The fierce wife of space

Chapter 495 We Can Have a Good Talk

Chapter 495 We Can Have a Good Talk
The businessmen were not in a hurry to talk about the ingredients at the dinner table, they had to enjoy it now, and then talk about business, after all, Boss Gu didn't seem to be in a hurry, so they shouldn't be in a hurry.

"Thank you, Boss Gu, for your hospitality."

Gu Lian wished that people from them would come here every month, so that at least this place would be more lively, and if someone came here to do business, there might be people from other cities coming here to do business in the future!
"Where, since you are here to do business with me, I must entertain you. If something happens to you here, I will feel guilty."

Gu Lian shook her head, no matter how they came from afar, she must treat each other warmly, and she must also make them change their attitude towards the situation here.

Needless to ask, I also know that people in Shucheng must imagine a barren scene when they mention the border town, and the most important thing is that it is very poor here, which is not suitable for businessmen like them to come to do business.

After the merchants had finished drinking at the restaurant, Gu Lian led them into the room, and the servants were also standing in the room. Now that their bodies were not cold, the matter of the ingredients could not be delayed any longer.

"Boss Gu, we were all introduced by Niu Dafu. I heard that you have a very special ingredient here. We are in the cooked meat business just like Niu Dafu."

The merchants each talked about their shops and their geographical locations, because when they heard Niu Dafu's words when they came, they knew that the location chosen by Boss Gu must be far away, not close.

"Well, I know, the ingredients here are only sold to Boss Niu, you must have been introduced by him, and when he came here to buy ingredients, I also told him that if anyone asks about the ingredients I hope he will tell the truth."

Gu Lian felt that Niu Dafu was indeed a serious businessman. Although he must have been a little worried about the ingredients, he still told where he bought them.

"So it turns out that Niu Dafu is indeed a smart and honest man. We also heard from him that you don't seem to plan to let all the merchants have this ingredient..." The merchants asked this matter in unison. .

"Actually, all of you here should be aware that if there are too many of the same things in a city, then the money you earn will definitely decrease. Presumably, you are not the only ones who own delicatessen in one city. Now that you have heard that Niu Dafu He said that he will come here again, it seems that he has already prepared for it.”

Gu Lian was also afraid that they would cause trouble because of business matters. If they had too many things, they would not be attractive to the common people.

Therefore, a city also depends on the size of the city. If it is large, it can naturally sell a few more ingredients, but if the city is small, this cannot be done.

She is a seller of ingredients, as long as the ingredients are sold, she can make money. If it weren't for this reason, she would have wished that anyone who came would not refuse, and then let them buy the ingredients and leave.

"We understand Boss Gu's thoughts, and it's rare for Boss Gu to think about it. You're right. We do have stores in other cities, so that's why we rushed here!"

People who have shops in other cities naturally don't worry about not being able to buy ingredients, because they are the first to come, and other people definitely don't know about it.

"Okay, as long as there are butcher shops in your other cities, you can buy ingredients here, but I hope no one will deliberately lie. You also know that if you cheat once, you won't be able to cheat the second time. If you can prepare these ingredients by yourself, then you are thinking wrong.”

"My ingredients cannot be matched by others. Because of this, I am willing to buy ingredients."

Gu Lian looked at them and smiled. Although the words were light, the weight inside was very heavy. She was afraid that they would lose their head for a while and talk nonsense about where she had a shop.

Half of the merchants all agree, they certainly won't talk nonsense, and they have a store, in fact, everyone here knows about it.

"Don't worry, Boss Gu, we all know about our store, and we will definitely not lie to you. If you don't believe it, you can check it out then."

After Gu Lian heard what they said, she didn't ask about the store anymore. She asked these people to write down all the addresses of their stores, and people would check them out.

Otherwise, if they come here to cheat the ingredients, and then open a dozen or twenty stores in the same city, then her ingredients will become full of streets.

"Okay, then please write down the location of your store, I will send people to check it, and you have to send people here to buy ingredients every month, you can't buy too much, it's not that I don't want to mix There are too many, but this ingredient will not be usable after a long time.”

Her ingredients have a shelf life, not that they can be used for a year or a half, and the taste will change if left for too long.

The merchants all took pens to write down their shops. Of course, there was only one shop here, which opened a shop in Shucheng, and there was a chain of cooked butcher shops, all of which made money.

Niu Dafu only has one store in his hands, and it's not that he doesn't want to open it in other cities, but he doesn't have the financial resources and can't find anyone he can trust.

"Okay, our store has been written down, so I will pick it from it. I will prepare the ingredients tomorrow. Everyone can have a good rest here today. I have already asked my servants to prepare the store."

Gu Lian put away all the shops they wrote, dried the ink on them, put all the papers into boxes, and picked some people out of the shops they wrote at night.

The merchants didn't bother too much, because everything was explained clearly. After they left with a smile, the servants took them to the guest room to rest.

It's just that the merchants with only one shop are a little bit unwilling. If they are not selected, wouldn't the money be earned by others? ,

And they came here with great difficulty, if they returned empty-handed, they would feel too uncomfortable.

Therefore, at night, someone wanted to talk to Gu Lian about this matter, and Gu Lian had expected that someone would come here to talk about this matter.

"Boss Gu, I just want to ask, if I am willing to pay more money, can my shop also buy this ingredient." The businessman asked with a smile, it seems that he really wants to have this ingredient .

Gu Lian looked at his smiling face, although she really wanted to agree, but she really couldn't nod on this matter.

"Sorry, the ingredients will be sent to the selected people tomorrow morning. If there are no selected people, if there are other ingredients in the future, I will give priority to you, but I am afraid that adding more money will not work now."

(End of this chapter)

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