
Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Su Sansheng's lips were dry and dry, and he was wearing a coat he stole from nowhere.He pushed open a courtyard, and after making sure that there was no one in the house, he broke in.He poured a bowl of water from the cold water jug ​​on the table and drank it all in one gulp. Then he lifted his coat and looked at the gunshot wound on his right arm, while the hair clipper on his left shoulder was deeply buried in the flesh.Su Sansheng grabbed the barber scissors on his left shoulder, gritted his teeth and pulled it out forcefully, he let out a cry of pain, his head was covered in cold sweat, and almost collapsed.

Su Sansheng looked at the bloody barber scissors, smelled the smell of blood on the scissors, and gritted his teeth, "Chen Shen, Bi Zhongliang, I will definitely let you all die by my hands."

When Su Sansheng "missed" Bi Zhongliang, Bi Zhongliang also "missed" him.After Bi Zhongliang handed over to Li Moqun the testimony that Liu Erbao asked Pang Yong to point out that Su Sansheng was the CCP, they handed over the testimony to Yingzuo.

After reading the testimony written by Pang Yong, Ying Zuo frowned and looked at Li Moqun and Bi Zhongliang in front of him.He asked suspiciously: "The three provinces of Su are the Communist Party? Did he abscond in fear of crime when he was discovered by Director Bi in order to help the CCP complete the 'going home plan'?"

Bi Zhongliang replied: "Yes, many people in the operation department witnessed him escape on the spot on the day of the incident."

"Then is there such a possibility? Could it be that someone wanted his life and he had no choice but to flee?" Yingzuo said, looking at Bi Zhongliang coldly.

Bi Zhongliang's face suddenly became ugly.He said with some trepidation: "If General Yingzuo has such doubts, he should arrest Su Sansheng and ask him clearly."

Li Moqun also took advantage of the situation to chime in and said: "General Yingzuo, according to my subordinates, Director Bi is absolutely impossible to do this. Although he and Su Sansheng are somewhat dissatisfied with each other, it is not enough to kill Su Sansheng. Looking back Come to think of it, almost everything that the three provinces of Su do is aimed at the military command. It is not unheard of that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are at odds with each other, and we have heard of the secret war with each other. Maybe he is using the power of our No. 76 to deal with the military command."

Watching Li Moqun and Bi Zhongliang sing and drink, Yingzuo hesitated.

Li Moqun hastily added: "When we were investigating Li Xiaonan's accomplice 'Sparrow', Su Sansheng was imprisoned at the time, although he was lucky enough to escape the suspicion. But even if he is not a 'Sparrow', it does not mean that he is not a member of the Communist Party. .Besides, his relationship with Li Xiaonan, who is constantly cutting and resolving chaos, is also very suspicious. So no matter what you say, you should order him to be arrested and brought to justice, and we will investigate."

Ying Zuo glanced at Li Moqun, and finally nodded lightly, "Then do as Director Li said."

Bi Zhongliang breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, General Yingzuo."

After walking out of Yingzuo's office building, Bi Zhongliang immediately looked at Li Moqun gratefully.He smiled and said, "Director Li, thank you for what happened just now."

Li Moqun smiled at him, "Director Bi, actually, I also think that General Yingzuo's deduction is not unreasonable." His words instantly made Bi Zhongliang's expression stiff again.

"As for Director Bi's reason for killing Su Sansheng? I really can't think of it for the time being." Li Moqun looked at Bi Zhongliang indifferently and said, "I heard that Mrs. Bi was also at the scene last night, and she was accidentally injured and hospitalized?"

Bi Zhongliang's face turned pale, he looked at Li Moqun uneasily and said, "Director Li is really well-informed."

Li Moqun smiled again, "The injury is not serious, right? We all know that Director Bi loves his wife the most. She must be very nervous when she is injured, right? I don't know who shot it?"

Bi Zhongliang looked at him terrified, "Thank you Director Li for your concern, a little skin trauma, it's a small matter."

Li Moqun glanced at him and said, "My wife and I went to visit her in the hospital that night."

Bi Zhongliang shook his head hastily, "No need, I will be discharged from the hospital in two days."

"Director Bi, you don't need to be polite to me." Li Moqun insisted, "We have worked together for so many years, and I know you well. And you are also the best at trying to read my mind. The matter of Xu Bicheng and Tang Shanhai made me feel ashamed, I, Li Moqun, have never suffered such a big setback on the 76th. Sigh, it seems that some people really live too long."

After listening to Li Moqun's words, Bi Zhongliang breathed a sigh of relief.He looked at Li Moqun seriously and said: "Director Li, don't worry, the subordinates will do their best to share the director's worries."

After he finished speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

As soon as Yingzuo agreed to arrest Su Sansheng, Bi Zhongliang immediately called Chen Shen when he returned to the operation place.He entrusted this task to Chen Shen not only because he was the most capable, but also to break the frozen relationship between them.But Chen Shen didn't accept his favor, and sat lazily on the sofa in Bi Zhongliang's office and said, "I'm not going."

Bi Zhongliang stared, "If you don't go, who will you go? If Su Sansheng finds Yingzuo before us, you know what the consequences will be."

