Chapter 676
"Oh, I haven't looked for her yet, she came to the door by herself." Ruixue clenched her fists, squinted her eyes and said with a sneer.

"You all don't go out, I'll go by myself." Ruixue said, looking at everyone at home and her mother who was a little confused when she woke up.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the room, and then flew to Wang Shi, Bai Yuanru and Liulang without opening the door.

"Ah, ghost..." Wang was crying in front of the courtyard gate, when suddenly she saw a figure appearing in front of her, which made her tremble in fright, and then screamed

step back.

Although the two men following Wang saw that it was Rui Xue, they were quite frightened to see her flying out of the house.

"Heh, you still want to trouble me with such a small amount of courage, Mrs. Wang, please try again." Ruixue squinted at the frightened Mrs. Wang and said.

Seeing that it was Ruixue who came, Mrs. Wang was about to put away her frightened expression when she suddenly heard Ruixue's words and felt chills all over her body.

"Hey, tell me how you want me to pay back your grandson's life." Seeing the three of them staring at her silently, Ruixue sneered for a long time, then put away the coercion she released, raised her chin and looked at Wang said.

The three of Wang were taken aback for a moment, and at this moment they felt that this girl was not so scary anymore, and then they all came back to their senses.

Looking at Ruixue's calm and serious expression, Wang hesitated and didn't speak.

"Everything in your family was obtained by stealing my son's blessing. We don't want too much, just give us five... not 1000 taels, let's forget it." Liu Lang didn't think so much. The son turned around and said.

"1000 taels, buy your son's life?" Ruixue's smile widened when she heard this, she looked at Liu Lang and said sarcastically.

"Yes, yes, yes." Seeing Ruixue like this, Liu Lang hesitated, but still nodded.

"Ms. Wang, Bai Yuanru, what do you say?" She didn't want to call her three aunts and uncles now, so she just called her name.

"As long as you can come up with 1000 taels, this matter will be cancelled, and we will not trouble you again in the future." Wang Shi swallowed her saliva and nodded.

"No, it costs 2000 taels." Bai Yuanru looked at Ruixue, touched his chin, and said suddenly.

"Smelly shameless, 2000 taels, what about your face, what about your face, saying that our little Xueke killed your dead boy, and he deserves it. You compare a dead child to my Xiaoxue, you are courting death." After listening to Liuliu's narration in the house, Mrs. Jiang didn't listen to Ruixue's words and obediently stayed at home. She ran out quickly, and when she heard Sanfang's shameless words, she immediately went to Ruixue's side and cursed, her eyes fixed on her. Holding three people, as if to eat them.

"Mother, calm down, didn't I tell you not to come out, I will deal with this kind of person, don't get angry." Ruixue turned to look at her mother, and gradually came out from the room The crowd smiled and comforted.

"Is it 2000 taels? Don't change it?" Ruixue said without waiting for her mother to speak, then turned to look at the three people outside the door.

The three of them looked at each other when they heard the words, and felt that things should not be so simple, but they still had hope, so they looked at each other and nodded firmly.

"Okay, 2000 taels. Each of you has four limbs. One limb costs 500 taels. For 2000 taels, let's exchange four limbs." Ruixue looked at the three of them slowly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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