
Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Xu Bicheng was so jolted that she could barely sit still, she asked anxiously: "Chen Shen, what do you want to do?"

Shen Qiuxia's wound was also ruptured by the jolt, and blood seeped into her clothes, showing pain on her face.Chen Shen drove the car calmly, paying attention to the distance of those cars from the rearview mirror from time to time. Hearing Xu Bicheng's question, he said calmly: "We must get rid of them!"

Chen Shen drove the car to an intersection, made another sharp turn, and drove onto another small road.The truck in hot pursuit missed a turn, hit a tree, rolled over, and burst into flames.The tarpaulin truck braked quickly and stopped barely, and did not hit the truck head-on, but Biantou and the others fell directly to the front wall of the carriage.The Wang puppet agents on the truck climbed out one after another, and they were injured to some extent, and died; Bian Tou, Ada, A Qing and others climbed out from the rear compartment of the tarpaulin truck, looking at the burning truck, while Chen Shen The car has disappeared.At this time, there was a loud noise, and the burning truck exploded, and everyone quickly fell to the side and lay down, all of them were blown to ashes.

Liu Jun on the side was starting the car and firing it several times.Finding that the car was not damaged and could still start, he quickly said, "It can be driven!"

Biantou climbed into the passenger seat and urged, "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Liu Jun asked: "It's all right, why does Captain Chen drive from here? This is not the only way to go to Nanjing."

Biantou said: "It must be to get rid of these bastards."

Ada, Aqing and others climbed into the rear compartment again, and the tarpaulin cart immediately passed by the burning truck and chased after Chen Shen.The group of Wang pseudo-agents struggled to get up on the ground, watching helplessly as the tarpaulin cart drove away.

Seeing the flames rising in the sky behind him from the rearview mirror, Xu Bicheng asked, "How are you sure it's the enemy? Biantou and the others haven't followed up yet. Should we wait for them to come up and go together?"

Chen Shen remained silent, he was still driving calmly and looking around at the surrounding environment.Looking at Chen Shen's resolute face in the rearview mirror, Shen Qiuxia knew that he had not given up on rescuing her.At this time, Chen Shen saw a farmer working in the field, and he stopped at a nearby fork.

Xu Bicheng looked at Chen Shen puzzled, but heard Chen Shen say softly: "Bicheng, can I trouble you to ask the old man the way, I don't know which way is the way to Nanjing."

Xu Bicheng was taken aback by Chen Shen's claim. He was not calling Mrs. Tang, but Bicheng, which was the Bicheng he always called when he was in the Hanzhong special training class.Xu Bicheng came to his senses, opened the door, and got out of the car with his handbag.Shen Qiuxia was keenly aware of something, she looked at Chen Shen's face in the rear view mirror who had been looking straight ahead and never looked back, coughed deliberately, and even coughed and bumped into Xu Bicheng.There was an extra gun in Shen Qiuxia's hand, but the careless Xu Bicheng didn't notice it.Xu Bicheng walked towards the old farmer alone. After walking a few steps, he couldn't help but look back.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Chen Shen was also turning his head to look at Xu Bicheng.The breeze messed up Xu Bicheng's hair, her blank gaze was so familiar.Chen Shen couldn't help smiling at her.Xu Bicheng froze for a moment, returned a smile, and continued to walk forward.Chen Shen kept watching her back, watching her walk up to the old farmer.

Shen Qiuxia looked at Chen Shen, and followed his gaze to Xu Bicheng.But before she even had time to stop Chen Shen, Chen Shen started the car again, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away.

As soon as Xu Bicheng walked in front of the old farmer, he heard the sound of a car driving away behind him.She turned her head and saw Chen Shen driving away in a car.Xu Bicheng quickly ran back a few steps, as if thinking of something, she opened her handbag to get the pistol, but was shocked, the pistol in the handbag had disappeared.

Xu Bicheng ran onto the road, struggling to catch up with Chen Shen's car, her eyes were full of fear.Finally, she couldn't run anymore, she stood still panting, and saw Chen Shen's car driving further and further away.She couldn't help yelling: "Asshole!"

Chen Shen, who was driving the car, was looking at Xu Bicheng's shrinking shadow from the rearview mirror. There was reluctance and apology in his eyes, but more of it was the determination to rescue Shen Qiuxia.

Shen Qiuxia looked at Chen Shen and sighed for a long time, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Chen Shen said: "Aren't you just afraid that I will hurt the innocent, and I can't save you? Now I can save you without a single soldier." Then, Chen Shen threw the handcuff key into the back seat of the car and said, "Take Handcuffs open."

Shen Qiuxia glanced at the key, but did not move it."Did you forget what I told you?" she asked.

Chen Shen shook his head and said, "There is no retreat."

Shen Qiuxia said sadly: "Why don't you understand? Only after I die can you continue to lurk, protect more comrades, and do more things!"

Chen Shen became excited, "I don't want to do anything, I just want my relatives to live!"

Shen Qiuxia's tone became more serious, "You have gone deep into the tiger's den with great difficulty, and the 'Return to Zero Plan' has not been obtained, so you can't be a deserter! There are no deserters in the Chen family!"

