Chapter 721
Bai Yemao always felt that he was fair, but today his daughter-in-law's words made him feel ashamed, and he was instantly ashamed.

It's not nice to say this, but it's very reasonable. He himself is living such a life because of his little granddaughter. What right does he have to ask his little granddaughter to do things for him and do things for him? Things you can't do by yourself.

In particular, she still bears the heavy responsibility of avenging him, and he shouldn't ask her for anything more. It's her business to do what she wants, and the most important thing is to do it according to her heart.

From then on, the two elders and the men of the Bai family never said anything about the other Bai family in front of Ruixue, no matter good or bad.

Ruixue doesn't know about this for the time being, she will go to the cave first.

He gave Yunhua medicine for seven days and asked him to watch the old woman there and send her down the mountain after seven days.

Then he took Yunjing back to the villa and looked for Shen Shouye.

"Brother Shen, how much money is available in our villa?" Ruixue asked.

"More than 900 million taels, what do you want to do?" Shen Shouye was arranging things, and asked with some doubts.

"Leave some money for normal operations, and use the rest of the money to buy Tripterygium wilfordii and Uncaria." Ruixue said, the prescription she researched could not be cheaper than those medicinal material dealers.

During this time of national calamity, those vendors who resell medicinal materials must have hoarded a large amount of medicinal materials, and then sat on the floor to raise prices. These two key medicinal materials should not be paid attention to by anyone outside. She bought them first, and then waited for the prescription to be announced. At that time, those people would not sit on the ground and raise the price.

Moreover, she did not believe that those who purchased the medicinal materials in the imperial court would not raise the price of the medicinal materials. When the medicinal materials to be bought were reduced, a large number of people who caught the plague would still die.

She can only control the initiative in her own hands, and then it will be easy to operate depending on the situation.

Shen Shouye listened to Ruixue's explanation and looked at her seriously. She always gave him infinite surprises and surprises.

He didn't even think of this, she had already thought so far at such a young age, and her understanding of the officialdom was no less shallow than what he saw, which was really an odd number.

Thinking of this, Shen Shouye laughed at himself, what she is doing now is not unusual.

"Okay, I'll find someone to do it right away, and try to finish it all within seven days." Shen Shouye nodded. He knew that it would take seven days for the prescription to be announced, because Ruixue said it took seven days to make a person so thorough.

"Well, I'll leave later." Ruixue nodded, she wanted to take the prescription and find the right person to send it out.

Although it was said that the prescription would have to wait seven days, she was sure that there was nothing wrong with the prescription, so she didn't want to delay too long, and wanted to find the right person within these seven days. After all, there are thousands of people out there every day. As for death, every minute and every second is precious.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" Shen Shouye was a little surprised. Isn't her elder brother not fully recovered yet?

"Well, I'm sure of this prescription, there will be no problem, I want to find a suitable person for it." Ruixue nodded.

"This time, the third prince is in charge of disaster relief in the south. Most of the officials in the south are from the Xu family. They lie to others. The disaster has erupted for so long, and they haven't done much. You want this prescription to be delivered safely. It's not easy to give a suitable person, you should be more careful." Shen Shouye frowned.

"En." Ruixue nodded. She had known for a long time that almost half of the officials in the south were from the faction of the Third Prince. Giving it out in this way will also become a bargaining chip for them to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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