
Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Tang Shanhai never felt that the road to the interrogation room would be so long.At this time, the corridor was as spacious and empty as usual, and no one was talking along the way, only the heavy sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground could be heard.When he came to the door of the interrogation room, Liu Erbao trotted forward first, and opened the door of an interrogation room.Bi Zhongliang led Tang Shanhai and Chen deep into the house. Strangely, there were no suspects in the house.

Tang Shanhai glanced at Bi Zhongliang in a little surprise, but heard him order Liu Erbao: "Bring the suspect here." With an expression of certain victory, he beckoned Chen Shen and Tang Shanhai to sit down.The three sat around a square table, and Chen Shen skillfully lit the alcohol lamp for Bi Zhongliang and warmed the rice wine.

Tang Shanhai felt uneasy sitting opposite Bi Zhongliang, and Chen Shen sat on the side between them.Bi Zhongliang stared at the flame on the alcohol lamp, stretched out his hand, stroked the gradually warm enamel cup, and said quietly, "Shan Hai, tell me what you think about this matter?"

Chen Shen also cast a sideways glance at Tang Shanhai.Tang Shanhai's forehead began to sweat. He kept pondering the words in his heart, and then he paused to answer: "Didn't the Virgo say that the suspect has been recruited? Then just let him directly identify it."

A very clever answer.Chen Shen smiled slightly, and leaned closer to Tang Shanhai, "Old Bi wants to know, Captain Tang and Liu Meina are so close, what do you think of her being a traitor?"

Tang Shanhai put his hands on his forehead, his expression seemed to be in pain, and he explained to Bi Zhongliang: "Virgo, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it."

Bi Zhongliang smiled, looked at the enamel cup in front of him and asked, "Really? Weren't you still together last night? You really don't know at all? Yesterday afternoon, someone saw you driving away from the operation office , Xu Bicheng came home alone in a rickshaw. Where did you drive? When did you return home? Where did your car go? Tang Shanhai, do you want me to bring the suspect to you and identify him personally? Are you Liu Meina's accomplice?"

Tang Shanhai looked at Bi Zhongliang and Chen Shen dumbfounded.Tang Shanhai couldn't see any hint on Chen Shen's face, while Bi Zhongliang looked at him coldly.Tang Shanhai didn't know that Bi Zhongliang had already started to doubt him as early as last night.From Bi Zhongliang's point of view, Liu Meina is just a woman with no brains. If she hadn't been confused by men and dazzled by emotions, she would never have dared to do such a desperate thing.So last night, he went to Liu Meina's residence with Chen Shen.The bedding in Liu Meina's bedroom was very messy, obviously there were signs of sleeping, and there was short hair on the pillow, which showed that she had spent a spring breeze with a man.There were obvious traces of leather shoes on the ground. Chen Shen measured them under the instruction of Bi Zhongliang. The length of the shoes was 26 centimeters.He also caught a glimpse of a tie at the foot of the bed, it was the one given to Tang Shanhai by Liu Meina.

Chen Shen couldn't help being startled, and before Bi Zhongliang noticed the tie, he hurriedly yelled to go to the kitchen to have a look, saying that Liu Meina and that man must have had dinner at home.Then, taking advantage of Bi Zhongliang not paying attention, he quickly bent down to pick up the tie, crumpled it up, and stuffed it into the pocket of the windbreaker.

The dishes in the kitchen were still in the sink unwashed.Chen Shen saw half a steak in the trash can, and Bi Zhongliang also went to the living room and saw two goblets and an unfinished bottle of red wine on the coffee table.All of these are pointing the finger at the same person.But they can neither torture and torture without conclusive evidence, nor can they blindly let it go.So Bi Zhongliang decided to use his heart to attack Tang Shanhai, and tried to lure him to show his feet.

At this time, Tang Shanhai had already calmed down after being shocked.He said unhurriedly: "Virgo, I know that there were some gossip about me and Liu Meina before, and I also admit that I am too young, and I am a little dizzy when I see a beautiful woman. But I am not stupid enough to be fooled by a woman." Women take advantage."

Chen Shen immediately asked: "Are you sure she is using you?"

Displeasure appeared on Tang Shanhai's face, "Captain Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Shen shook his head, he raised his foot and said, "It's nothing interesting. Captain Tang and Liu Meina had a spring dinner last night. It's not bad, is it?"

Tang Shanhai pretended to be angry, slammed the table and said angrily, "What kind of spring dinner? I don't even know what you're talking about!"

Chen Shen picked out his ears and looked at Tang Shanhai, "Don't pretend, you planned to give her a ring the night before yesterday, and I concealed it from others for you. But I have already told Lao Bi about it, don't you Will you want to draw a line so quickly?"

Tang Shanhai looked at Chen Shen, then at Bi Zhongliang, as if he was defeated, and honestly admitted: "Well, I admit that I am attracted to her. But she told me that she approached me because she just wanted to learn The way foreigners like it, her real sweetheart is an American, and she should be flying away with that American soon."

