
Chapter 238

Chapter 238

At this time, Biantou had arrived at the train station.As Chen Shen said, the pregnant Zhu Zhu was already waiting there.Old K was still standing beside her.Seeing Biantou approaching, Old K handed him an envelope and said, "This is from Brother Shen."

"Thank you, brother." Flat head said and took the envelope.

"Bon voyage." Old K smiled at them, then turned and left.

Biantou opened the envelope and saw some money and two train tickets inside.Zhu Zhu looked at the train ticket suspiciously, then at Biantou and said, "Biantou, why did Captain Chen suddenly ask us to leave?"

Seeing the flat head of the money and the train ticket sour, he said sadly: "He has calculated everything. I hope the Bodhisattva will bless him and calculate what he has to do. Don't make any mistakes." ah."

Zhu Zhu didn't know what he was talking about, but asked in a daze: "What are you talking about? What is Captain Chen going to do?"

But Biantou's eyes were already wet. He looked at the direction when he came and said, "Don't ask me anything, and pray with me to the Bodhisattva to bless the boss. I must come to Xitang to see his godson in the future."

So in front of the train station, someone saw a man and a woman meditating together with palms together.People don't know what they are praying for, they only know that their expressions are so pious.

Originally, Bi Zhongliang didn't think too much about Chen Shen's early departure, but when he came to the backyard and saw the spies playing poker in groups, he didn't expect to have unexpected gains.At that time, Ada, Aqing, Liu Erbao and a spy were playing cards at a table, and Liu Erbao was partnered with another spy.In order to collude with his partner to win money, Liu Erbao winked and gestured at him.

Ada became suspicious.He was quite dissatisfied with this, who was already half drunk at the time, and he said something awkwardly: "Liu... Liu Erbao, what are you talking dumb? Don't... don't think I don't know, you two want to collude to win our money ,Yeah?"

Feeling guilty, Liu Erbao said loudly, "Did you drink too much? Who is dumb?"

Ada sneered, "Don't think I can't see it, there are many people in the department who can speak dumb, and our boss can too."

Bi Zhongliang, who was walking nearby, was startled when he heard the words, and immediately stopped to listen.Ada said with his tongue out: "Our leader is still helping the seat to negotiate with Xu...Xu Bicheng in dumb language, I...I can see it. Your little trick, I...I can't see it?"

Hearing this, Bi Zhongliang looked serious.

Ah Qing immediately touched Ada and said, "Ada, you can't talk nonsense." After speaking, he suddenly saw Bi Zhongliang appearing behind Ada.Bi Zhongliang smiled and patted Ada on the shoulder.

Ada turned his head in a daze, "Who is it?" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Bi Zhongliang behind him clearly, and he was half sober from the wine in an instant.

Bi Zhongliang motioned to him with a smile, "Come with me."

Standing in Bi Zhongliang's study, Ada looked at Bi Zhongliang in fear.Bi Zhongliang looked at him pretending to be kind, "Think about it carefully, when did Chen Shen and Xu Bicheng talk dumb?"

Ada tried hard to recall and said: "It seems that the last time when someone sent a report when he crossed Shikumen in the autumn wind, Xu Bicheng was first arrested, and then Secretary Qian died..." Ada said to Bi Zhongliang with some anxiety, "The boss originally specially I was told to keep it secret. I really drank too much today, so I slipped my mouth. Virgo, I really didn't mean it."

Bi Zhongliang's face was ashen, but his tone was very flat.He said: "Call all the team members to gather at the intersection outside my house as quickly as possible."

Ada was stunned, "Huh?"

"Don't disturb my wife! Go right away!" Bi Zhongliang glared at him angrily.

Only then did Ada leave in a panic.

Bi Zhongliang glanced out the window quietly, his eyes became more and more cold.

Of course, Chen Shen didn't know that Ada's drinking had betrayed him. He took the drugged sausage and walked into the kennel. After eating the sausage, Ah Si gradually became silent.Chen Shen poked open the door lock of the kennel with a wire and entered quietly.He quickly approached the cabinet next to the wall, opened the door, and removed the dog food in the cabinet, revealing the partition behind.He flipped the partition mechanism, and the partition lowered, revealing the safe behind it.

Chen Shen looked at the time, it was nine ten in the evening.Chen Shen was thinking about the combination lock.He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice that the breeder who had left at the gate had folded back because he forgot to take his lunch box.

Chen Shen thought about what Bi Zhongliang said to him yesterday when he was in the orphanage.At that time Chen Shen reminded him not to forget Liu Lanzhi's birthday, Bi Zhongliang smiled and said: "Don't worry, the eighth day of October, no matter what day you forget, you will never forget this day."

Chen Shen started to turn the password "1008", but after dialing these numbers, he suddenly heard the breeder come outside the dog house humming the tune "Spring is coming and the windows are full of greenery".He couldn't help being extremely nervous, and sweat dripped from his forehead, and he subconsciously pressed his hands on the scissors.

Fortunately, the breeder hummed a little song and walked past the door of the kennel without stopping, but went straight to his lounge.

