
Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Chen Shen hurriedly signaled Li Xiaonan to close the door, and then quickly made a call.But the more anxious he was, the more no one answered Tang Shanhai's phone calls.Seeing Chen Shen's appearance, Li Xiaonan also realized the seriousness of the situation, she didn't dare to say anything, and looked at Chen Shen nervously.

After Xu Bicheng washed his hair and finally answered the phone, Chen Shen couldn't help closing his eyes, "Thank God, you're still here."

Xu Bicheng didn't realize the danger at all, she just asked in a daze: "What's wrong?"

Chen Shen didn't have time to explain to him at all, but said to her eagerly: "You go right away, go to No. 68, Foch Village, Baylor Road, and look for the landlord. He said he wanted the key to Mr. Chen's house in room 301."

At this time Xu Bicheng had already heard the danger from Chen Shen's tone.She frowned, "Is something wrong? What about Shanhai?"

But Chen Shen didn't have time to answer her at all, he just said: "Don't ask any more questions. Let's go right away, don't delay for a minute."

Xu Bicheng who hung up the phone immediately got up and ran towards the stairs in a stumbling manner.That's when she heard the sound of a car braking outside.She looked back and saw from the window that a car had already driven to the door of the house, and two Japanese military policemen in black plain clothes got out of the car and walked straight to her house.

Xu Bicheng finally panicked.

But Tang Shanhai on the other side was completely unaware of his danger.He arrived at the hotel agreed with Su Sansheng, and before he entered the hotel, two Japanese plainclothes gendarmes approached him from behind and quickly restrained him.Before he took out his gun, someone put a black cloth bag over his head, handcuffed his hands behind his back, and someone took off his gun.

Tang Shanhai struggled, "Who are you? Let me go!"

Unfortunately, no one answered his question.In the end, he was dragged by the Japanese military police into a black car that had just driven to the entrance of the hotel.Tang Shanhai knew that shouting was useless, so he became quiet.

Tang Shanhai, who was wearing a black cloth cover over his head, was thrown into a cell by Japanese plainclothes military police.He fell to the ground, someone took off the black cloth cover on his head, and then he saw Ying Zuo standing in front of him.

Tang Shanhai looked at the other party in surprise, "General Yingzuo?"

General Yingzuo looked at Tang Shanhai with a sneer, put a top hat on his head, and said coldly: "Mr. Shudihuang, nice to meet you."

Hearing Yingzuo's words, Tang Shanhai's vest felt a chill, his face was ashen.

He knew that things had been brought to light.

When Tang Shanhai was facing General Yingzuo, Chen Shen was also facing Su Sansheng.In the meeting room of the Operation Department, Bi Zhongliang sat at the head of the table, and Su Sansheng and Chen Shen sat at the first positions at both ends of the meeting table.

Bi Zhongliang looked at Su Sansheng with a sneer and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, Director Su is getting more and more capable. Blockade operations? Why do you?"

"Director Bi, don't be impatient. After you finish reading this kind of thing, you will naturally know what I am doing." Su Sanxing said, pushing the note taken out of the traffic officer's hat from the table to Bi Zhongliang. .

Bi Zhongliang lowered his eyes and quickly glanced at the words on the note: All personnel transferred from various places to Shanghai must arrive at No. 97, Baliqiao Road before [-]:[-] tomorrow night.

Su Sansheng explained: "This is the information I got from the newly appointed traffic officer in the Shanghai area of ​​​​the military command. Director Bi must not guess who is the person who is connecting with this traffic officer." Bi Zhongliang said coldly Ask: "Who?"

Chen Shen already understood that Tang Shanhai was exposed, and sure enough, he heard Su Sansheng spit out three words: "Tang Shanhai."

Bi Zhongliang looked at Su Sansheng in surprise, he couldn't believe it at all, he stayed for a while before asking: "Where is he now?"

"General Yingzuo will treat him well, and ask him how he escaped Director Bi's pursuit again and again, has been lurking in the operation until now, and made trouble." This time it was Su Sansheng who sneered.

Hearing Su Sansheng's words, Bi Zhongliang's face immediately turned livid.

Chen Shen glanced at Bi Zhongliang, of course he understood that this meant negligence for Bi Zhongliang.

Everyone present looked very disturbed.The barking of the wolf dog Ah Si came from outside, but the meeting room was so quiet that the sound of a needle falling could be heard.

Su Sansheng continued to say: "By the way, just now Director Bi asked me why I blocked the operation department. Let me tell you, I changed a note for the traffic officer without anyone noticing, and asked them Go to Private Room 302 of Dafang Hotel. Oh, and then I will ask the Operations Department to assist me to go there and catch a turtle in an urn.”

Bi Zhongliang looked at him coldly, "Congratulations to Director Su, you are about to make great contributions again."

