Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 613 Give Me Your Life

Chapter 613 Give Me Your Life
"En?" Zhao Wenhao was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Ruixue puzzled.

"Your father is not guilty of death, at most he will be deprived of his official position and put in prison for a few years. As for your sister, I don't think you want to save her." Ruixue didn't answer directly, but said first.

Zhao Wenhao looked at Ruixue stupidly and nodded.

"If you want your father to stay in office, it's definitely impossible, but if you want your father to stay in jail, I can help you find a way." Ruixue raised her eyebrows.

"You, what do you want?" Zhao Wenhao was not an idiot, he came back to his senses and looked at Ruixue and asked.

"Hehe, do you want me to give you your life?" Ruixue raised her eyebrows.

"You, what do you mean?" Zhao Wenhao looked at Ruixue puzzled and asked, what good would it do him to let him die.

"It's nothing interesting, just trade your life for your father not to go to jail. You don't have to answer me now, go back and think about it, and come to me when you figure it out." Ruixue said with a smile on her lips.

After Zhao Wenhao left with a face full of disbelief, Yunjing looked at Ruixue and said incomprehension: "Miss, what do you want his life for?"

"What do you think?" Ruixue smiled and looked at Yunjing without explaining.

"I, I can't figure it out." Yun Jing immediately wept when he heard this, how could he know.

Coming out of the children's clothing store, Ruixue was in a good mood, and was about to go to Fuyun Building to ask the old shopkeeper if there was any good decoration team introduction.

Unexpectedly, he saw Shen Shouye in Fuyun Building.

"Brother Shen, why are you here? The letter I wrote to you the day before yesterday should have just arrived at the villa." Ruixue said in surprise.

"Oh, you wrote me a letter the day before yesterday? I have already set off since I received your letter about building a teahouse, but I haven't received your subsequent letter." Shen Shouye also said in surprise.

"Is there anything urgent?"

"Well, it's noon, you just arrived, I'll tell you after we have dinner." Ruixue nodded after hearing that.

"Alright, I'll discuss the teahouse with you later." Shen Shouye nodded.

After eating, Ruixue basically told Shen Shouye about what happened in Fucheng these days.

"The Xu family, hehe, the Xu family's business is in the north. The Xu family you mentioned should not belong to their direct branch, but may be a side branch. It is just under the banner of the Xu family. I will settle this matter." Shen Shouye Hearing this, he nodded.

"Okay, that's what Fengnian said." Ruixue nodded, but she wasn't too worried.

"You and Fengnian are reconciled." Shen Shouye raised his eyebrows and looked at Ruixue.

"Hey, just let it go." Seeing this, Ruixue coughed uncomfortably.

"Hehe, it's good to talk about it, you must be good." Shen Shouye sighed with a sour smile.

"En." Ruixue nodded, knowing that he should be lamenting himself, but it was difficult to answer.

"By the way, you said that the teahouse has found a place. Where is it? Let's go and have a look in the afternoon." Shen Shouye sighed for a moment before changing the subject.

"Okay, you take a rest first, and we'll go after rest." Ruixue nodded.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Shen, the team you found to build the villa for me, will they take over the interior decoration of teahouses like ours?" Ruixue looked at Shen Shouye and asked suddenly, it wasn't that she didn't think of those things before. It's just that the project of her tea house is not big, and it's interior decoration, not the overall building. I don't know if it will be accepted there.

"There's nothing wrong with it. If there's money to be made, they will definitely pick it up. It's just that hiring them is definitely more expensive than hiring local workers in Fucheng. After all, they don't have a place to live here. We have to provide board and lodging." Shen Shouye Hearing this, he waved his hands and said, who would have money and not make it.

"Uh, okay." Ruixue was speechless, then nodded, because she thought it was complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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