
Chapter 179

Chapter 179

He dreamed that in the dark space, Xu Bicheng was walking towards him with concern on his face, "Shan Hai, I will take you away, I will not leave you behind."

He smiled and stretched out his hand to grab Xu Bicheng's hand, suddenly a gunshot sounded, Xu Bicheng was shot in the back and fell to the ground slumped.

"Bicheng!" Tang Shanhai exclaimed and woke up completely.Only then did he realize that he was already in a prison cell.

Tang Shanhai didn't know that when he was always thinking about Xu Bicheng, Xu Bicheng's mind was also full of him.After watching him being escorted away, Xu Bicheng returned to No. 68 Foch Village, Belle Road in a daze. She didn't turn on the light.What flashed in her mind was the appearance of Tang Shanhai wanting her to leave regardless of safety, and the appearance of being shot by Bi Zhongliang. He looked at her, but his eyes were full of tenderness.

Xu Bicheng staggered to the center of the room, and finally fainted on the ground.

In that scuffle, Tang Shanhai and Xu Bicheng were not the only ones who were unconscious.In Tongren Hospital, Chen Shen was also lying unconscious.Although his wound was bandaged, he remained unconscious.

When Bi Zhongliang came to Chen Shen's ward, Biantou was still claiming credit for Chen Shen, "Our boss didn't even want his life. He was hit by a car and broke three ribs and ran to arrest people. Only our boss in the operation department would work so hard." Virgo, you can see it, right?"

Bi Zhongliang was forced to look at him majestically, "Go out first!"

When Bi Zhongliang sat down beside the hospital bed, Chen Shen slowly opened his eyes.Seeing Bi Zhongliang smile faintly, Chen Shen also smiled.

"I was woken up by you." Chen Shen looked at Bi Zhongliang weakly and said.

Bi Zhongliang still smiled, "When did you become so desperate?"

"I heard that those who die are afraid of dying." Chen Shen smiled disapprovingly.

Bi Zhongliang put away his smile, and changed the topic, "Don't you think this is strange today?"

"I also want to know why Tang Shanhai did something stupid." Chen Shen frowned as he spoke.

Bi Zhongliang looked directly at him, "Do you know that the connector has come?"

Chen Shen looked at Bi Zhongliang suddenly, "Is Tang Shanhai trying to save them?"

Bi Zhongliang didn't take it seriously, "Since he wanted to save them, why did he agree to cooperate?"

Chen Shen nodded, "And that car came so suddenly. Before we acted, even we didn't know that Tang Shanhai would go together, so how did they know?"

Bi Zhongliang pondered, "There is another person who is very suspicious."

"Who?" Chen Shen was taken aback.

"The waitress of the cafe." Just as Bi Zhongliang finished speaking, he heard Biantou who was guarding the door suddenly shout, "Miss Li!"

Bi Zhongliang and Chen Shen obviously heard the voice, and in the next second they saw Li Xiaonan and Su Sansheng walking in.

"Director Bi is here?" Li Xiaonan greeted Bi Zhongliang unexpectedly.

"Virgin." Su Sansheng also looked at him.

Bi Zhongliang nodded slightly, and said to Su Sansheng in a sly voice: "Director Su is here too?"

Before Su Sansheng could reply, Li Xiaonan hurried to Chen Shen's bed, looked at him worriedly and said, "Chen Shen, how are you doing? Seeing that you were hit by a car really scared me to death. You must not Frighten me, do you want it?"

Chen Shen just smiled at her, "How are you?"

"I'm fine, just dizzy. Captain Su was worried about me, so he sent me to the hospital." Li Xiaonan glanced at Su Sansheng behind him.

"It turned out that Director Su went there specially to take care of the boy for me. Thank you." Chen Shen also looked at Su Sansheng.

"Captain Chen is polite, it's just a coincidence." Su Sanxing smiled lightly.

"Director Su, let Chen Shen and Ms. Li whisper a few words, let's go first." Bi Zhongliang looked at Su Sansheng with a smile.Although Su Sansheng was reluctant to separate from Li Xiaonan now, he still nodded, "Okay."

Bi Zhongliang turned his head and said to Chen Shen: "I will finish the matter of Tang Shanhai, you rest first."

"I miss my sister-in-law, let her come and see me." Chen Shen looked at Bi Zhongliang weakly.

"Okay, I'll let her come tomorrow." After Bi Zhongliang finished speaking, he walked out of the ward with Su Sansheng.Su Sansheng looked back at Li Xiaonan jealously before leaving.

After watching them leave, Chen Shen looked at Li Xiaonan, and dared to show the deep sadness in his eyes.

"Chen Shen, are you okay? I was really scared to death today." Li Xiaonan looked into Chen Shen's eyes, suddenly a little surprised, "What's wrong?"

"I'm very tired, I want to sleep." Chen Shen said and turned around.

Li Xiaonan looked at Chen Shen's tired look, and uncharacteristically said nothing.She sat quietly by Chen Shen's bed and watched his back.She didn't see Chen Shen, who was facing the bed, opened his eyes with deep frustration.Ever since the sacrifice of the "Prime Minister", Chen Shen hadn't tasted defeat for a long time. The moment Tang Shanhai missed and was captured, he suddenly felt a deep powerlessness...