"Thank you, Director Bi. In order to prevent Tang Shanhai's accomplices in the operation department from trying to tip off the news, please stay in the operation department to drink tea before three o'clock in the afternoon. You are not allowed to have any contact with the outside world, and the telephone line will be temporarily closed. Cut it off. This is what General Yingzuo meant, does Director Bi have any objections?" After speaking, Su Sansheng looked at Bi Zhongliang provocatively.

"Of course, the Operations Department should cooperate with all the actions of Mei's organization." Bi Zhongliang's face was ugly.

Su Sansheng smiled and said, "Sure enough, you know the current affairs. Director Bi, I appreciate you."

And Bi Zhongliang stood up with a sullen face, and walked straight to his office.

After Su Sansheng finished speaking, he glanced at Chen Shen, and Chen Shen also looked at Su Sansheng calmly.After Bi Zhongliang went out, Chen Shen also planned to leave, but was stopped by Su Sansheng.

Su Sansheng walked up to Chen Shen, looked at him and said, "Captain Chen doesn't seem surprised at all that Tang Shanhai is 'Rehmannia glutinosa'?"

Chen Shen smiled, "Anything can happen in any unit under No. 76. Just get used to it."

"Yes. But since Tang Shanhai is 'Rehmannia glutinosa', Xu Bicheng must be with him. It's impossible for Captain Chen not to care about Xu Bicheng, right?" Su Sanxing looked at Chen Shen directly.

Seeing that Chen Shen didn't speak, Su Sansheng smiled triumphantly, "You can fool the boy, but you can't fool me. Dig out the radish and bring out the mud. I don't believe that Tang Shanhai and Xu Bicheng have nothing to do with you. Hahaha..." After Su Sansheng finished speaking, Smiling proudly, he turned and walked away.

Chen Shen looked at Su Sansheng's back calmly, but his heart was already overwhelmed.He walked back to the office, took out a bottle of kvass from the cabinet, opened it and drank it down.Li Xiaonan closed the door and looked at Chen Shen worriedly, "Are you okay?" But Chen Shen just drank kvass calmly and remained silent.

Li Xiaonan was in a hurry, "I really can't go out? Will something happen to Bicheng?"

Chen Shen still didn't speak.

"You should think of a way. What can you do? If it's not convenient for you, I can do it!"

Chen Shen looked at Li Xiaonan and frowned hesitantly, "I can't let you take any more risks."

"For a movie queen, how can there be such a thing as a risk? If you don't even try, how do you know I can't do it?" Li Xiaonan looked at Chen Shen seriously.Looking at Li Xiaonan, Chen Shen knew that Li Xiaonan was actually his only bet right now.

After explaining everything, Chen Shen pretended to be drinking kvass nonchalantly and came to Bi Zhongliang's office.

Bi Zhongliang was sitting on the sofa, and the alcohol stove on the coffee table was warming rice wine in an enamel cup.

Chen Shen took a look at Bi Zhongliang, and pretending to point the kvass bottle at him, he said: "Mr. Bi Zhongliang, I am Chen Shen, a reporter from China Daily, what do you think about the fact that Tang Shanhai is an undercover agent of the military command?" Repeatedly catching insects without success, is there any suspicion of dereliction of duty?"

Bi Zhongliang glanced at Chen Shen, "Are you here to humiliate me for Su Sansheng?"

Chen Shen took back the bottle and regained his seriousness, "You lose face, what good can I do? How about it? Think about it, resign and come back with me to open a shaving shop."

Bi Zhongliang picked up the enamel cup that was getting hot, and took a sip of the rice wine while blowing on the heat, "Get rid of the jealousy of Su Sansheng, I should actually be happy."

Chen Shen was taken aback by Bi Zhongliang's words.

Bi Zhongliang said: "Compared to Su Sansheng, who is dedicated to making contributions, 'Rehmannia glutinosa' is our confidant's serious trouble."

"I don't think so. 'Rehmannia glutinosa' may want information, but he doesn't necessarily want your life and mine so much. And the dog Su Sansheng might turn into a tiger at any time and bite us back. He is a A person who has a grudge must be avenged." Chen Shen said.

Bi Zhongliang sneered, "If he wants to bite, I can stretch out my neck and let him bite? I have enough patience to play with him slowly."

At this moment, a flat-headed voice suddenly came from outside: "Hey, Miss Li, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me! Miss Li?"

Shocked, Chen Shen walked out quickly, and Bi Zhongliang also followed.

As soon as Chen Shen walked out of Bi Zhongliang's office, he saw Su Sansheng also walk out of the meeting room.He had a concerned look on his face, apparently he also heard Biantou's cry.

Su Sansheng looked at Chen Shen in surprise and asked, "Why is the boy here?"

Chen Shen ignored Su Sansheng and ran straight to his office, Su Sansheng also hurriedly chased after him.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw the pale-faced Li Xiaonan rolling and moaning on the ground, covering his stomach with his hands, and the sweat on his forehead rolled down on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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