Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 648 Running away from home

Chapter 648 Running away from home
"Miss." Ruixue went to the back to say hello to her grandma, and after talking for a while, she was about to help her mother prepare lunch together, when suddenly the hidden guard guarding their house came over and said.

"What's the matter?" Ruixue asked suspiciously.

"The woman just went out quietly with the child, I heard her talking about going to find the second young master." The dark guard glanced at Ruixue and said in a low voice.

"Heh." Ruixue sneered when she heard the words, this is just not doing anything, since you gave me the ladder yourself, don't blame me.

"You quietly follow her all the way, wait to see where they live at night, and then come back and tell me." Ruixue nodded.

Watching the dark guard nod and go out, Ruixue went to help her mother prepare lunch together as if nothing had happened.

At noon, when her eldest brother's family came back, everyone talked and laughed, and when they were about to have lunch, Liu Liu asked, "Why didn't you see Zhou Mei and Ping An?"

"Hmph, I guess they should stay in the room. Don't worry, they won't be hungry." Jiang Shi was still angry, and snorted when he heard this.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yuanan looked at Jiang shi in puzzlement, wondering why he was so angry suddenly.

"Don't talk about it, eat, I'm afraid if I say it, everyone will be so angry that they can't eat." Jiang picked up the chopsticks and said.

The two elders looked at each other and shook their heads when they heard the words. It seems that the woman really angered the second daughter-in-law today.

And her eldest brother and sister-in-law stopped talking when they heard it. Today is a holiday, and the whole family is not happy.

Bai Yuan'an looked at the people at the table who were silent, paused for a while and didn't say anything, but started to eat.

It was like this until after lunch, everyone took a nap, and the congregation noticed the abnormality. An adult with a one-year-old child, it is impossible for the room to be silent for so long. Adults can hold back, but children Impossible not to call.

"Squeak..." Jiang was about to knock on the door, but as soon as his hand touched the door, the door opened.

Jiang looked into the house and found that the clothes that had been turned inside were everywhere, but he didn't see anyone.

"Where are people?" Jiang asked in surprise.

"Let's go." Ruixue stood aside and looked at the crowd.

"When did you leave? Why didn't you tell me, kid?" Jiang said anxiously. She didn't care what happened to Zhou Mei, but Ping An was still young.

"I left in the morning. I was afraid to say it. You may not be able to eat, so I didn't say anything. And don't worry, I let Shiwu go with me, and nothing will happen. She is planning to find my second brother to support her. I To see how far she can go." Ruixue said disdainfully.

"This, this, this woman, didn't I just say a few words to her, why, I couldn't stand it anymore and ran away from home with a child. What a crime, Wu Lang, that dead child, why did he fall in love with such a child? You're a troublemaker, a rotten thing." Jiang's lips trembled angrily, clapping his hands and cursing angrily.

The others were silent when they heard the words.

"Mother, don't be angry, it hurts you too much, don't worry about this matter, I will handle it well, today is the holiday, big brother and the others finally come back, don't ruin everyone's holiday for a worthless person Interested." Ruixue comforted with a smile.

Jiang shi paused when she heard the words, pursed her lips and said nothing more.

"Ruixuan, Ruijin, how about my aunt taking you to the back mountain to catch pheasants and rabbits." Ruixue turned her head and looked at the two children who were staring at the adults and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." The little girl Ruijin immediately put aside her doubts and shouted in surprise when she heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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