
Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Li Xiaonan stomped on Su Sansheng violently with his high heels, Su Sansheng was in pain, so he let go.Li Xiaonan took advantage of the situation and slapped Su Sansheng across the face.She said to him angrily: "Su Sansheng, I hate you!" After speaking, Li Xiaonan forcefully pushed Su Sansheng out of the room and closed the door.

This slap seemed to wake up the drunk Su Sansheng.Covering his face with remorse, he stood outside the door and shouted to Li Xiaonan: "Son, I'm sorry, I drank too much, I didn't mean to offend you."

But Li Xiaonan said in the room: "Go! I don't want to see you again!"

Li Xiaonan sat at the table sullenly, recalling Su Sansheng's words just now, every sentence made Li Xiaonan feel sad.

The knock on the door rang again.Li Xiaonan thought it was Su Sansheng who hadn't left, so he walked to the door anxiously and asked, "Who is it?" Chen Shen's voice came from outside the door, "Me."

"Why did you come here?" Li Xiaonan opened the door and let Chen Shen into the room, but there was no trace of blame in his voice.

Seeing the untouched dishes on the table, Chen Shen looked at her helplessly, "Didn't I tell you not to wait for me?"

Li Xiaonan stubbornly raised his head, "I said I've been waiting for you for so many nights, and finally I'm waiting for you."

Chen Shen glanced at Li Xiaonan, only to find that her eyes were red and swollen, and he was stunned, "What? Waiting to cry? You won't be so hypocritical, will you?"

Li Xiaonan smiled, "You guessed it right. There are not many celebrities who are not hypocritical."

Chen Shen was startled again, "Are you acting with me?"

"You don't believe it?" Li Xiaonan looked at him seriously.

"Since we met, you have been used to being neglected by me. If this could make you cry, wouldn't you have left early?" Chen Shen said as he walked towards the dining table.

Because his back was facing Li Xiaonan, he didn't see Li Xiaonan behind him looking at his back, suddenly showing a sense of sadness.

Chen Shen sat down at the dining table, picked up his chopsticks, frowned at the poorly presented dishes and said, "I always thought that practice makes perfect is the truth, but it turned out to be a fallacy for you."

Li Xiaonan sat down opposite Chen Shen, put away the emotions just now, and looked at him with a smile, "You should try it first, the appearance is not good, maybe the taste is good."

Chen Shen picked up a chopstick and tasted the fish, his face expressionless.

Li Xiaonan looked at him expectantly, "Is there any improvement?"

Chen Shen put down his chopsticks calmly and said to her, "Try it too."

Li Xiaonan happily took a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, but his face changed drastically in the next second, and he hastily spat it out in disgust.She said with some embarrassment: "It's salty." Her actions were too exaggerated, which made Chen Shen laugh out loud.

Li Xiaonan quickly got up and poured himself a glass of water, and drank it in one go.

Chen Shen took a sip of the kvass that Li Xiaonan had prepared for him long ago, looked at Li Xiaonan and said with a smile, "It's unlucky for a daughter-in-law like you to marry anyone."

Li Xiaonan looked at him stubbornly, "Then I will make you miserable forever."

Chen Shen felt that he had dug another hole for himself, so he hurriedly changed the subject, "Tell me, what serious business are you looking for me?"

Li Xiaonan suddenly looked at him seriously and said, "Do you know what day it is today?"

Chen Shen frowned, "What date?"

"One year ago today, we met for the first time at MGM, and you walked up to me over the crowd and asked me to dance. I felt like a princess for the first time that day, as if I was shining." When speaking, Lee The first time they met suddenly flashed in the little man's mind.

In the flashing lights of the MGM ballroom, Chen Shen, who was dressed up, danced with Li Xiaonan in his arms, spinning non-stop on the dance floor.All the eyes of the audience were attracted by this handsome couple, and many people couldn't help but stop dancing and stand aside.Li Xiaonan looked at Chen Shen with affectionate eyes.At the end of the song, Chen Shen took Li Xiaonan in a beautiful spin, letting her lie down in his arms.The corner of Chen Shen's mouth grinned slightly, and the applause rang out overwhelmingly.In an instant, Li Xiaonan was intoxicated by Chen Shen's charming and deep eyes.

Li Xiaonan recalled that feeling of intoxication, and continued to say to Chen Shen: "Chen Shen, I used to think that I was just a rootless aquatic plant. I didn't realize until I met you that I have no roots because I haven't found one to support me. soil. And you are the soil I want."

On the contrary, Chen Shen was amused by her seriousness, "Can you speak well? Don't make yourself look like Xu Bicheng. You can't imitate it."

