Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 685 I have an idea

Chapter 685 I have an idea
"Okay, this is ordinary tea. Fengnian, who picks the best tea, will arrange someone, and we will bring it to you directly." Rui Xue glanced at Shen Fengnian and said.

"Oh... good." Shen Shouye glanced at the two of them, then twitched the corners of his mouth and nodded. It seemed that they had a secret.

"The tea is actually on this Bashan Mountain. If I have time tomorrow, I'll take you to have a look." Ruixue said immediately when she saw him like this, she didn't want him to feel that she was guarding him too.

"Oh, it's on this Bashan Mountain?" Shen Shouye didn't care too much about it, but was surprised to hear that it was on this Bashan Mountain. I don't know when she planted it, and no one seemed to notice it.

"Well, Ruixue and I planted it together." Shen Fengnian on the side continued at this time, although he didn't know where it was, but he knew she must have a way to get it out.

"Okay, then let's go and have a look tomorrow." Shen Shouye nodded.

Then Ruixue and Shen Shouye discussed the output of the villa last year and the profit of their existing property last year.

"Last year, the total income from teahouses, off-season vegetables, and wine was 22 taels, and the net profit was 580 taels." Shen Shouye told Rui Xue with the account book.

"Well, let's keep the money and continue to open the teahouse." Ruixue nodded.

"Oh, by the way, it was agreed at the beginning that we would get a [-]% share in the tea business, so you can share half of the profit from the tea." Ruixue suddenly thought of this, and almost forgot.

"Before, I didn't think I took advantage of you, but now I can't share with you. Now you are responsible for almost all the affairs of tea, so what right do I have to share with you again?" Shen Shouye hurriedly waved his hands.

"Well, I have an idea. Didn't you say that you want to merge your and Fengnian's properties into Feixue Palace? Then you can use those properties as shares. From now on, the income from my villa will be [-]-[-]% of your income. Originally, you I didn't get paid for being the manager of the villa, so I don't think it's appropriate to drive as much as I want, so it's just right." Ruixue thought for a while and said.

"This, that's because we took advantage of it." Shen Shouye said after hearing the words. It seems that he has lost money now, but given the development prospects of the villa, they must have made a lot of money.

"Brother, let it be like this, I agree with Xiaoxue's statement." Shen Fengnian immediately said when he saw his elder brother hesitated, no matter how to divide, his will belong to Xiaoxue from now on, there is no need to argue about it now.

Hearing this, Shen Shouye looked at the two of them, the corners of his mouth widened instantly, and then he nodded without saying anything.

After saying this, Ruixue suggested to go outside for a walk. In the morning, she was just looking for someone, but she didn't do much shopping.

Walking to the side of the artificial lake first, Shen Shouye said: "Here, I asked someone to plant some lotus flowers, and I also raised some fish. The lotus flowers haven't emerged yet, but you can see them in summer. They are very beautiful."

Rui Xue nodded, stood by the water and fiddled with some water, then silently let some fish into it from the space.

Afterwards, we went to the terraced fields. The paddy fields at the foot of the mountain are empty now. There are some rapeseed and wheat above, which may be newly opened wasteland. The seedlings are not growing very well and are sparse.

"It may take several years to grow good crops here." Shen Shouye looked at the few sparse seedlings and shook his head.

"Let's raise it slowly, we are not in a hurry to eat the grown food." Ruixue nodded upon hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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