
Chapter 29

Chapter 29

All the agents dispersed in an instant and searched around.But after a while, Ah Qiang ran back, panting and said: "The man has been found. It's in the cafe not far ahead."

Liu Erbao followed Ah Qiang to the street opposite the cafe, and he saw Li Xiaonan sitting in the cafe.Through the glass window, one could see Chen Shen's briefcase on the stool beside her.

Ah Qiang didn't think about anything, and was going to rush up and grab it.Liu Erbao directly stopped A Qiang and said, "We can't steal it openly. If there is nothing in the bag, how can we explain it when Chen Shen comes back in the future?"

After Liu Erbao finished speaking, he looked around and saw a telephone booth not far away.He frowned, thought about it, and whispered a few words with A Qiang, and the two separated.

Liu Erbao wore sunglasses, turned up his collar, opened the door and entered the cafe.Taking advantage of Li Xiaonan's unpreparedness, he walked to a table behind her and sat down, and ordered a cup of Blue Mountain coffee to conceal her.After finishing all this, he winked at A Qiang at the door of the phone booth, and A Qiang walked into the phone booth.

Not long after, the phone on the bar counter of the cafe rang, and the waiter answered, "This is Moulin Rouge Cafe...Okay, please wait a moment."

The waiter looked around the store and saw Li Xiaonan in a white coat.He walked up to Li Xiaonan and asked: "Excuse me, Li Xiaonan, is this Ms. Li? There is your number at the bar, and they say they are looking for a Ms. Li in a white coat."

Li Xiaonan stood up happily and said, "It must be Chen Shen."

Li Xiaonan got up quickly, trotted to the bar to answer the phone, the briefcase had been forgotten by her, and she didn't remember it at all.

Liu Erbao saw A Qiang across the street winking at him in the phone booth, so he quickly walked to Li Xiaonan's table, picked up Chen Shen's briefcase, and left the store quickly.

Li Xiaonan greeted the phone several times, but there was no answer on the other end of the phone.She muttered something to herself in disappointment, hung up the phone, and walked back to her seat only to find that the briefcase was gone.Surprised, she stood up and asked, "Yeah, where's my bag? Has anyone seen my bag?"

Li Xiaonan looked around and ran out of the cafe immediately when he saw that there was no suspicious person.

Bi Zhongliang was making the last phone call at this time.It was a bearded man who answered Bi Zhongliang's phone. He was holding a microphone in a dark room to answer Bi Zhongliang's words.Bi Zhongliang told him that Chen Shen and others would wait for people from Nanjing at the Nanjing Welcome Gate.After hanging up the phone, the cheeky man picked up a sniper rifle on the table, put it in a cloth bag, and left with his back.He walked away with a limp.After Bi Zhongliang hung up the phone, he went back to Shanghai directly.

Chen Shen, who was driving to Nanjing, didn't know what danger was waiting for him ahead.His eyes were red, and he drove silently all the way, trying to suppress the pain in his heart.He hated himself for being helpless, hated himself for not being able to save his relatives, and even more hated that he had no other choice but to send Shen Qiuxia to Nanjing with his own hands.

Biantou murmured to himself, "I've said it a long time ago, how could our boss be the CCP? If he were the CCP, I'll cut off his head and use it as a chamber pot for everyone. Mrs. Tang, you are so courageous and have a bright mind. , if you hadn't proposed a hostage change and distracted her, our boss would have been in big trouble this time..."

Biantou was still chanting, but Chen Shen couldn't hear anything.He stared blankly ahead, driving mechanically.Xu Bicheng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, glanced at Chen Shen, and also looked ahead, just in time to see the car driving past a boundary stone tablet with the word "Nanjing".

The car stopped at a sign that said "Welcome Gate".When Chen Shen got out of the car, he retched beside him.Xu Bicheng also got out of the car, stood aside with concern and asked, "Are you okay?"

Chen Shen put one hand on his knees, bent over and panted, waved to her, and then retched again.Nothing spit out, just sour water.Xu Bicheng stretched out his hand, wanting to pat Chen Shen on the back, but finally he didn't dare, and took it back silently.

Biantou came down and patted Chen Shen on the back and asked: "Boss, you haven't had lunch yet, have you? You must be hungry. I'm going to Nanjing soon, and I'll be fine if I get something to eat in Nanjing. Salted duck, yes, from Nanjing." Salted duck is famous."

Liu Jun also stopped, "Does it matter, Captain Chen?"

Chen Shen waved his hands, straightened his back and said, "Take a rest here, people from Nanjing will come here to pick us up."

No one knew that a gun was aimed at them at a window of a nearby high-rise building at this time, and the sniper with the gun was the man with the cheeks.Chen Shen looked back at Shen Qiuxia in the car.Xu Bicheng caught Chen Shen's eyes. She walked to the car and opened the back door and said to Shen Qiuxia, "You also come down to get some air."

Shen Qiuxia glanced at Xu Bicheng in surprise, and got out of the car.Shen Qiuxia turned around and looked at Chen Shen.Chen Shen also looked at her, but there was no expression on his face.

Shen Qiuxia turned her head and said to Xu Bicheng: "It's really the most beautiful thing in the world to be happy with each other."

Xu Bicheng was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Shen Qiuxia was talking about her and Chen Shen, and blushed.

The scope of the sniper rifle on the tall building suddenly aimed at the back of Shen Qiuxia's head.Chen Shen was suddenly dazzled by the reflection of the glass on the opposite floor, and suddenly found the black muzzle of the gun.

Chen Shen's face changed drastically, "There are assassins!"

Biantou, Liu Jun and others were shocked when they heard the sound, and they took out their guns and rushed to the tall building. Chen Shen quickly rushed to Shen Qiuxia.Surprised, Xu Bicheng looked back at the tall building, but Shen Qiuxia pushed Xu Bicheng away in distress.Xu Bicheng turned pale with shock.With a bang, the bullet hit Shen Qiuxia's chest, and a flower of blood bloomed on her chest, soaking her clothes, and the smile on her face froze.Shen Qiuxia swayed and hit her again.Looking up at the sky, she felt that the sun was so bright, and the blue sky was so pure that there was no white cloud, making it look extremely high.She fell on her back with a smile, and Chen Shen ran to her side at this time, reaching out to hug her just before she fell.

Xu Bicheng drew out his gun and aimed at the direction of the bullet, and stood beside Shen Qiuxia.Chen Shen hugged Shen Qiuxia and lay down. Shen Qiuxia vomited blood and was speechless.Chen Shen inspected the wound, and knew that Shen Qiuxia was dying.He looked up at the tall building angrily, and saw the sniper jump out of the window and climb up to the top floor along the rope.

Chen Shen put down Shen Qiuxia, stepped forward to grab Xu Bicheng's gun, and aimed at the snipers fleeing on the top floor platform.He found that the left leg of the sniper was lame when he was running, and he poked his head out of the window to shoot the sniper repeatedly, but missed.

(End of this chapter)

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