
Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Before he finished speaking, Bi Zhongliang severely interrupted him: "Don't even think about it, it's impossible to save you, me, and your sister-in-law's life, and you can't save it! Yingzuo and Li Moqun are not Dry food!" After speaking, he walked back to the house, leaving only Chen Shen standing in the dark yard with lonely and sad eyes.

Just when Chen Shen was standing in the dark courtyard feeling dejected, Su Sansheng was calling for Su Cuilan in his dark home, saying, "Sister, sister!"

Shouted for a while, but no one answered.

Su Sansheng turned on the light, looked around the house, and found nothing unusual.He rushed into Su Cuilan's bedroom, ransacked the box, and found that the gold and silver at the bottom of the box had disappeared. He opened the closet and found that the change of clothes had also been taken away.

Su Sansheng frowned, "Where did this go?"

He walked into his room blankly, sat down on the bedside, and tried hard to recall what Li Xiaonan had said to him in the interrogation room.

At that time Li Xiaonan whispered in his ear: "I have something I want to give you. It is in the safe deposit box of the Bank of Communications. I have left the key at your house..."

Su Sansheng began to search for things in the drawers, but there was nothing in the drawers of the desk.When he turned to the drawer of the bedside table, he saw a copy of "Yusi" magazine and a key in the corner. The words "Bank of Communications 068" were indeed written on the key.Su Sansheng held the key and fell into deep thought.

Of course, Su Sansheng couldn't find Su Cuilan, because at that time Su Cuilan was taken to a private house by Xu Bicheng.Xu Bicheng said softly to Su Cuilan: "Sister, you are staying here for the time being, don't go anywhere for the next two days. When the limelight passes, Su Sansheng will naturally bring the boy to see you."

Su Cuilan looked at her gratefully, "Hey, what's your name, sister?"

Xu Bicheng was stunned for a moment, then lied and said, "My surname is Chen."

"Miss Chen, I heard that the little man is an underground party, is it true?" Su Cuilan looked at her eagerly after speaking.

Xu Bicheng pursed his lips, "I've only heard about it, and I'm not sure yet."

Su Cuilan seemed to have thought of something, she clenched her fists and said to Xu Bicheng: "Our three provinces will save her, our three provinces are not traitors."

"Sister, don't talk nonsense about this outside." Xu Bicheng comforted her and said, "It's getting late, you should go to bed early, and I will come to see you tomorrow. If you need anything, just tell me."

Su Cuilan responded, and Xu Bicheng quickly left the door.She walked very fast, so she didn't notice Su Cuilan's fear and anxiety.

When Xu Bicheng walked out of the private house, he saw Tao Dachun greet him.

"Is someone inside?" Tao Dachun looked at the house and said.

Xu Bicheng nodded, "You stare at her first, but don't touch her for now."

Tao Dachun froze for a moment, "What are your plans?"

"I not only want to use her to deal with Su Sansheng, but also to use her to save people." Xu Bicheng said, eyes filled with resentment unknowingly.

Tao Dachun was stunned again, "Save who?"

Xu Bicheng looked at him, "Do you still remember the girl who tipped you off at the train station?"

Tao Dachun immediately thought of the girl who pretended to bump into her at the train station, then nodded, "I remember."

"Her true identity is the Communist Party." Xu Bicheng said, "Now she has been arrested by No. 76 and locked up in the operation department."

Perhaps thinking of how Li Xiaonan might suffer at this moment, when Xu Bicheng finished speaking, his fists were already clenched very tightly.

Xu Bicheng was not the only one who thought of Li Xiaonan that night, Su Sansheng also sat on the bed all night.He was sleepless all night, and he kept thinking about Li Xiaonan in his mind.

The disappearance of Su Cuilan left him in a state of confusion, but there was no trace of damage to his home, which made him feel at ease.

He thought that maybe Su Cuilan hid temporarily because she couldn't find him.But she has no relatives in Shanghai, where can she hide?
Su Sansheng flipped through the "Yusi" again, but he didn't see any clues.He looked at the key to the safe.He didn't know when Li Xiaonan put it in his drawer, was it the last time she came to his house?What did she leave for herself in it?Will it be a trap?

Su Sansheng has been thinking about what Li Xiaonan said to him in the interrogation room.When he first entered, Li Xiaonan pointed to the lamp above his head, then took Su Sansheng's hand, and wrote the word "wiretapping" on his palm.

Li Xiaonan said: "Because although you are not a good person in my eyes, you are the only one who treats me sincerely."

Thinking of Li Xiaonan's gentle look, Su Sansheng put the key in his pocket and finally got up from the bed.

After a night of thinking, he finally decided to go and see what was hidden in the safe deposit box.He is willing to believe that this is the last tenderness Li Xiaonan gave him.

Su Sansheng found that there was no spy following or following him, so he drove directly to the Bank of Communications.