Chen Shen gripped the steering wheel tightly, as if holding Shen Qiuxia and Pippi's lives tightly.He suddenly laughed and said, "Let me tell you, aggressive tactics are useless to me. The steering wheel is in my hands, so I have the final say!"

Xu Bicheng stumbled on the road alone.The tarpaulin cart in which Biantou was riding caught up at this time, and Biantou, who was sitting in the co-pilot, recognized Xu Bicheng from a distance.Xu Bicheng stopped and turned around at this time, and saw the tarpaulin cart, she turned her head and waved as if she had met a savior.

The tarpaulin cart stopped beside Xu Bicheng, Biantou opened the door and asked, "Mrs. Tang, why are you here? Where is our leader?" He stretched out his hand and pulled Xu Bicheng into the cab and sat down.

"What the hell happened?"

Xu Bicheng was shivering from the cold, his lips were trembling, and he looked aggrieved, "I... I don't know either."

At the Wuxi Wang Puppet Operation Office, Captain Lou of the Wuxi Wang Puppet Operation Team is waiting with several agents to welcome Bi Zhongliang.

When Bi Zhongliang got out of the car, Captain Lou greeted him, stretched out his hand and said, "Director Bi."

Bi Zhongliang reached out to hold Captain Lou's hand, "Captain Lou, thank you for your hard work."

Captain Lou smiled, "Director Bi is out of touch when he says this. We are all a family. It is Lou's responsibility to handle the actions of the headquarters."

Bi Zhongliang nodded and asked, "I wonder if the escort operation went smoothly?"

Captain Lou replied: "Two cars and ten brothers have been sent. I have specially ordered that you must call to report the situation when you arrive in Nanjing."

At this time, an agent of the Wuxi team came downstairs, "Captain Lou, I have a call for Director Bi."

Bi Zhongliang's expression froze, he exchanged a glance with Captain Lou, and immediately walked to Captain Lou's office.

The tarpaulin cart driven by Liu Jun was parked next to the telephone booth. Not far away, Xu Bicheng, Ada and others stood beside the car, waiting for Biantou.Biantou reported in a panic: "...Yes, Mrs. Tang said that the boss asked her to get out of the car to ask for directions, but before she got back into the car, the boss drove away. At this time, Mrs. Tang found that her gun was missing. I don’t know if the prime minister stole it.”

Seeing Biantou answering the phone respectfully, Xu Bicheng kept nodding his head in response, and then showed an expression of disbelief on his face.Xu Bicheng couldn't help feeling worried, and after waiting for a while, she saw that Bian Tou hung up the phone in a daze and walked out of the phone booth.

Xu Bicheng stepped forward and said, "Have you found Director Bi?"

Biantou said in a daze: "Virgin said, if the boss deliberately abandons you and drives the car away, then he is the Communist Party. Virgo let us continue to follow in the direction of Nanjing."

Xu Bicheng was shocked, and subconsciously denied, "Impossible."

Bi Zhongliang on the other end of the phone hung up the phone, looked at Captain Lou and said, "Captain Lou, what is the brand name of that car you sent?" Captain Lou was stunned for a moment, "275."

Bi Zhongliang's face was ashen, and the viciousness in his eyes was clearly visible.He said: "Leader Lou, please inform all the teams to set up checkpoints on all major highways in Wuxi to intercept this car. If you encounter someone who refuses to stop and forcibly enters... shoot and kill!"

Chen Shen continued to drive the car with the plate number 275 on the road, his eyes were full of determination, Ren Shen Qiuxia was indifferent to what she said.Shen Qiuxia didn't give up either, trying to persuade Chen Shen, "Chen Shen, I'm sorry for your brother and me for doing this."

Chen Shen said in a deep voice, "I can be sorry to anyone, but I have to be sorry to Pippi."

Shen Qiuxia was stunned.Pippi has always been a weakness in her heart, she is careful not to touch it, suppressing her thoughts, and not going to visit Pippi in Mengjiang Hall.Because she knew that what she could do for Pippi was to prevent Pippi from being harmed or even threatened with death by those pseudo-agents because of herself.She has given everything for her revolutionary beliefs in her life. She has never been sorry to anyone, let alone the organization. The only person she is sorry to is Pippi.

Seeing Shen Qiuxia's silence, Chen Shen felt angry.He asked Shen Qiuxia, "How long has it been since you saw your son? Do you know what kind of life he lived? He is dumb! He is cowardly and cowardly, and he is bullied everywhere!"

Shen Qiuxia was still silent, and it took her a long time to say in a guilty tone: "Chen Shen, you have to know that what happens to a person in this life is actually predestined, and no one can protect you from the wind and rain, you or Pipi Everyone has to move forward.”

At this time, Chen Shen suddenly braked suddenly. He saw roadblocks on the road not far ahead, and a car was being inspected by the special agents at the checkpoint.He immediately put the car into reverse gear and hid behind a tree, hoping that he would not be found temporarily under the cover of the tree.

(End of this chapter)

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