Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 673 How Long Can You Live

Chapter 673 How Long Can You Live
"No hurry, there are still four or five days before the Chinese New Year. There is time to go back tomorrow morning. My elder brother, he has already gone back." Shen Fengnian nodded.

Ruixue didn't say any more after hearing the words, but brought Shen Fengnian into the space.

"Your place is better, clean and hidden." Shen Fengnian came in and imitated what Ruixue did when he came in last time, stretched out his hands and took a deep breath.

"Well, the house is in a mess today. I wanted you to behave well in front of my parents, but it all messed up." Ruixue nodded, then sighed.

"What do you mean, your parents know about us..." Shen Fengnian stretched halfway this time, he paused when he heard this, put down his hands and asked hesitantly.

"Well, I guessed it all. I was thinking of reminding you to behave well today, but I didn't expect such an accident to happen." Ruixue nodded.

"Well, why don't you ask my elder brother to come over in the next year and you propose marriage for me." Shen Fengnian frowned when he heard the words. Although he didn't behave badly today, he couldn't say it was good. Besides, Xiaoxue's father was right His opinions should not be small. As for Xiaoxue's mother, she probably doesn't agree with him very much, but she is too busy today to talk to him.

No wonder when he got out of the car today, he felt that the attitude of the two of them was much more distant than before. At that time, he thought it was a problem with his face.

"I'm still young, my parents definitely don't agree, and I won't marry too early. No one in our family can take over my big business for the time being. I have to train a successor." Ruixue shook her head when she heard the words.

"Ah, training successors, you, you are not talking about the children of your two older brothers, are you? , I’m almost over 20. Xiaoxue, you won’t really want me to wait that long, right?” Shen Fengnian looked at Ruixue sadly when he heard the words, and this girl is still practicing Taoism, so she must grow old slowly by then, and He was already much older than her, what if he was getting older and she was still young.

Thinking about it, Shen Fengnian became even more uneasy.

"Well, not in 20 years, maybe in ten years." Ruixue thought for a while.

"Little, Xiaoxue, how long can you, a cultivator, live." Shen Fengnian asked with some fear.

"Uh, this..." Ruixue was taken aback when she heard the words, and looked at Shen Fengnian's terrified eyes, and was stuck unable to say what she wanted to answer.

How long a cultivator can live depends on her cultivation. If nothing happens to her, she should be able to live to about 150 years old when she advances to the third level.

"You, don't think too much, I just live a few years longer than normal people." Rui Xue paused and said.

Originally, I wanted to let him consider and follow her to cultivate, but when I thought about it, if he didn't have the opportunity like himself, he might not be able to break through the second layer in his lifetime if he just practiced on his own. , and the martial arts are not as good as they are now, then the gain outweighs the loss.

"Then will you grow old slowly?" Shen Fengnian couldn't believe it when he heard the words, but if the other party didn't tell him, he wouldn't be able to ask any more questions, so he changed the question and asked.

"Yes, it's just slower than normal people." Ruixue nodded.

"If I were to age faster than you, would you dislike me then?" Shen Fengnian suddenly became hypocritical like a restless child, or a woman in love.

(End of this chapter)

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