it's because this place is deep in the mountains, but the spiritual energy seems to be much stronger than when she practiced at home.

Just as she was immersed in the practice speed which was nearly doubled than usual.

Suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door, "Xiaoxue, open the door."

"You..." After Rui Xue opened the door, she wanted to say, what's the matter with you, but when she saw the food box in the other party's hand, the words behind that got stuck in her throat.

"Come here quickly, it should still be hot." Shen Fengnian said while walking in while carrying the food box.

Hearing this, Rui Xue raised her hand and touched her heart, took a deep breath before closing the door and turning into the house.

Looking at Shen Fengnian who was setting out the food, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"There is no soup, I'm afraid it will be spilled on the road, you eat first, I'll boil some water for you." Shen Fengnian turned to Ruixue after setting up the food.

"No, let's sit down and eat together." Ruixue looked at the person who was about to turn around and grabbed his hand and said.

This person's complexion is not good-looking, his hair and eyebrows are full of steam, he probably ran back and forth with light work, and the injuries he suffered before should not be fully healed.

"Uh, okay then." Shen Fengnian stared blankly at the hand held by Ruixue, then nodded with a smile.

During the meal, neither of them spoke. After the meal, Shen Fengnian cleaned up the dishes and said with a smile: "Let's rest early, we will go down the mountain early tomorrow morning."

Although he wanted to stay here with her for a little longer, but if the other party couldn't eat well, it would not be his original intention, so he could only temporarily dispel the idea of ​​staying here.

Ruixue was very moved that night, but she was defeated by the other party's words. Hearing this, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Shen Fengnian.

"Cough, I mean let's meditate together." Shen Fengnian twitched his mouth as he looked at the extremely simple and not very clean bed.

(End of this chapter)

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