The appearance of Tang Shanhai being taken away kept flashing in Chen Shen's mind, and he couldn't think of any other way to rescue Tang Shanhai.There was no news of the capture of Xu Bicheng from the Operation Department, and he knew that Xu Bicheng might have left safely.This may be the only thing to be thankful for, but how will he face Xu Bicheng?he does not know.Thinking of this, Chen Shen closed his eyes in pain.

"Chen Shen, don't worry about anything, please tell me? Maybe I can help you?" Seeing Chen Shen's back, Li Xiaonan still couldn't help asking him.But what she got was Chen Shen's helpless silence.

Bi Zhongliang and Su Sansheng who walked out of the ward were also silent.They walked side by side, Su Sansheng lit a cigarette for Bi Zhongliang and himself.Taking a deep puff of the cigarette, Bi Zhongliang exhaled a smoke ring as if intoxicated, and then opened his mouth:

"Director Su also went to the Moulin Rouge today?"

"Ah? Yes, I happened to go to drink tea nearby. I didn't expect that there would be an operation at the operation office today." Su Sansheng seemed to have no prior knowledge.

Bi Zhongliang smiled, "Director Su is indeed talented, is your nose naturally able to smell information?"

Su Sansheng also laughed, "Is Virgo complimenting me?"

"Of course. I think it's a kind of talent. Use it well to gain advantages and avoid disadvantages. But don't use it too much, so as not to get burned." Bi Zhongliang said, looking at Su Sansheng with a smile.

Of course Su Sansheng knew that he was hinting at himself, but he didn't want to get angry, so he just put away the smile on his face and said lightly: "Thank you for your advice. So far, I am quite satisfied with my sense of smell. Every time I doubt One thing has been proved to be correct afterwards. Regardless of whether the ministers believe it or not, Tang Shanhai is definitely the undercover 'Rehmannia glutinosa' of Juntong at No. 76, and Chen Shen is definitely the accomplice of Tang Shanhai and Xu Bicheng."

"Really?" The smile on Bi Zhongliang's face was also slowly disappearing.

"Director Bi is resourceful and resourceful, I believe he will find out the truth soon." Su Sansheng took a deep breath and continued, "However, there are two sides to everything, if you are too clever, you might shoot yourself in the foot. Virgo, be careful!"

Bi Zhongliang was displeased in his heart, with a smirk on his face, "You have been educated, Director Su."

In the dark night, the butts of their cigarettes flickered on and off, illuminating the two faces with their own concerns.Su Sansheng was secretly proud, while Bi Zhongliang was gloomy and uncertain.

The next day, Bi Zhongliang asked people to go to the Moulin Rouge Cafe to find out who gave Tang Shanhai the coffee that day, and then went to the interrogation room to interrogate Tang Shanhai.Tang Shanhai sat down behind the interrogation tables and chairs and looked at Bi Zhongliang calmly.After Ada left, the two stared at each other in silence until Bi Zhongliang spoke.

"Let's talk! The champagne for the celebration has been prepared, you insist on messing things up. Tang Shanhai, what are you planning?" Bi Zhongliang looked straight into Tang Shanhai's eyes.

Tang Shanhai turned his head to look at the light coming in from the tall window, and said in a flat voice, "I have a clear conscience."

Bi Zhongliang sneered, and looked at him mockingly, "I seem to see a hero."

Tang Shanhai didn't speak, just gave him a pure smile.

Bi Zhongliang suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at him intently: "Then let me tell you, the hero you want to be is just a fart. You just died like this. Boss Dai will not even admit that he put you in No. 76 Here you go. There are only two words on your tombstone—traitor!"

Tang Shanhai still smiled, "It's a great honor for me to be mentioned on a par with you."

Bi Zhongliang's face was finally contorted, but before he could speak, he heard Tang Shanhai say again: "But unlike you, no matter what is written on my tombstone, someone will definitely remember what I did, and I have to bear it again." What, I will always live in the hearts of some people. Maybe I am not smart enough, not smooth enough, but I have a clear conscience and a worthy death.”

"Then you plan to plead guilty?" Bi Zhongliang was taken aback.

"In order to repay you for being lenient to me, I will do what you wish, and I hope you will give me a good time." The smile on Tang Shanhai's face was still so bright.

Bi Zhongliang stared at his smile, "I still want to know whether the information that someone wants to meet at the Moulin Rouge Cafe is true or not?"

"Of course it is true." Tang Shanhai said firmly, "But no one deserves to die."

Bi Zhongliang frowned, "So you changed your mind temporarily?"

"It's enough for me to pay for two." Tang Shanhai said indifferently.

"Who is the person who helped you change your mind? That waitress? Or that driver of the car?" Bi Zhongliang chased after him anxiously, trying to get something out of Tang Shanhai's mouth.

It's a pity that Tang Shanhai just smiled and said to him: "You won't find them, so I exchanged two more for one life, which is really a big profit."

Bi Zhongliang looked at Tang Shanhai and smiled showing his white teeth. He knew he would get nothing from Tang Shanhai.

(End of this chapter)

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