Only then did Chen Shen breathe a sigh of relief.He stretched out his hand to pull the handle of the safe, but the handle didn't move at all, which meant that Chen Shen's password was wrong.Chen Shen couldn't help frowning.

The breeder took his empty lunch box in the rest room, and walked to the door of the operation department.When Chen Shen heard the breeder's footsteps coming to the door again, he waited motionless for him to leave.The breeder had already walked past the kennel, but suddenly stopped in doubt, turned to the door of the kennel, and called "Si" to the door of the kennel.

Chen Shen couldn't help becoming nervous. He turned his head to see the unconscious Ah Si lying motionless on the ground.

The breeder yelled again in doubt, "Ah Si."

Still not hearing Ah Si's response, the breeder began to take out the key to open the kennel while muttering to himself, "That's not right".

Chen Shen immediately hid behind the door.The breeder opened the door of the kennel and came in, turned on the light, and saw Chen Shen behind the door while seeing Ah Si lying on the ground foaming at the mouth.The breeder was taken aback. Before he could speak, he was punched unconscious by Chen Shen.The breeder fell down softly, and Chen Shen caught his lunch box in time without making a sound.

After doing this, Chen Shen quickly turned off the lights and closed the door, panting nervously.Chen Shen walked to the cabinet again, looked at the safe and began to think.Then he thought of what Bi Zhongliang said at Liu Lanzhi's birthday party today. He said: "Chen Shen, December 25, the 18th year of the Republic of China, the day you took me out of the pile of dead people under fire. remember forever."

Chen Shen concentrated, turned the safe again, "1218", and then held the door handle of the safe.He closed his eyes nervously and prayed for a while, then pulled the handle, and to his surprise, the safe opened.

With the faint street light coming in from the window, Chen Shen saw a document box lying in the safe.Chen Shen took out the file box happily, but he was disappointed in the next second, because there was no file in it, only a piece of shrapnel.

Looking at the piece of shrapnel, Chen Shen was stunned.It was the shrapnel taken from Bi Zhongliang's head, and it was handed over to Bi Zhongliang by Chen Shen himself.Thinking of these, Chen Shen looked disappointed.But he didn't think more, because he suddenly heard the sound of engines and brakes approaching in the quiet night.

That was Bi Zhongliang's car.Liu Erbao was driving a car towards the operation department, followed by another tarpaulin cart, in which were Ada, Aqing and other special agents of the operation department.

Liu Erbao said to Bi Zhongliang: "Biantou didn't drink any wine at dinner, and said that Chen Shen still has something to do at night. Chen Shen must have a plan."

Bi Zhongliang looked out the window coldly and said, "I know what he wants."

Liu Erbao was taken aback, "What?"

"'Return to Zero Plan'. If the 'Return to Zero Plan' is not available today, the CCP and the Military Command will be in big trouble." By the time Bi Zhongliang finished speaking, the car had already stopped in front of the operation office.

Lao Zhang hurried out when he heard the car horn, and saw Bi Zhongliang walking towards him.Before he called out to the seat, Bi Zhongliang asked him: "You don't need to open the door, has Chen Shen been here?"

Lao Zhang didn't dare to open the door, so he opened the small door and said to Bi Zhongliang, "Captain Chen? No."

Bi Zhongliang looked at him while entering, "Who came that night?"

Lao Zhang was taken aback for a moment and said, "Didn't you ask Biantou to bring me food?"

Bi Zhongliang looked at him with an ugly face, "Is the food brought to you in case you starve to death?"

Lao Zhang looked at Bi Zhongliang puzzled, and heard Liu Erbao ask, "Where's Biantou?"

"Let's go." Old Zhang said in a daze.

Bi Zhongliang looked at the pitch-black courtyard and asked again: "Is there anyone else in there?"

"Ah Si's keeper had already left, but he just went back to get his lunch box." Lao Zhang said, looking in the direction of the kennel, "Hey, why haven't I come out for a long time?"

Bi Zhongliang decisively said to the spies behind him: "One group searched all corners of the place and arrested Chen Shen and Biantou. The other group guarded the door and they couldn't let them escape!"

After Bi Zhongliang finished his explanation, he strode into the side door of the operation department.When they came to the door of the kennel, Liu Erbao and others pointed their guns at the door of the kennel.

Liu Erbao looked at the kennel and said to Bi Zhongliang: "Si doesn't bark, there must be something wrong."

Bi Zhongliang waved his hand, and Liu Erbao kicked open the door of the kennel.All the spies entered with guns at the same time, and someone turned on the light.Ah Si was unconscious and foaming at the mouth, and the breeder was also lying on the ground, and there was nothing in the opened safe.

Seeing this scene, Liu Erbao and others turned pale with shock.

Liu Erbao rolled the eyelids of the breeder and said, "I was knocked out."

Bi Zhongliang saw a basin of water nearby, and splashed it on the breeder's face.After a while the breeder woke up in a daze.

Bi Zhongliang looked at him and asked sharply, "Who has been here?"

(End of this chapter)

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