Chapter 609
Zhao Sheng couldn't bear it, but there was nothing he could do at this moment, and Mrs. Wu looked away after hearing Zhao Bailian's words. If it wasn't for her, why would they be like this now? They deserve it if they die, and they still want to kill her Brother Hao, she should have let her die back then.

Seeing that her parents didn't care about her, Zhao Honglian cursed like crazy after being put under the pressure of the painting: "You guys are so cruel, woo woo woo, you all like that dead boy, and you all want me to die, hmph, I Curse that kid to die in the future, hahaha, let you die, hahaha."

"You, dead girl, you still blame us now, and dare to curse your brother, vicious dead girl, if you didn't do such things back then, how could you be here today? Your father is now imprisoned by you, and the officials can't do anything about it." Done, you still have the nerve to blame us, you go to die, go to die sooner." Wu Shi couldn't see people talking about her son, let alone cursing him to die, and yelled at Zhao Honglian like crazy when she heard the words.

"Tsk tsk, this is really a good show of mother and daughter fighting each other." Lin Hao smiled with his lips curled up.

"This woman from the Zhao family is really, really scary." Zhou Shaochong also nodded.

"Father." Suddenly, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy hurried up from the crowd outside and shouted looking at the dejected Zhao Tongpan.

"Brother Hao, why are you here?" Before Zhao Sheng could speak, Wu, who was pulled to the edge, stared at his son who suddenly appeared and asked in surprise.

"The steward told me that you have all been summoned by the yamen, so I'll come over to see what's going on?" Zhao Wenhao rushed from the school, and he still doesn't know what's going on.

"Mr. Zhao, you can go home and ask what's the matter. Please come to the side first, don't hinder the judge's decision." Prefect Lin has been silent before, but now he will suddenly speak.

"Since the defendants have pleaded guilty, I will report the case to the imperial court according to the facts. Plaintiff, you go back first. As for Mr. Zhao, you have an official position for the time being, and it is not easy for me to take you into custody. You should stay at home first." Wait for the notice from the imperial court to come down, and I will send someone to watch over you, as for Miss Zhao, come and take her down." Prefect Lin said majestically, he didn't have the right to dismiss Zhao Sheng's officials, so now he can only put him down first. Detained at home.

"Zhao Wenhao, why don't you die? If you die, I don't need to die now, or you can die instead of your sister." When Zhao Honglian was dragged down by the two yamen servants, she suddenly looked at The dazed Zhao Wenhao said sinisterly.

"Shut up, Brother Guancha, quickly take this dead girl away." Mrs. Wu quickly walked to Zhao Wenhao's side and held his hand tightly, shouting at Zhao Honglian over there.

"What's going on here?" Zhao Wenhao looked at Zhao Honglian with a bad face and asked Wu Shi beside him.

"Crack, back out." Prefect Lin slapped his head when he saw this.

After finishing speaking, he went back to Hou Ya, regardless of how lively it would be outside.

However, as soon as he entered the back office, he saw the corners of the eyes of the four people sitting side by side watching the theater twitch, and said to the four of them: "You all come with me."

The four of them looked at each other and followed.

In the study room of the government office, the prefect Lin sat at the top and looked at the four people below without taking off his official uniform. After a moment of silence, he looked at Ruixue and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Brother Lin's friend, and that Ruixue children's clothing store is mine now." Ruixue said simply.

"Oh, you asked them to complain." Zhifu Lin nodded and looked at Ruixue and continued to ask.

"Yes, my lord, what's wrong, they have no ability, since I'm their boss now, wouldn't it be wrong to create a chance for them to get justice?" Ruixue looked at Prefect Lin and raised her head.

(End of this chapter)

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