He lowered the brim of his hat and sat in the car for a while, carefully observing if there was anything unusual nearby.After confirming that there were no suspicious persons, he got out of the car and walked towards the Bank of Communications.It's just that he didn't know that as soon as he appeared, Liu Erbao, who was sitting on the second floor opposite the Bank of Communications, saw him through the binoculars.Liu Erbao excitedly said to Bi Zhongliang who was sitting on the sofa drinking Huadiao wine from an enamel cup: "The target has appeared."

Bi Zhongliang held the enamel cup but did not move, just raised his head lightly, "Who?"

Liu Erbao said: "Three Provinces of Su."

Hearing Su Sansheng's name, Bi Zhongliang was slightly relieved.He took a sip of wine before saying: "Notify the brothers, close the net."

When Su Sansheng walked into the corridor of the bank, he was still looking back and forth, he was still very alert.He found nothing unusual, so he walked to the safe deposit box business window and said to the female staff member, "Hello, I want to pick up something."

The female staff member looked at him politely, "Please show your ID and key."

Su Sansheng looked at the female staff with a smile, "I forgot my ID, but I have the key."

The female staff member glanced at the spy who had been ambushing inside, and the spy nodded to her. Then she took the registration book, wrote down the box number, the time of receipt, etc., and pointed to the signature place for Su Sansheng to sign.

Su Sansheng took the registration book and thought about it for a while, then took a pen and wrote Chen Shen's name on the signature area, and successfully got the pass card.After Su Sansheng gave the pass card to the staff for inspection, he entered the safe deposit box department, where there were rows of safe deposit boxes.Su Sansheng went straight to No. 068 safe deposit box. He looked back and forth, and saw a customer took out items from No. 039 box. He didn't take out the key until the person closed the door and left.

Opening the No. 068 safe deposit box, he saw a wooden box in the safe deposit box.He opened the wooden box, Su Sansheng was taken aback, because inside the wooden box, he saw three gold bars.

When Su Sansheng was wondering, he suddenly felt that someone was holding him back with a gun. At some point, Liu Erbao quietly came behind him, and the two secret agents who had been guarding the bank office stood behind him at this moment.

Liu Erbao smiled slightly, and said to Su Sansheng: "Su Sansheng, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Su Sansheng's face was instantly pale as paper.

Su Sansheng was taken to the operation office.Biantou hurried into Chen Shen's office, he said excitedly: "Boss, we've caught it, Su Sansheng has caught it."

Chen Shen smiled confidently, "Where's the person?"

"He was just taken to the interrogation room." Biantou lowered his voice and said, "He really went to the bank to get the things in the safe deposit box, but he was caught by the clerk."

"I knew he would go, but I didn't expect him to go so soon." Chen Shen pondered for a while.

But Bian Tou had already given him a thumbs up, and he said admiringly, "Boss, you are really a god, how do you know that he will definitely go?"

Chen Shen smiled, "Because he is willing to trust the boy. Everyone has a weakness, especially a man. The boy is his weakness."

Su Sansheng, who was sitting in the interrogation room of the operation department, must have never imagined that he was so loaded on his own weakness.He sat on a stool in handcuffs.Bi Zhongliang and Li Moqun sat behind the table opposite him, and on the table between them was the box taken from the bank safe deposit box, and the three gold bars looked particularly dazzling.

Bi Zhongliang looked at the name of Chen Shen signed by Su Sansheng on the bank registration book, and gave Su Sansheng a cold look, "Su Sansheng, you are really good at framing people!"

Su Sansheng looked at him, and said cunningly, "I didn't."

Bi Zhongliang sneered, then pushed the box in front of him and said, "Is this safe deposit box yours?"

Seeing that Su Sansheng did not speak, Bi Zhongliang asked again: "Where did you get the key?"

Su Sansheng simply kept silent.Seeing Su Sansheng's appearance, Bi Zhongliang smiled at Li Moqun, "Director Li, Su Sansheng didn't take me seriously, why don't you come and ask yourself."

"Su Sansheng, if you are not guilty, why did you sign Chen Shen's name? If you have a clear conscience, why didn't you answer Director Bi's question?" Li Moqun looked at him seriously.

Only then did Su Sansheng open his mouth, "Bi Zhongliang is too cunning, I was afraid that he would ask random questions, so he deliberately set up a trick to lead me into the pit."

Li Moqun looked at him helplessly, "Then tell me, why do you have the key to this safe deposit box?"

Su Sansheng confessed honestly, "Li Xiaonan gave it."

Li Moqun frowned, "When did she give it?"

"I don't know when she left the key in the drawer of my house." Speaking of this, Su Sansheng also couldn't figure it out.

Li Moqun laughed with great interest, "Really? Then she gave you the gold bar? Why did she give you the gold bar?"

Su Sansheng became a little irritated by Li Moqun's repeated questions, and he couldn't help but said in an annoyed tone: "She said she couldn't get out, and that I was nice to her in the past, so she left something for me and asked me to pick it up. .I really don’t know anything else.”

(End of this chapter)

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