"American?" Chen Shen was surprised.

Tang Shanhai nodded, "Yes, she wants me to teach her how to cook western food and learn western etiquette. She said she wants to learn all this for that man." Bi Zhongliang kept examining the expression on Tang Shanhai's face, and Tang Shanhai continued, " Just yesterday she told me she was sorry for my misunderstanding."

Chen Shen said: "This is very important information. Captain Tang, shouldn't you report this suspicious situation to Lao Bi?"

Tang Shanhai's expression became extremely depressed, and he looked like a laid-back son.He frowned and said, "Do you want me to tell everyone that I wanted to play with women, but ended up being played by women?"

Bi Zhongliang looked at Tang Shanhai thoughtfully.Tang Shanhai's rhetoric seemed to be complete, but it was very far-fetched, and his expression was well controlled.Bi Zhongliang couldn't see any flaws, "Captain Tang, you haven't told me where your car went?"

Tang Shanhai had expected this question from the other party, and responded calmly: "I got off work last night, drove the car to the repair shop, and then went home. Do you want to visit the repair shop? It's on Qingfeng Road Director Li's brother-in-law opened it."

Bi Zhongliang's eagle-like sharp eyes quietly looked at every subtle expression on Tang Shanhai's face.He said, "Then please take off your shoes."

Tang Shanhai seemed a little angry, and said angrily, "Do you have to doubt me like this?"

Chen Shen shook his head, "I think it's good to have a chance to prove your innocence. I'm afraid that you will be wronged for no reason, right? Do you want us to not investigate anything, just find a random suspect to identify you, Put the blame on you?"

Tang Shanhai could only sigh helplessly, raised his feet, and let Chen Shen take off one of his shoes.Chen Shen observed Tang Shanhai's shoes, sniffed them closely and said, "It doesn't smell like the ones I wore last night." Then he turned the soles over to look at the patterns on the soles, and said to Bi Zhongliang with a smile, "Yes. 26 centimeters is correct, but the pattern is different, it is estimated that the shoes have been changed. You are right, it is really cunning."

Tang Shanhai's expression seemed to be on the verge of anger, glaring at Chen Shen and said: "Captain Chen, are you going too far? Didn't you say that the suspect has already been recruited? Isn't it enough to call him here and directly identify him? What's the point? "

Chen Shen laughed and patted Tang Shanhai on the shoulder and said, "Happy!" He immediately ordered Liu Erbao to bring him in.A sound of chains being dragged came from the corridor, long and far-reaching.As the voice gradually approached, Tang Shanhai's expression became tense again.There is no news about Tao Dachun until now, if he is really caught by Liu Erbao, then everything will be completely exposed.

Chen Shen said: "Stop acting, Tang Shanhai, why don't you recruit yourself?"

Tang Shanhai suddenly stretched out his hand to touch the gun, but Bi Zhongliang pointed the gun at Tang Shanhai at a faster speed.Standing in the middle, Chen Shen felt a little nervous.Tang Shanhai laughed at this moment.He said: "Virgin, you are nervous." Then he continued to draw out his gun, turned the muzzle to himself and put it on the table, "If this person is really my accomplice, please kill me on the spot, Xiang Yingzuo Mr. explain."

Bi Zhongliang looked at the gun, Tang Shanhai's performance undoubtedly made him very disappointed.Chen Shen reached out and pressed Bi Zhongliang's gun, and said with a big smile, "Okay! Old Bi, Captain Tang has made up his mind. If the game continues, if he turns his back on him, Director Li will not be able to explain it."

At this time Liu Erbao had brought the "suspect" to the door of the interrogation room, Tang Shanhai glanced over the "suspect" lightly, it was not Tao Dachun, his hanging heart finally fell to the ground.Bi Zhongliang faced Tang Shanhai, still observing the expression on his face, then suddenly turned his gun on the suspect and killed him with one shot.

He smiled and said to Tang Shanhai: "Shanhai, just kidding, I will buy you a drink to apologize tonight."

Tang Shanhai and Chen Shen only looked at each other at this moment, and they both secretly escaped by luck.Tang Shanhai's complexion was a bit ugly, and he met Bi Zhongliang's eyes and said: "Virgin, you really made too much of a joke, and you even lost a life!"

Bi Zhongliang gently wiped the gun in his hand with a handkerchief, as if he said to himself: "Even if he doesn't die today, this person will have to be sent to the execution ground in three days. If he dies early and reincarnates early, maybe he can be cast into a good family in the next life. You don’t need to come out and do the business of smuggling cigarettes and soil.”

Tang Shanhai seemed to hear the implication from Bi Zhongliang's words, and his face remained calm.At this moment, Zeng Shu ran in hurriedly and reported to Bi Zhongliang, "President, Su Sansheng is back."

Chen Shen looked at them with a smile, and said carelessly: "Let's go, let's move on to the next big joke."

(End of this chapter)

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