Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 746 You worked hard

Chapter 746 You worked hard
"En." Ruixue nodded, and was about to go in, when she suddenly thought that she didn't really need two people to follow her now, and it would be a waste of talent to put it aside.

"Yunhua, you will follow my elder brother from now on, and Yunjing, you will follow my second brother." Ruixue said.

"Ah, Miss, I, I..." Yun Jing shouted excitedly when he heard the words, and wanted to object, but he didn't know how to say it.

Because they are not as good as Miss's martial arts, they can't play a protective role, and those who run errands have hidden guards, it seems that nothing is right.

"This family will definitely be supported by my two elder brothers in the future. You are by their side and you must help them well. This task is more important than following me, do you know that?" Ruixue said seriously.

Later, she will give Ruixuan, Ruijin and Pingan a dark guard.

"Yes, Miss." Yunhua nodded seriously upon hearing this.

"Yes...Miss." Yun Jing looked at Rui Xue, and could only nod in the end.

"Okay, you guys go down." Ruixue finished speaking, and then waved her hands.

"I'm done talking with elder brother." After entering the room, Ruixue looked at Shen Fengnian who was already sitting inside and asked.

"Well, it's over."

"I'm going home with my elder brother tomorrow." Shen Fengnian nodded.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that his face was not looking well, Ruixue asked with concern.

"My grandparents are not in good health." Shen Fengnian said with a serious face.

"Well, why don't you bring your grandparents to the villa?" Ruixue hesitated for a while.

"Forget it, it's the same if I bring them some food from the space." Shen Fengnian pondered for a while and shook his head. He didn't know if his grandparents could maintain a normal mind when they saw those things in the villa. Extraordinary branches.

"Alright, then I'll prepare it for you." Ruixue nodded, and then led Shen Fengnian into the space.

The tea on the mother tree in the space, as well as the tea oil, the food grown in it, etc., almost all the things produced in the space are prepared by Ruixue.

After tidying up, she took Shen Fengnian to the valley where the tea was grown, and asked him to bring his brother here tomorrow to take those things away.

In the evening Ruixue took Yunjing Yunhua and Dark Guard Nine, Eleven and Sixteen to Dongyuan.

Because everyone knew that Rui Xue was coming, they all waited for her to have dinner together in her parents' yard.

Everyone greeted each other and finished their meal happily. After the dishes were removed from the table, Bai Yemao spoke.

"Everyone is here today, I have something to tell you guys."

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Goro immediately asked curiously.

"Listen to me from now on, no matter what you hear, don't interrupt me." Bai Yemao glanced at the crowd and said.

"Here, old man, let me avoid it for a while." Seeing this, Liu said with some hesitation.

"It's all a family, just sit and listen." Bai Yemao waved his hand.

"I'm here to tell you about our Bai family's ancestral home today. Our Bai family was originally a big family in Jinyangcheng..." Lala Zaza first talked about the history of the Bai family, and then said that Ruixue has been busy in recent years. What was he busy inside and outside, and then he talked about some details such as the revenge of the big revenge, etc., and talked for nearly half an hour.

After finishing speaking, everyone present was silent for a while without speaking.

"Xiaoxue is amazing, no wonder she often goes out and rarely comes home several times a year." It was Goro who spoke first.

"Yeah, Xiaoxue is really amazing." Goro opened his mouth, and the others nodded in agreement.

"Son, you've worked hard." Jiang wiped away tears, got up and walked to Ruixue's side, touched her hand and said with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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