Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 464 Eating Meat and Drinking Soup

Chapter 464 Eating Meat and Drinking Soup
"Third brothers and sisters, you think too much. It is impossible for our Bai family to take the turn here. There are so many villages in Qingxi Town, and that village will support an outsider to be their leader." The Jiang family understood. A look at Wang.

"Well, okay, but as long as the surname is not Chen, it's fine. Fortunately, Wuxia was divorced by them, otherwise, Sifang will also suffer from it, and maybe our Bai family will also be unlucky." Wang said He whispered again.

"Old man, do you know how to talk? Shut up if you don't know how to talk." Song's face turned black and angrily said.

"I... I'm not wrong." Wang originally wanted to refute, but seeing that everyone in the room seemed to look at her with a bad face, in the end she only muttered something in a low voice and didn't speak again.

"Okay, no matter how they are, we just need to live our lives well, don't make some moths all day long, let's go." Bai Yemao got up and went back to the backyard after speaking.

After the two elders left, Mrs. Wang got excited again, looked at Mrs. Jiang with a flattering smile and said, "Second sister-in-law, I saw that you unloaded a lot of things from the carriage this morning. I don't want to say anything else, it's just that the fabric looks It’s really nice, give me two, it’s big for Chinese New Year, our family hasn’t made a new set of clothes yet.”

Hearing the words, Jiang slanted at Wang, the expression on his face really didn't know how to put it on, the corner of his mouth twitched before he spoke, "Third siblings, don't say that it is a gift for Xiaoxue, we also need to return the gift, just Said that the clothes you are wearing now are not new this year."

"Oh, this is given to me by my natal sister-in-law. I don't have the money to make new clothes. You see, Shiro and Liulang are not married yet. It will cost a lot to marry two children in the future. We are all pinching things during the Chinese New Year. After all, it’s not like your family, Xiaoxue can cook such a good two tables of meals for her birthday. Besides, didn’t dad just say that we will follow you in the future, and we will not suffer. Since you eat meat, give us It’s also good to save some broth.” Mrs. Wang wiped her face with a bunch of balabala.

Ruixue was speechless, her third aunt is definitely a capable person, that's what her grandfather understood.

And it was said that the clothes were given by her natal sister-in-law. No one would believe it. As for the people in her natal family who fell into the eyes of money, they would be thankful if they didn't take it from her arms, and would give it away.

Besides, you haven't wiped off the oil on your mouth, and now you say that their family has such a grand celebration for a birthday, what kind of face do you have to say, if you have the ability, don't eat it just now.

Jiang's face was almost contorted, and he stared at Wang's mouth for a long time without saying a word.

After listening to Wang's words, Bai Yuanru and Liu Lang looked around with their four eyes, wanting to see where all the good year gifts that Wang said were put there.

And Shiro sat there sipping tea calmly, neither feeling ashamed of having such a family, nor collaborating with them.

It was as if the tea had completely absorbed his mind, but that was about the same.

"This tea is very good, I wonder if my cousin can give me some?" Shiro suddenly said to Ruixue before Wang could wait for Jiang to speak.

"Oh, we don't have too much tea. If fourth cousin likes it, I can give some as well." Ruixue turned to look at Shiro when she heard this, and looked at the expression on his face inquisitively, but didn't find anything for a long time. The corner of his mouth twitched with a smile.

"Thank you, father, mother, let's go back." Shiro nodded and stood up.

After hearing this, Ruixue turned around and went to the room, and quickly took out a pot of tea and handed it to Shiro.

Shiro took the tea leaves and glanced at the three of Wang, and then turned around and walked out the door. Wang was a little unwilling, but the eldest son glanced at him. For some reason, he didn't say anything. He pouted and turned around to follow. .

The house was finally quiet, and the three little ones continued to go to the backyard to make gifts for her, keeping her secret.

The rest of the adults sat in the main room, Jiang looked at Zhou Mei and said, "If you are not afraid of people gossiping, I can hold a banquet for you and Wu Lang in the first month and invite a few people to have a meal together."

Zhou Mei was taken aback when she heard the words, her face flushed for a while, and she groaned for a long time before she shook her head and said without tears: "No, there's no need, this is fine."

 On the first day of work after the festival, I wish you all success in your work and progress in your studies!

(End of this chapter)

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