
Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Su Sansheng received a call from Tao Dachun when he was searching for Su Cuilan's whereabouts but failed.Su Cuilan's disappearance made Su Sansheng very anxious, and Chen Shen's words made him even more worried.But he couldn't find anyone, so he had to post missing person notices in the streets and alleys. There was a portrait of Su Cuilan on the notices, and the words "offering a reward of 20 oceans" were written on the notices.

When receiving Tao Dachun's call, Su Sansheng was sitting in the office in despair.Of course he didn't know that it was Tao Dachun, but the person on the phone wanted to exchange Su Cuilan and him for Li Xiaonan.

Originally, Su Sansheng didn't believe that Su Cuilan could be replaced. In fact, according to the current dangerous situation, he also has no ability to replace Li Xiaonan.But obviously the person on the phone was very anxious, and he threatened that if Li Xiaonan couldn't be replaced, he would ask Su Sansheng to prepare a coffin for Su Cuilan.

Then Su Sansheng gritted his teeth and said to Tao Dachun on the phone: "Don't mess around!"

"If you don't want her to die, just do as I say." Tao Dachun said coldly on the other end of the phone.

Listening to Tao Dachun's words, Su Sansheng gradually showed helplessness on his face.

When Su Sansheng received the threatening call, Chen Shen was sitting on the sofa in Bi Zhongliang's office.Bi Zhongliang drank Huadiao, while Chen Shen drank kvass.

"Before Li Xiaonan's execution tomorrow, I want to cut her hair and listen to the last record with her." Chen Shen said lightly after taking a sip of kvass.

Bi Zhongliang nodded, "Okay, I'll go to Chinachem to order a few more dishes, and you can have the last meal with her."

Chen Shen refused coldly, "No, she likes western food."

Knowing that Chen Shen had resentment towards him, Bi Zhongliang sighed helplessly, "Don't hate me. Unless you don't want your own life, we have no choice in some things."

Chen Shen looked at him and smiled bleakly.

Bi Zhongliang handed his Huadiao wine to Chen Shen and said: "If you feel really uncomfortable, drink some wine and let yourself get drunk."

Chen Shen pushed away the wine that Bi Zhongliang offered, raised the kvass in his hand and said, "I'm still willing to be sober."

Bi Zhongliang no longer insisted, he said flatly: "In the future, if Lanzhi asks about the little boy, you will say that she went abroad and you broke up. I don't want her to know too much."

"It's good to let my sister-in-law be so confused forever, at least I can live a little more happily." After Chen Shen finished speaking, he took another sip of kvass, as if it would reduce the pain.

The two sat there in silence, each drinking what was in their hands.It was a sharp ringing of the phone piercing the tranquility of the night.Bi Zhongliang got up to answer the phone, and after hanging up the phone, Bi Zhongliang glanced at Chen Shen before leaving.

But Chen Shen didn't look at him, he drank kvass silently, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

At that time, there was only one thing in his mind - Li Xiaonan, he really had to leave.

When Bi Zhongliang left, he didn't say hello to Chen Shen because he was going to Li Moqun's office.He and Li Moqun were sitting on the sofa and smoking a cigar, and Li Moqun said, "Director Bi, do you know why I called you here so late?"

Bi Zhongliang was taken aback for a moment, "Could it be related to women?"

Li Moqun smiled, "Sure enough, it's all right. Then guess which woman it's related to."

Bi Zhongliang pondered for a while and said: "A woman who is dying, Li Xiaonan?"

Li Moqun looked at him curiously, "Why do you think it has something to do with Li Xiaonan?"

"When Li Xiaonan was just arrested, General Yingzuo came to the operation department to participate in the interrogation. It can be said that Li Xiaonan received the highest treatment among all the KMT members arrested by the operation department over the years." Bi Zhongliang slowly The analysis said, "Today Director Li suddenly informed us that the 'Sparrow' is still at large and Li Xiaonan will be executed immediately. Compared with General Yingzuo's initial emphasis on Li Xiaonan, this hasty decision is too big a difference. "

After listening to Zhongliang's words, Li Moqun smiled.He looked at Bi Zhongliang with a smile, "Director Bi is really thoughtful, and General Yingzuo saw you right."

Bi Zhongliang smiled and nodded to Li Moqun to show his respect.Then he said: "If Zhongliang's guess is correct, there must be another reason why General Yingzuo and Director Li asked Su Sansheng to execute Li Xiaonan's death sentence immediately?"

Li Moqun nodded, "That's right. Even if the 'Sparrow' is still at large, there is no guarantee that Su Sansheng and Chen Shen will not collude with Li Xiaonan. Giving them a chance to execute the death penalty is a test for them. Anyone who dares to sympathize with her, Whoever is her accomplice."

After listening to Li Moqun's words, Bi Zhongliang immediately thought of Chen Shen, and couldn't help worrying about him.

Bi Zhongliang asked Li Moqun calmly, "Then what does Director Li want Zhongliang to do tomorrow?"

"Let Su Sansheng and Chen Shen be responsible for the execution. You lead people to guard all the exits of the execution place, and General Kagezuo will also send Captain Shibuya to lead the gendarmerie to assist you. Remember, you are not allowed to leak information to anyone. Anyone who tries to rescue or Anyone close to Li Xiaonan will be killed without mercy." After Li Moqun finished the last sentence, there was a chill in his eyes.

