
Chapter 194

Chapter 194

Although Su Sansheng was a little later than Chen Shen, seeing all the spies in the courtyard and the military police unit in Shibuya, he immediately became energetic.He drove to the front, took Ah Qiang's car and the two cars from Shibuya, and drove towards Liudadai with confidence.The convoy soon arrived at a street near Liudadai, but he didn't know at that time that a sniper rifle was aimed at him on the second floor not far away.

The cripple saw Su Sansheng's car with the license plate number Shanghai 61-995 at a glance, and then saw Su Sansheng on the car.He compared the photos he put on the window sill and confirmed that this person was the target, so he pulled the trigger with his hand, and the sniper rifle moved slowly along with the vehicle.

With a gunshot, Su Sansheng was shot in the left arm, and the steering wheel of the car suddenly lost control.When the car was about to hit the roadside shop, Su Sansheng reluctantly stepped on the brakes.Before he could escape, clutching his bleeding left arm in pain, the gunfire rang out again, hitting the tires of Su Sansheng's car and the second tarpaulin military vehicle respectively.

Ah Qiang got off the second tarpaulin truck and quickly ran to Su Sansheng's car.Shibuya also took the Japanese military police out of the third tarpaulin military vehicle. He had already discovered the location of the shooting, pointed to the room on the second floor of the Ningguo Building, and shouted in Japanese: "The assassin is there, catch him!"

Japanese military police rushed into Ningguo Building one after another.

The cripple pressed the freight elevator, ready to leave.But when his figure was about to jump into the elevator, he was spotted by a Japanese military police.While shouting, he chased after the lame man, but the military police were a step too late, and the elevator had already closed.Cursing, the gendarmes chased down the stairs.But just as they stepped into the stairs, a Wang pseudo-agent who cooperated with the lame man pressed the detonator, and the bombs planted in advance on the stairs exploded immediately, and several military policemen fell to the ground.

When the gendarmes got up and continued to chase downstairs, the door of the freight elevator was already open, and there was no one inside.

On the street at this time, Ah Qiang ran to Su Sansheng's car, opened the door and looked at him nervously and said, "Director Su, how are you doing?"

Su Sansheng got out of the car clutching his wound, looked coldly at the window of the lame man and said, "It's okay, I scratched my arm. Someone betrayed me, someone must have leaked the news."

Hearing this, Ah Qiang turned his gaze away with some guilt.He said to Su Sansheng with concern: "Director Su, you are injured, do you want to go to the hospital first?"

Before Su Sansheng could answer, he saw the bodies of two gendarmes being carried out of Ningguo Building.

Su Sansheng frowned, and then said to Captain Shibuya: "Someone must be trying to stop my actions. Captain Shibuya, I ask you to help me rush to the arresting scene immediately, and the target must not be allowed to escape."

Shibuya glanced at the two cars with broken tires, frowned and said, "Okay. Let's take a detour."

When Su Sansheng was in ambush, Chen Shen and a group of spies had already ambushed outside the abandoned warehouse in Liudadai.He looked at the watch on his wrist, it was already 55:[-], and he felt more and more uneasy.

Liu Erbao, who was squatting beside Chen Shen, urged him even more: "Captain Chen, it's time to act."

Chen Shen didn't look at Liu Erbao.He looked around at the spies around him, waved his hand, and Biantou quietly approached the warehouse with all the spies.Biantou gently pushed open a small door on the warehouse door. The moment the door was pushed open, a wooden stick on the door rolled to the ground, making a soft sound.Biantou looked at Chen Shen in embarrassment.

Chen Shen knew that it was preset by the "doctor", and the "doctor" must be alert.

Chen Shen looked up at the warehouse, and saw a small room in the back of the warehouse, the door was locked.

Chen Shen knew that Liu Erbao was staring at him, so he couldn't say anything, he could only quickly wave his hand and instruct everyone to surround the small room.Biantou and the others quickly rushed to the small room, and Chen Shen also followed.During this short journey, Chen Shen's heart was full of twists and turns.He knew that he could not reveal any telltale signs, and he could not show any performance that hindered the action. The "doctor" was about to be arrested, but he was powerless to turn the situation around, and there was nothing but despair in his heart.This kind of despair also happened when he was unable to rescue the "Prime Minister" and Tang Shanhai.

As he was thinking this way, the door of the small room was suddenly kicked open by Bian Tou.

Biantou rushed in, pointed his gun at the person inside the door.But when he saw the people inside, he had a stunned expression on his face, and Chen Shen, who rushed in afterward, was equally shocked.

A quiet ray of sunlight was falling on the room, spreading evenly over a table like pine needles.The ground was in a mess, and Li Xiaonan was swallowing something.Her face was flushed, her throat was whimpering, and she was quickly drinking from a glass of water on the table, trying to help swallow.

Chen Shen stood there in a daze. He never thought that the "doctor" was actually Li Xiaonan.

Liu Erbao was also taken aback, but he rushed up quickly, knocked over Li Xiaonan's water glass, and grabbed Li Xiaonan by the throat.It's just too late, Li Xiaonan has already swallowed a piece of information.

Chen Shen just stood there blankly, unable to move.He saw Li Xiaonan suddenly slam Liu Erbao's buttocks, forcing him to let go.Li Xiaonan's face turned red, and she retreated to the corner of the wall coughing again and again, but there was a smile on her face.

The potted cactus on the window sill, the pink flowers trembled gently in the breeze.

Biantou and the others held their guns at a loss.Biantou looked at Chen Shen and said softly: "Boss..."

Chen Shen came back to his senses, he knew that it was too late.He walked forward numbly, handcuffed his left hand and Li Xiaonan's right hand at the same time, looked at Li Xiaonan calmly and sadly and said, "Are you the 'doctor'?"

Li Xiaonan looked at him but smiled, she changed her usual playful tone, and suddenly became very calm, "My ambition is to save lives and save people."

For a moment, Chen Shen faintly felt that he saw the "Prime Minister" again.But he didn't say anything, he just escorted Li Xiaonan out of the warehouse.Biantou supported Liu Erbao, who was in pain and clutching his buttocks, and followed behind them.

Chen Shen was a little overwhelmed by this sudden situation.But Li Xiaonan was obviously different from him. She held Chen Shen's hand with her handcuffed hand, and Chen Shen didn't move, just letting her hold it.

At that moment, Chen Shen suddenly understood everything.He knew that Li Xiaonan was indeed the best actor, she had been playing the role of a carefree woman rolling in the wind and dust.She has been protecting him comprehensively, but pretending to be weak.She has been reluctant to leave Shanghai and him because she shoulders a mission as important as him.

And her superb acting skills deceived everyone, even him...

Just when Chen Shen was deep in thought, he suddenly felt the thumb of Li Xiaonan's right hand tapping constantly in his palm.Chen Shen felt the message from Li Xiaonan calmly, it was a piece of Morse code - the content was the information that Li Xiaonan had just swallowed, and a phone number.

Chen Shen didn't look at Li Xiaonan, and Li Xiaonan didn't look at him either, the two walked quietly like that.Walked through the corridor, down the stairs, walked through the weeds in the yard, and walked towards the parked car.

Chen Shen felt that it was the longest journey he had traveled in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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