
Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Xu Bicheng was sitting in the middle of the room wearing a scarf, her broken hair fell to the floor slowly, and she was holding the "China Daily" in her left hand.Seeing Xu Bicheng read the newspaper trembling slightly, Chen Shen was a little sad, but he just changed the topic to Xu Bicheng's hair.

"How long has it been since I cut your hair?" Chen Shen seriously cut Xu Bicheng's hair.

Xu Bicheng stared intently at the newspaper in her hand and said, "At first, I thought I would never have another chance in this life." After speaking, Chen Shen found a drop of tear on the newspaper in front of her.He knew that they would not be able to escape from what they had to face.

So Chen Shen stopped what he was doing, and said softly: "Tomorrow I will send Shan Hai for a ride."

Hearing these words, the newspaper in Xu Bicheng's hand suddenly fell to the ground.The tears she had been holding back could not be held back, rolling down like beads with a broken thread.With her right hand, which was under the apron, she gripped the comb so tightly that it left deep tooth marks on the palm of her hand.

Chen Shen put away the scissors.He felt Xu Bicheng's deep grief, and he hugged Xu Bicheng from behind.He wanted to say a lot to her to comfort her, but in the end he only spit out three words——sorry.

Xu Bicheng didn't speak, she burst into tears.Chen Shen buried his face in Xu Bicheng's hair, and said with difficulty: "He wants me to tell you, there is a sentence he didn't have time to say to you, he loves you."

Xu Bicheng choked up, "He has always been very kind to me, but I didn't promise him."

"He said that he knew you and his life has been fulfilled. I was thinking, if you agreed to him, would he leave with more peace of mind?" Chen Shen said, rubbing her hair gently.

Under his touch, Xu Bicheng had already burst into tears.Chen Shen could only hold Xu Bicheng tighter.

The rain outside the window was getting heavier and heavier, and Xu Bicheng's crying sounded particularly bleak on this rainy night.

Chen Shen didn't have time to stay with Xu Bicheng.Although he wanted to spend more time with her, the time was approaching step by step, and he still had to fulfill his promise—to send Tang Shanhai a ride.

On the day Tang Shanhai was executed, the weather was a bit cold.Both Bi Zhongliang and Chen Shen wore fur coats.They stood in the grove of Song Park, looking at Tang Shanhai who was being escorted by the spies not far away.Wearing sunglasses, their faces were calm and expressionless.

Tang Shanhai was in shackles, his hair was not messed up, his clothes were clean and stylish, and he was still as handsome as usual.

Under a tree, Ada and Aqing are digging a pit for burying Tang Shanhai.Tang Shanhai never went to see the pit, as if it had nothing to do with him.After they finished digging, Su Sansheng, who had agreed to come together, still didn't come.Bi Zhongliang nodded slightly and looked at Chen Shen.Chen Shen looked down at his watch and muttered, "It's a quarter past nine, is Su Sansheng still coming?"

Bi Zhongliang snorted coldly, "I won't wait any longer. You go and bring Tang Shanhai here."

Chen Shen walked slowly towards the team of Biantou and others, and walked in front of Tang Shanhai who was in handcuffs.He looked at him calmly, but didn't know how to speak.

On the contrary, Tang Shanhai looked at him with a smile and said: "This place is very good. It is really a blessing for me, Mr. Tang, to be buried in the same blessed place as Mr. Jiaoren, the 'father of constitutional government' of the Republic of China."

In the end, Chen Shen didn't say anything, but patted Tang Shanhai's shoulder lightly.At that time, Tang Shanhai said softly to him, "He is here."

Chen Shen turned his head and looked out of the woods, only to see a car stop, and the person who got off was Su Sansheng.Su Sansheng got out of the car slowly and walked towards them, A Qiang followed behind him.Bi Zhongliang looked at Su Sansheng's slow look, with a stern expression, obviously full of displeasure.Su Sansheng finally walked slowly in front of Bi Zhongliang and Chen Shen, Bi Zhongliang said with some dissatisfaction: "You are late, Director Su."

"Oh, I seem to have missed digging the hole myself." Su Sansheng glanced at the dug hole, "It's okay, Director Bi can do a good job of this kind of thing, I don't worry."

Bi Zhongliang ignored him with a cold face, and waved to Chen Shen, "Bring him here."

Chen Shen looked at Tang Shanhai calmly, uncuffed him, and then he spoke: "It's time to go on the road."

Tang Shanhai smiled and opened his hands to Chen Shen.

Chen Shen was a little surprised by Tang Shanhai's actions, but he stood still.Tang Shanhai took a step forward and hugged Chen Shen, and Bi Zhongliang and Su Sansheng who were at the side of the tomb a little far away watched them hug each other.