"Yes, Director Li." Bi Zhongliang looked at him, feeling a chill in his heart for no reason.

Facing the mirror, Chen Shen wrapped the red woolen scarf around himself, and there was a brand-new dress and a pair of beautiful white high-heeled shoes on his desk.Looking at himself in the mirror, Chen Shen tried his best to put on a smiling face, but the smile seemed very forced, and his eyes were a little red.Then he took a deep breath, went to the desk, picked up the dress and shoes, and walked out of the office.

When Chen Shen walked into the prison cell with his dress and shoes, Li Xiaonan was sitting on the bed, turning his head to look at the glowing sky outside the window.

Chen Shen looked at Li Xiaonan's side face, and said to her affectionately: "Mrs. Chen, can I invite you to have breakfast together?"

Hearing Chen Shen's voice, Li Xiaonan turned his head and gave him a sweet smile.

Half an hour later, Chen Shen walked into the conference room with Li Xiaonan, who had been washed and put on a beautiful dress.Her hair has been washed and is still a little wet.

Two plates of steak have been placed on the table in the meeting room, and flowers and candles are also arranged on the table.

When Biantou saw Chen Shen and Li Xiaonan coming in, he quickly turned on the record player.While the vinyl record was spinning, the tune of Zhou Xuan's "Silver Flower Flying" sounded melodiously.Biantou did everything Chen Shen explained, and left quietly.

Chen Shen put Li Xiaonan down on the chair in front of the table, and then sat down beside her.In the meeting room, Chen Shen and Li Xiaonan were the only two people amidst the melodious singing, just like a normal date in a restaurant.Li Xiaonan had never felt that kind of happiness, and her gaze never left Chen Shen for a moment.

Chen looked at her affectionately, "Eat it while it's hot. I made it, so don't dislike it."

Li Xiaonan kept looking at him with a smile, without any intention of moving his chopsticks.She said to Chen Shen with tenderness in her eyes: "I really want to eat, but I am even more reluctant to waste the time with you."

Her words made Chen Shen's grief that had been hidden in his heart suddenly pour into his eyes. He looked at Li Xiaonan whose eyes were full of tenderness, but couldn't say a word.He heard Li Xiaonan continue to say softly: "I want to keep looking at you for the rest of the time, so that when I close my eyes, my mind will be filled with images of you."

Chen Shen held her hand tightly, looked at Li Xiaonan sadly and said, "Fool, for Mrs. Chen, whether her husband looks good or not should be engraved in her mind."

Li Xiaonan finally didn't speak again, and she held Chen Shen's hand tightly, as if that would last her forever.

But they all know that they have no time, no more.

When Bi Zhongliang came out from home, Liu Erbao was already sitting in the car waiting in front of the door.

Today is the day of Li Xiaonan's execution, Bi Zhongliang is expressionless thinking about what might happen.He didn't expect that Liu Lanzhi would come out suddenly to give him a windbreaker. Seeing Liu Lanzhi put on the windbreaker for himself, Bi Zhongliang's eyes were full of tenderness.

"Come back early at night, today I will ask Madam Liu to roast pig's feet, and ask Chen Shen to come eat with me." Liu Lanzhi also looked at her with a smile.

At this moment, none of them noticed that a teenage boy was quietly approaching them.Just as Bi Zhongliang turned around to get into the car, the boy suddenly rushed in front of them and sprayed something at Bi Zhongliang with a homemade bamboo tube water gun in his hand.

Bi Zhongliang reacted quickly, he raised his hand to cover, and all the liquid shot on Bi Zhongliang's sleeve.But Liu Lanzhi, who was standing beside him, couldn't dodge in time, liquid splashed in his eyes, and he immediately covered his eyes and cried out in pain.

Bi Zhongliang was shocked, he stepped forward to support Liu Lanzhi, "Lanzhi, how are you?"

Liu Lanzhi yelled in pain: "Oh, it hurts to death, I'm going blind!"

Liu Erbao immediately jumped out of the car and chased after the boy. After a few steps, he caught up with the boy and captured him.He snapped at the boy, "What did you just shoot? Who sent you?"

The boy struggled stubbornly, "Let me go!"

"Tie him up and send Lanzhi to the hospital first." After Bi Zhongliang finished speaking, he hurriedly helped Liu Lanzhi into the car.

The doctor checked Liu Lanzhi.Fortunately, it was just chili water. Although Liu Lanzhi still couldn't open her eyes after taking the eye drops, there was nothing serious about it, and she wasn't so worried. At this moment, she felt embarrassed for delaying Bi Zhongliang's work.

Bi Zhongliang reassured her that she was fine, and called Chen Shen's office, trying to tell him that he couldn't go.But Chen Shen couldn't answer the call, because he was still with Li Xiaonan in the conference room at that time.

On the table in the meeting room, the two steaks were barely moving.Standing behind Li Xiaonan, Chen Shen coiled her beautiful long hair.

Li Xiaonan enjoyed the feeling of Chen Shen stroking her hair.She suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "Do you still remember the pot of prickly pear on the window sill when you came in to catch me in Liudadai warehouse that day?"

Chen Shen nodded, "I remember."

(End of this chapter)

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