Li Xiaonan didn't smile, she still said seriously: "I used to wish I could be like her, but then I realized that I couldn't be like her at all. She hides everything in my heart, and I want you to know everything. It's a pity No matter what she hides, how deep she hides, you can see clearly, because you want to understand. And no matter how clearly I explain, you pretend not to understand. "

Chen Shen didn't want to answer Li Xiaonan's question directly, so he picked up a piece of meat and bone from radish soup, changed the subject again and said, "Well, this one is not bad. Would you like to try it? This time it's really good, I didn't lie to you. "

But Li Xiaonan didn't change the subject. She didn't know when there was deep affection hidden in her serious eyes, and continued: "You are a man in front of her, but you are a naughty child in front of me. You didn't marry me, not because I'm not ready yet, but because of her. When Mr. Tang was here, I thought I could wait, but now that Mr. Tang is gone, you... go to her side. "

Chen Shen didn't expect Li Xiaonan to say these words, he put down his chopsticks and looked at her blankly.She added: "Chen Shen, I know I can't compare to her. But even if I have a thousand bad things, at least one is good. I want to give you my soul and love you desperately."

Chen Shen was shocked by Li Xiaonan's confession, he looked at Li Xiaonan almost in disbelief.

"Now I figured it out, if you don't have me in your heart, then the last thing I can do for you is to let you go to her side. Chen Shen, are you going?" Li Xiaonan looked at her intently after finishing speaking. Looking at him, as if trying to see through his mind.

Chen Shen was startled, then frowned and said, "You don't mean to use me to practice your lines?"

"Don't run away anymore, Chen Shen." Li Xiaonan looked at him expectantly and sadly, "Answer me! Who am I in your heart?"

Chen Shen finally knew that Li Xiaonan was not acting.But after being silent for a while, he slowly said, "Little man, in my heart, you are my family."

After listening to Chen Shen's words, Li Xiaonan's tense emotions finally broke down, and tears suddenly flowed down like a bank.

"In the end, they are just relatives, not lovers."

After Chen Shen left that night, Li Xiaonan stayed up all night.She knew that what Su Sansheng said was correct.

The same person who stayed up all night was in the interrogation room of the Institute of East Asian Politics.At dawn, Du Huanxi, who was tied to a stool, was just about to take a nap when he was whipped severely by Wang's puppet spy and woke up suddenly.

Puppet agent Wang yelled at him: "Don't sleep."

Du Huanxi, who hadn't slept all night, almost went crazy in his eyes.

Su Sansheng and Ah Qiang walked in at that time.Ah Qiang still held a bowl of oily braised pork in his hand.

"I've been thinking about it all night, are you ready?" Su Sansheng walked up to Du Huanxi, glanced at Du Huanxi, who had dull eyes, took the braised pork bowl from A Qiang, smelled it, and said intoxicatedly, "I remember When I was young, I could only eat a meal of meat at the end of the Chinese New Year. There were too many people in the family and there was little meat, so the meat could only be used to make dumplings. Once I saw the landlord’s family give the endless braised pork to his dog. , I stunned the dog while people were not paying attention, and robbed the braised pork to eat. Unexpectedly, someone found out, and the housekeeper of the landlord’s house broke my leg. Only then did I know that I didn’t even belong to the landlord’s house. From that day on, I understood that if you want to eat braised pork, you have to bear the humiliation to stand out, otherwise you are not as good as a dog. Say, do you want to be a human? Or a dog?
Du Huanle's eyes straightened, and he said stubbornly, "I want to sleep."

"No. If you don't tell me, there are only two ways." Su Sanxing looked at him with a smile, "One is not to sleep, and the other is to sleep and never wake up."

Du Yue looked at him angrily, "You are not human."

Su Sansheng laughed indifferently, "I don't have that much patience. If you don't say anything today, 48 hours will pass, and your people will probably get the news and transfer immediately, and your life will be worthless .”

After listening to Su Sansheng's words, Du Huanxi finally felt his heart tighten.He stared at the bowl of braised pork and swallowed, "I...I said."

There was a smug smile on the corner of Su Sansheng's mouth, motioning for him to continue, but he didn't notice that Aqiang's expression suddenly became a little nervous.Then he heard Du Huanxi say: "My identity is the traffic officer of the Shanghai underground party of the Communist Party of China."

Hearing the word "Chinese Communist Party", Su Sanqiao was surprised, he looked at Du Huanxi in disbelief, "Chinese Communist Party?
You said you are the CCP? "

Du Huanxi nodded weakly, "Let me go. Give me meat."

"Untie him." Su Sansheng said while thinking about Du Huanxie's words.

The puppet agent Wang who was in charge of the execution stepped forward to untie the rope for Du Huanxi, and Su Sansheng handed the meat bowl to Du Huanxi.Du Huanxi took it, grabbed a piece of meat with his dirty hands, and put it in his mouth.

Su Sansheng was not in the mood to care about his appearance. He looked at Du Huanxi seriously and asked, "Why do we get information that you are an agent of the military command?"

"I... I don't know." Du Huanxi didn't know whether she was swallowed by meat or nervous, her voice was a little vague.

A Qiang looked at Du Huanxi, and suddenly frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Su Sansheng stared closely at Du Huanxie's eyes and continued to ask: "A week ago, did you originally plan to meet your superior at the Moulin Rouge Cafe?"

(End of this chapter)

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