"Help me take care of her." Tang Shanhai whispered in Chen Shen's ear, "Thank you, brother."

Before Chen Shen could react, Tang Shanhai had already bypassed him and walked towards Bi Zhongliang and Su Sansheng on his own initiative.Chen Shen was a little stunned for a while, and stood there for a while, then turned around and followed Tang Shanhai.

Tang Shanhai went straight to Su Sansheng and opened his arms to him.The difference in height between the two made Su Sansheng feel a little oppressed by this close contact, and he involuntarily took a step back.

Seeing Su Sansheng like this, Tang Shanhai smiled, "What are you afraid of?"

"What is this? Do we have friendship? You obviously want to kill me." Su Sansheng still looked at him cautiously.

Tang Shanhai put his hand down, the smile on his face faded slowly, he said in a flat voice: "Don't be afraid, I'm unarmed, I can't kill you. But you will have retribution."

Su Sansheng's back seemed to be cold, his face twitched, but he said with a sneer: "If death is retribution, you will get retribution earlier than me. I will send you away first."

"Then I'll wait for you over there." Tang Shanhai looked at him with a smile after speaking.Su Sansheng's face became more and more ugly.

Tang Shanhai turned to Bi Zhongliang and said, "This man can kill me today, and he can kill you tomorrow."

Bi Zhongliang still didn't say a word.At this time, Su Sansheng seemed to explode suddenly, and shouted suddenly: "It's time to start, let him go!"

Facing the furious Su Sansheng, Tang Shanhai smiled calmly.Chen Shen watched them silently from a place not far from them, and then watched Tang Shanhai walk towards the deep pit step by step, as if he was walking towards a boulevard or a park where he could take a walk.

Tang Shanhai walked to the edge of the pit.Ada and Aqing, who were holding the shovel, exchanged glances, neither of them dared to show any disrespect to this righteous man.

Tang Shanhai jumped into the pit by himself, stood still in the pit, his gaze flitted in front of everyone like a bird, and then looked up at the leaves above his head.Only then did Ada and Aqing pick up their shovels and filled the pit with soil one at a time.

Tang Shanhai looked at the big tree above his head, some fine light and shadow leaked from the gaps between the leaves, and some of the light and shadow fell mottled on Tang Shanhai's face.What fell on his face at the same time was the black soil that fell down spade after spade.

At this time, Chen Shen took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, he couldn't bear to watch it any longer.But Bi Zhongliang looked at Tang Shanhai calmly.

Looking at Bi Zhongliang and Su Sansheng, Tang Shanhai suddenly said loudly: "Today when you bury me, you are actually burying yourself. The achievements you have made with all your efforts are the holes you dug for yourself."

Both Bi Zhongliang and Su Sansheng were inexplicably startled.Su Sansheng said to Ada angrily, "Hurry up, bury him quickly."

Ada and Aqing had no choice but to speed up and keep adding soil to the pit.Tang Shanhai laughed, and he began to sing in a low voice, "The Great Wall is thousands of miles long, and outside the Great Wall is my hometown..."

Tang Shanhai's tragic singing continued, gradually becoming loud and high-pitched.Biantou couldn't stand it any longer, his eyes were a little red, and he turned his back.Chen Shen looked at Tang Shanhai who was singing in the pit, and he tried his best to suppress the pain in his heart.The cigarette he was smoking had long ash, but he didn't flick it.

At that time, they didn't know that Xu Bicheng, who was standing opposite Tao Dachun at the entrance of the teahouse, handed in the "China Daily", which was the article praising the three provinces of Su.

Xu Bicheng gritted his teeth and said to the distance: "Kill him at all costs!"

Tang Shanhai's singing voice is deep and powerful.Su Sansheng couldn't bear Tang Shanhai's singing anymore, he took the shovel from Ada's hand and shoveled the soil himself, and soon the soil reached Tang Shanhai's chest.

Tang Shanhai was so oppressed that he couldn't make a sound.Su Sansheng said to Tang Shanhai with a sinister smile, "I'll let you sing!"

At that time, Tang Shanhai's face had already turned red.When the soil fell on his chest, Tang Shanhai's face was already swollen and purple due to the blood rushing up, and it was gradually difficult to breathe.Finally, Bi Zhongliang couldn't stand it anymore, put his hands in the pockets of his fur coat, and strode away.Chen Shen paused for a few seconds and followed Bi Zhongliang to leave.

"What did he tell you?" Bi Zhongliang asked without looking back.

Chen Shen smiled lightly, "He advised me to become a barber to have a better future."

Bi Zhongliang didn't say anything, and the two walked towards the car parked beside them without a word.Bi Zhongliang walked in front, so he didn't see Chen Shen's eyes slowly turning red behind him.In the end, he put on sunglasses for himself and hid all his sorrows behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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