Chen Shen looked at him indifferently, "This matter is too important, so you should find someone you trust the most. I think Liu Erbao is good."

"What are you going to do to get rid of your anger?" Bi Zhongliang held back his anger, with a helpless expression on his face.

Chen Shen remained silent coldly.Seeing Chen Shen's cold face, Bi Zhongliang finally sighed, and said sincerely: "I just want to be brothers with you for a long time, so I want to untie the knot in my heart. Don't you understand? Even if I'm wrong, can this trivial matter wipe out our friendship of the past ten years?"

"Old Bi, there is no right or wrong in some things, but they still hurt feelings." Chen Shen stood up from the sofa at the same time he finished speaking.

Now it was Bi Zhongliang's turn to be silent.Seeing Bi Zhongliang staring at him, Chen Shen did not avoid his gaze.

He just said lightly: "Okay, I'll go. Not for you, but for sister-in-law."

After speaking, he turned and left, leaving Bi Zhongliang standing alone in the house.

When Chen Shen left, Su Sansheng had already found some cloth in that family's house, wrapped up his wound, and found a piece of clothing to change into.He found some cold dishes and steamed buns from the kitchen cabinet, and ate them hungrily.

Before he finished eating the steamed buns in his hand, he suddenly heard the sound of the courtyard door being opened. It sounded like a couple came back with their child in their arms.Su Sansheng hurriedly stuffed the vegetable bowl back into the vegetable cabinet, ran to the door, and looked out while lying on the crack of the door.He saw Cheng Qingshan, the former owner of Changlong Hotel, walking home with his son in his arms. Mrs. Cheng was carrying a basket and teasing his son with the rattle in her hand. The son smiled and reached out to grab it.The family looked very unhappy.

Su Sansheng recognized them at a glance, and his eyes couldn't help becoming excited.He said coldly: "It's really hard to find anywhere, it's easy to get here." Before Cheng Qingshan and his wife entered the room, he quickly dodged and hid behind the door.

Cheng Qingshan and his wife walked into the room. After the door was pushed open, Su Sansheng's figure was just blocked behind the door. Neither of the couple noticed that anyone had entered the room.Cheng Qingshan put his son on a chair and sat down, then looked at him with a smile, "Good boy, play by yourself for a while."

Mrs. Cheng put the basket on the table and said to Cheng Qingshan: "You go and cook, and I will do the laundry."

Mrs. Cheng turned her head and went to the yard, Cheng Qingshan walked towards the stove with the vegetable basket.At that moment, Cheng Qingshan suddenly found that the door of the vegetable cabinet was open. He walked up to the vegetable cabinet and saw that there were no steamed buns and vegetables inside, and his face immediately showed a look of surprise.Then he heard a cold voice from behind: "Boss Cheng, what a coincidence, we meet again."

Cheng Qingshan was startled, looked back, and saw that Su Sansheng had already picked up his three-year-old son, holding the gun in his hand against his son's stomach.The vegetable basket in Cheng Qingshan's hands fell off the ground in shock, he looked at Su Sanxing in panic, "You... who are you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the son burst into tears with fear.Mrs. Cheng, who heard the voice, hurried into the house from the yard, and when she saw the situation, she yelled at Su Sansheng: "Let go of my son!"

Cheng Qingshan grabbed Mrs. Cheng's hand, and both of them looked at Su Sansheng nervously.Su Sansheng looked at them and said with a sneer, "Boss Cheng is really forgetful. On a rainy night two months ago, two unidentified people shot Chen Shen, the captain of the No. 76 Operation Division, at the Changlong Hotel." , you haven't forgotten, have you?"

Hearing his words, Cheng Qingshan's face turned pale instantly.

"I'll ask you again now, did anyone hurt Chen Shen in your restaurant that night?" After Su Sansheng finished speaking, the gun pointed at the child again.

This action frightened Mrs. Cheng into a panic. She begged Su Sansheng, "Captain Su, can you return the child to me first? As long as you return the child to me, we can do anything."

She didn't expect that the three provinces of Su would agree.After seeing Su Sansheng's agreement, she approached Su Sansheng tremblingly, picked up her crying son, and hurriedly comforted him: "Be good, baby, don't cry."

The child became quieter now.

But at this moment, something happened that no one expected: Cheng Qingshan suddenly picked up a stool and threw it at Su Sansheng.He yelled, "Wife, go!"

When Mrs. Cheng heard the sound, she carried the baby and ran out.But Cheng Qingshan is Su Sansheng's opponent, Su Sansheng blocked the stool with his hands, raised his hand and shot, and hit Mrs. Cheng in the back.

Mrs. Cheng was shot and fell to the door of the house, and the child fell out. Suddenly there was no cry from the child, as if she had fallen to death.

Looking at his wife lying in a pool of blood and his voiceless son, Cheng Qingshan shouted heartbreakingly: "Wife! Son!"

Cheng Qingshan picked up another stool to fight Su Sansheng desperately, but Su Sansheng's gun was already pointed at him.He heard Su Sansheng say coldly: "If you want to live, follow me obediently."

Looking at the gun in Su Sansheng's hand, Cheng Qingshan's eyes were full of tears and anger, but he did not drop the stool he was holding high.

(End of this chapter)

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