The fierce wife of space

Chapter 528 is the intention

Chapter 528 is the intention
Wang Shi had heard too many words like this. Whenever she mentioned the marriage of her eldest daughter, her husband would use such words to prevaricate herself, but sometimes she heard such words too much, and she became a little bored.

"You, you just tell me these things. Why don't you tell your daughter so that she doesn't make us worry so much anymore! Alian doesn't need us to worry about it now. Anyway, as long as we agree, we can marry at any time. But she is different, we moved here from Anmin Village, I don’t think it’s easy to find a good man here.”

Thinking of this, she felt that if she found a man who could marry in Anmin Village, she would be able to marry, but she also thought that if her eldest daughter was placed so far away from Anmin Village, she would not be worried in her heart.

"Do you think Ah Zhu can find the man she likes in the border town? If she can't find it, then is she going to be a nun here, and then she will help A-Lian in business and walk around casually?"

Gu Lizhi is also aware of his wife's worries, because it seems that there are indeed no aspiring young people in the border town who can entrust them for life.

And even if there are really good young people in any family, but the situation here is so bad, could it be that the family had to rely on their eldest daughter to support them in the past.

No matter what, Gu Lizhi also hoped that his son-in-law would be able to support the family, that no one would gossip if he was upright, and he also hoped that his daughter would spend the rest of her life without touching the sun.

"You're right. It's just that this matter is really too urgent. I sometimes think about such things, but what can I do if I think about it! It's not just a waste of time and energy, you have to know Sometimes a son-in-law is hard to come by, we can let A-Lian take a good look at it in the future."

Gu Lizhi thought that his daughter had been doing business here for so long no matter what, if she was made to pay attention to such things, there would definitely be results in the future.

"Sometimes getting married will give you different results if you let it take its course." Gu Lizhi still persuaded.

Wang doesn't expect her husband to be as anxious as herself, but if she waits like this, she is really afraid that her daughter will become an old woman by then.

"I'm just afraid that my daughter will get older and harder to find. You also know that if the girl's family is too old, it will be difficult to choose a man in the future. Originally, she is now Not easy to find."

"I know you want to say that no one wants our Gu family's daughter, but if it's A-Lian, I agree, because she can do business and has a good brain. Even without a man, she can live well, but A-Zhu, she His temperament is very gentle, how can he live alone."

Wang didn't say this too loudly. In fact, she just wanted to tell her husband that in this world, a woman can stand upright and say that she can live without a man. sharp.

But sometimes no matter how powerful this woman is, she still has to marry and have children. However, such a woman may be able to choose her lover, but if she has no power, how can she choose her husband as she likes!

"Okay, okay, I know, you can also talk to Mrs. Li about Azhu's affairs at that time. I think they must understand what you mean, and they will help you find some young people who are worthy of Azhu."

Gu Lizhi knew that his wife was right, so he didn't say anything about letting nature take its course. Maybe there are outstanding young people here, and his daughter would like it!

"You are right in what you said. There is nothing wrong. I have to mention this matter to the Li family. Otherwise, when will we, Ah Zhu, be able to find a husband?"

Now that Mrs. Wang has arrived in the border town, she has been worrying about her eldest daughter's marriage like Anmin Village, and instead of lying on the bed to keep warm, she put on her clothes and got out of bed.

"I'm going out first, so you get up quickly, don't stay on the bed anymore, how old are you?"

After being told by his wife, Gu Lizhi couldn't stay on the bed anymore. In fact, he still wanted to sleep on the bed again. He just rested on the bed because his wife woke up and wanted to chat with him.

"That's it."

Gu Lian was a little surprised to see that they had already woken up. She thought they would wake up later, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Father, mother, have you rested? Why did you get up so quickly? Did you sleep well?"

Gu Lian ran to her mother's side, took her hand and asked with a smile.

Seeing the smiling face of her little daughter, Mrs. Wang seemed to have returned to Anmin Village. The most important thing was that after waking up, she found that her daughter was very rosy now. Maybe it was because of her poor health when she got off the car. Too tired, but I think she is a little thin.

"Sleeping comfortably, it feels like all the fatigue these days has disappeared. Don't worry, I didn't realize that our faces are much better than when we got off the carriage. You don't even know when we sleep on the bed It's like falling asleep to death, and I don't feel the outside world!"

"It's the right way to sleep like this. You guys definitely didn't have a good rest in the carriage, so you slept so deeply when you got to a safe place. It's just in time for dinner. Tomorrow Artest and I will take you outside to have a good rest." Play around and let you get familiar with this place by the way."

Of course Gu Lian knew that they must be extremely tired to sleep so deeply. In fact, it was not particularly quiet here, but the people in the room did not show any signs of waking up, and all of them were sleeping very deeply.

She was also like this when she first arrived in the border town. After packing up her things, she collapsed on the heated Kang that had been made, and fell asleep without blinking her eyes.

"Okay, I'll go outside with you tomorrow. When we came here, we looked at the streets here, but we haven't looked at other places in the border city! But, why do I feel that there are not many people guarding the city gates? ah!"

When Mrs. Wang came in, she realized that there were really few soldiers guarding the city gate!If someone calls in like this, it's not too bad.

"Mother, this is a border city. There must be no other cities guarded by such soldiers, but don't worry, it's still very safe here, and there won't be any sudden raids on the city. Besides, isn't Artest here? He also If there is something to do in the barracks, we must be the first to know about it.”

Gu Lian also wished that more soldiers could go to guard the city gate, but the number of soldiers here is too small. If they are forced to recruit, the people here will probably have to go up to serve as soldiers.

I don't know what the city guard thinks, this matter has to be reported to the imperial court, if this place is occupied by others, then the soldiers in the city will probably have troubles, but Gu Lian hopes that such a thing will not happen, because if it happens If such a thing happened, it would be too scary.

(End of this chapter)

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