Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 741 Asking You Something

Chapter 741 Asking You Something
It's a pity to let them die here so silently, let them accept the trial and everyone's abuse before they die.

Five days later, Ruixue visited almost all the officials' homes in the three prefectures, and found all the evidence she could find. She also confiscated all the money and food from those corrupt officials' homes and sent them to the victims. With the help of people, they are enough to last until the next season's grain harvest.

After finishing the business here, Ruixue hurried to Luoyang with the evidence.

As for Shen Fengnian, when he arrived in Luoyang, he went to find Nian Wuyou first, and told him the news about his stepmother.

"Tianyinlou, heh, no wonder." Nian Wuyou sneered upon hearing this.

"The news has been delivered. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." Seeing this, Shen Fengnian raised his eyebrows and said.

"Don't thank me for your kindness. If you need my help in the future, just tell me." Nian Wuyou looked at Shen Fengnian and twitched the corner of his mouth, then said seriously.

"No... I want to ask you something." Shen Fengnian wanted to say no, but suddenly thought of one thing, he had to ask clearly.

"According to the information I got, your stepmother seems to support the eldest prince."

"Yes." Nian Wuyou frowned and nodded.

"Your father was actually promoted years ago, but he was deprived of military power, right?" Shen Fengnian continued.


"The current Tiger Talisman of the Northwest Army is in the hands of the Emperor, but I heard that someone suggested to the Emperor to send all the adult princes to the Northwest Army Camp for training. Is there such a thing?" Shen Fengnian raised his eyebrows.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Nian Wuyou looked at Shen Fengnian in confusion, and he made a big circle around what he wanted to say.

"As far as I know, the person who came up with the idea was arranged by your stepmother. She wants the eldest prince to seize the military power of the Northwest Army." Shen Fengnian pressed his hand and said.

"Really?" Nian Wuyou asked with narrowed eyes immediately after hearing the words.

"Don't say [-]%, but [-]% to [-]% are sure. I happen to have a piece of evidence here that can bring down the line of the third prince. I'm afraid that if I hand over this evidence, it will be a big favor to your stepmother." Shen Fengnian raised his eyebrows and said, this is the conclusion he came to after carefully reviewing the latest information about the court officials in the receipt of Linxianju when he was preparing the plan.

Hearing this, Nian Wuyou squinted his eyes at Shen Fengnian and said, "Just tell me if you have any plans, I will fully cooperate with you."

"Hehe, I didn't need your cooperation at all, but I know you after all, if this helps your enemy, I feel a little bit sorry." Shen Fengnian laughed and said.

Nian Wuyou was silent for a long time when he heard the words, before he opened his mouth and said, "Although that woman is my enemy, the Eldest Prince looks pretty good for the time being, better than the Third Prince, you can do whatever you want, my enemy , I will report one day.”

"You...well, I've made you my friend." Shen Fengnian was a little surprised when he heard this, and patted Nian Wuyou on the shoulder with some appreciation.

"What evidence do you have there, do you need me to present it to the emperor for you?" Nian Wuyou grinned, not talking about this topic anymore, but changed the topic.

"I don't need you, I can do it myself, lest you have another enemy." Shen Fengnian shook his head, if he was asked to present this evidence, then Concubine Xu Gui would not eat her, and even if the emperor appreciated him again, it would be fine Good times passed.

With this matter settled, Shen Fengnian is ready to act according to the plan.

(End of this chapter)

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