The fierce wife of space

Chapter 501 Spicy and Fragrant

Chapter 501 Spicy and Fragrant
The semi-automatic stone mill made by Li Qiande can be used, which provoked Mrs. Bai to look at it early, and the two husband and wife are whispering around the stone mill!

"How about it, don't you think my stone mill is not good at all? But this thing doesn't look good, it has to be easy to use. Just now, a bucket of beans that were ground just now disappeared all of a sudden. How useful is it? ! And it's labor-saving, as long as people step on it a few times."

Seeing her husband's complacent look, Bai couldn't help laughing. In fact, it's good that her husband has such a hobby, at least he can be called a thoughtful person.

"Yes, yes, I didn't think at the time that your stone mill is indeed of great use. I didn't expect that I didn't see it. I'm really sorry, my good husband. By the way, this stone mill can be used in the future. Grind all kinds of things! Did Alian make tofu? I don’t know what kind of tofu it is made of.”

Li Qiande looked at the way Alian made tofu at that time, it seemed that it was different from the tofu he had eaten in the capital, and he hoped that he could eat different tofu by then.

"I don't know, but it must be different from the tofu we make in the capital. According to Alian, it may be eaten in the evening. When the time comes, you can eat it. The tofu made by the stone mill I made must be the same. Very delicious."

Bai didn't expect that he would be so cheeky and take all the credit for himself, but he didn't expect that her husband would be so childish.

"You, the tofu tastes good only if it's made well. It has nothing to do with your stone mill. You must not put gold on your face."

Li Qiande was not angry when his wife said that. In fact, he was just talking casually. Whether tofu is good or not depends not only on the grinding of soy milk by a stone mill, but also on whether the tofu maker has the ability. , Make this tofu delicious.

"You're right. I don't know if there is anything else I need to do! My brother has been drawing maps for the past few days, and I can't help. I think it's good to do this."

He reckoned that he could only help a little with the book compilation, but doing these things was what he loved to do. Even if he thought about it for a few days and nights, he would feel very happy as long as he made something.

"You can find what you can do by yourself. The elder brother didn't have to ask you to help. At that time, you were asked to help. It was just thinking that the two brothers had something to do. Now you have something you want to do. , just try to do what you want to do.”

Bai didn't think it was necessary to follow her elder brother all the time, besides, her elder brother and sister-in-law did a pretty good job, and if her husband followed her, she always felt that it would disturb the couple's relationship.

"Second Uncle, Second Uncle, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you." Gu Lian hurried over after finishing the tofu matter.

Li Qiande naturally asked with a smile on his face: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"I don't know if the second uncle can make a large water truck. I hope it can be connected to the nearest river here. When the time comes, if these vegetable fields and fields want water, they can be watered with a water truck. Do you have any water trucks?" Such an imagination."

Gu Lian thinks that Uncle Er is really suitable for doing such things. Since this is the case, it is better to develop his interest in doing these things.

Sure enough, Li Qiande was very interested after hearing this. After beckoning Gu Lian to sit on the stool in the yard, he asked about the idea of ​​the waterwheel.

"Since you mentioned the waterwheel, you must have an idea in your mind. Tell Uncle, Uncle will draw it out carefully, maybe you can make it. As long as you are willing to put your heart into these things, you can do it." It won’t be possible.”

Now the water in the fields and vegetable fields is manually watered, which takes too much effort, and if rice is planted here in the spring of next year, wouldn't it be too troublesome to use artificial watering?
Of course, if you can dig ditches, you can bring water here, but some fields cannot dig ditches, so you need to put a water truck in the middle of the field, so that the fields without water can be watered with water trucks .

"Okay, then I'll tell you the vision in my mind." Gu Lian began to tell him the appearance of the waterwheel and the functions she wanted.

Li Qiande took notes on a piece of paper, and sometimes asked a few questions from time to time, Gu Lian answered everything she could answer, and of course, she didn't slap her face to pretend she knew that she didn't know the answer.

After all, she hasn't learned about things like waterwheels in detail. She has this confidence because Li Qiande has indeed made a semi-automatic stone mill, which makes her see hope, so she thinks that he can Can't make it out.

If it is really done, then all the fields here can benefit, and the folks here will not have to work so hard in the future. It is indeed a hard job to carry water like this every day.

"The waterwheel is probably like this, I can't tell you more." Gu Lian said with a smile.

Li Qiande put away all the drawings, and there were many things marked on them. Now he feels as if he has found a second spring, anyway, he is very excited.

"That's it. You've already said a lot. Don't worry, this waterwheel looks like a big project. I need to prepare for a long time. I'll make a small waterwheel for testing first. If it's possible, I'll do it again." Big waterwheel."

If it wasn't for the need to be calm, Li Qiande really wanted to bounce back to his room. He felt that this waterwheel would allow him to study it for a long time.

Seeing her husband's happy appearance, Bai's heart became a little happy. In fact, seeing her husband doing his own things, she thought it was quite good.

"He, now he has finally found something he can do, that's why he's so happy. He was never so happy when he was in Beijing."

Gu Lian felt that it might be because they, the high-school children, were destined to take what kind of path they would take when they were born. If they hadn't left the capital, then they would only take the official path now, not these paths.

"I will be more interested in the things I feel happy from the bottom of my heart! It's good that the second uncle has something he wants to do."

Bai also nodded with a smile on her face, and she had to go and see what her husband would draw then.

"I have to go and see, Alian, you are busy with your work!"

Gu Lian watched her return home in a hurry. Artest went to the barracks very early in the morning, saying that he was going to ask about the bandits. He went out early and still hasn't come back.

(End of this chapter)

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