Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 706 The Disaster Begins

Chapter 706 The Disaster Begins

"Hey, oh, Nanyang Mansion." Yu Wenmo was surprised for a moment when he heard the words, but he replied immediately.

Ruixue's thoughts changed when she heard the words, Nanyang Mansion, if she remembered correctly, Nanyang Mansion should be the last state capital on the southwestern border of the Great Wei Dynasty.

She should have stayed in the space for at most two days. She stayed outside for a day and a night, which added up to three days and two nights. In such a short time, she drifted from the south-central to a small town in the southwest border. This is too exaggerated, right? .

If she goes back by carriage, she will definitely not be able to go back within ten days and half a month.

No, she must quickly get rid of this man, and then hurry back.

"Don't follow me, I have something urgent." Ruixue turned her head and said seriously.

After speaking, he turned around and left quickly, using the lightness kung fu to the extreme.

A quarter of an hour later, Ruixue saw that there was finally no one behind her, and immediately found a place where there was no one, got a fast horse out of the space, and then hurried back.

And Yu Wenmo, who watched the distance from him getting farther and farther until finally he couldn't see Rui Xue's back, grinned and panted.

"I didn't expect that there are people in this world who are better at lightness kung fu than me. Beauty, you, you wait, we will definitely meet again."

Eight days later, Ruixue finally returned to Jiangping Mansion.

The rain has stopped for nearly ten days now, the sky has finally cleared after more than a month without the sun, and the water has begun to recede, but the temperature is also rising rapidly.

The disaster is just beginning now.

Those who lost their homes now have nothing when they go back. The houses have to be rebuilt, there is no food to eat, and there is no seed to sow.

All of this needs to wait for the court to allocate funds, distribute food, and distribute seeds, otherwise these people will only become refugees, either starve to death or follow the path of those people last time, robbing.

And most importantly, as the temperature rises, the corpses of animals and people who died in the flood, if not handled properly, will cause a plague.

After arriving at Jiangping Fucheng, Ruixue first went to Linxianju.

"Second palace lord, you're here." In the backyard, Zhong Yi saw Ruixue who walked into his study and hurriedly got up and greeted him.

"Well, tell me about the current situation in Jiangping Mansion." Ruixue went to a chair beside her and sat down, then said.

"Okay, now..."

The more Ruixue listened, the more serious her face became.

"Is this someone acting as a stalker? Since the relief food has already been distributed, even if the road is difficult, it should be here now." Ruixue said with a sullen face and anger, these corrupt officials deserve to die.

"Now Jiangping Mansion is almost controlled by Xu's family. Perhaps the relief money has already arrived, and they are holding back the distribution." Zhong Yi nodded.

Ruixue pursed her lips when she heard the words. This theory is very likely. Prefect Lin was transferred last year. Although he was still a prefect, he was transferred to a barren city in the northeast to be a prefect. The grade did not drop, but in fact it did.

Although the prefect of Jiangping Mansion is not surnamed Xu, according to the news she got, this new prefect Huang is a person trained by the Xu family.

"I'm going back to the villa. Be careful here. If you encounter any emergencies, please notify me at any time." After being silent for a while, Ruixue got up and said.

Although she was angry in her heart, it was not her turn to take the lead in this matter.

She said earlier that she would go back to the villa, but now that she has delayed for so long, if she doesn't go back, she is afraid that her family will be worried.

However, the journey home was surprisingly difficult.

As soon as he walked to the city gate, he saw that the city gate had been closed. Now it was broad daylight, and it was not night, so why closed the city gate.

"What's going on, why is the city gate closed in broad daylight, and I still have to go out to do some business?" There were a lot of people gathered in front of the city gate, and someone looked at the guard guarding the gate and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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