Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 643 Leave alone

Chapter 643 Leave alone
"Brother Lin, you..." Zhou Shaochong looked at the two people who were originally in a good mood, then turned his face and didn't know what to do.

"Are you like him, and you also think that I am a useless person who only depends on my father?" Lin Hao squinted at Zhou Shaochong and said.

"I..." Zhou Shaochong was speechless, how would he answer these words.

"Hehe, you go out too, and leave me alone." Lin Hao smiled self-deprecatingly and waved his hands.

After Ruixue came out, he went to the backyard. He found Shen Shouye and told about the sentencing of the Zhao family and the affairs of the Xu family.

Finally said: "I plan to leave tomorrow, when do you plan to return to the villa."

"I, I'll go back tomorrow too, as long as Uncle Zhong is watching over here." Shen Shouye thought for a while after hearing this.

"Okay." Ruixue nodded.

At noon, because the teahouse did not provide dinner, those young masters and ladies who did not want to leave had to go back.

But even if they went back, they bought a lot of tea.

Although the tea is free today, it is not a loss, and I still made a good start.

After sending off those young masters and young ladies, Lin Hao and Zhou Shaochong followed them.

Seeing that Lin Hao's expression was still not so good, Ruixue didn't say much, she just said a few polite words and sent him to the carriage.

"Brother Zhou, thank you today." Seeing Zhou Shaochong looking at her worriedly, Ruixue immediately smiled and said.

"You're welcome, it's nothing compared to what you gave me." Zhou Shaochong immediately waved his hands.

After sending Zhou Shaochong and the others away, Ruixue looked at Tao Ran who hadn't left yet and asked suspiciously, "I don't know what's the matter, Mr. Tao?"

"Well, it's nothing serious, I just want to ask if those private rooms can be reserved for a long time?" Tao Ran shook his head and smiled lightly.

"Of course, as long as you pay for it." Ruixue laughed.

"Hehe, okay, then don't bother me, take my leave." Tao Ran cupped his hands and turned to leave.

Finally sending those big shots away, Ruixue let out a long sigh of relief. After lunch, she went to his second brother and told the sentence on the Zhao Mansion again, and then asked him to stay in the store for another month until she found someone to replace him. Let someone send him to the villa.

After that, she asked Zhong Yi to explain some trivial matters about the teahouse, and finally went back to her room and wrote a letter to Shen Fengnian.

"Yunjing, I have something to do by myself next time, you don't need to follow, just take this letter to Feixue Palace and give it to the Grand Palace Master." Ruixue handed the letter to Shen Fengnian to Yunjing.

"Here, Miss, if the Grand Palace Mistress asks me where you are going, how should I answer." Yun Jing asked hesitantly after hearing the letter.

"I have an explanation in the letter. You can leave tomorrow morning. If Brother Shen and the others ask me at night, you can say that I left earlier." Ruixue said.

"Okay." Although Yun Jing was puzzled, he still nodded.

After explaining everything, Ruixue left Fucheng alone.

She has to find a way to make the tea in the space have a reasonable excuse. As for the good tea and the best tea, she does not plan to subdivide them in such a way now. In the future, she will only sell ordinary tea grown outside and the best tea in her space. kind.

And to be honest, the tea grown in her villa is not ordinary, after all, it is grown in her space, so it is much better than the ones on the market now.

This time the teahouse only sells green tea. In autumn, they will introduce black tea and oolong tea, slowly opening up the tea market.

A month later, in a valley somewhere in Bashan Mountain, Ruixue let out a long sigh of relief looking at the large piece of land she had reclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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