
Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Wang Puppet Special Operations Office, the phone on Bi Zhongliang's desk rang sharply.When he picked up the phone, his expression suddenly changed.After hanging up the phone, he immediately rushed to the corridor and shouted: "Liu Erbao!"

Liu Erbao ran out from another office, "Here!"

Bi Zhongliang walked out quickly while anxious, "Go to Tongren Hospital immediately!"

Xu Bicheng, who was eating in Tang Shanhai's office, couldn't help but glanced at Tang Shanhai and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Tang Shanhai put down his chopsticks, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch.Xu Bicheng suddenly realized something, "You don't have anything to hide from me, do you?"

Tang Shanhai was silent for a while, looked up at Xu Bicheng and said, "Some things are better if you don't know. I'm going out now. If you have time, you can go to Liu Meina's place. If you have any gossip in the operation department, you can basically find it in She inquired there."

Xu Bicheng nodded.Looking at the back of Tang Shanhai getting up and leaving, she couldn't figure out the meaning of Tang Shanhai's eyes looking at her just now, but she had an intuition that something must have happened—something Tang Shanhai didn't want her to know.

On the ground in the corridor at the entrance of the emergency room of Tongren Hospital, two corpses were placed on two stretchers, both of which were covered with white cloth.Liu Lanzhi came out of the emergency room at this time, with an expression on the verge of tears, "Zhongliang."

Bi Zhongliang hurried forward and hugged Liu Lanzhi, "Lanzhi, are you okay?" Then he pushed Liu Lanzhi away and looked her up and down, "Are you injured?"

Liu Lanzhi shook her head, tears streaming down her face.Seeing that Liu Lanzhi was not injured, Bi Zhongliang relaxed a little, and then asked, "Where's Chen Shen?"

As soon as Bi Zhongliang finished asking, Chen Shen's idle voice sounded, "Aren't you going to collect my body for me?"

Bi Zhongliang saw Chen Shen come out from behind the screen of the emergency room unharmed, with a smile on his face.He stepped forward, patted Chen Shen on the shoulder vigorously and asked, "What's going on?"

Chen Shen said with a smile: "It's not a big deal. Fortunately, Bian Tou lost his wallet, came back to look for it, and chased away a few punks who wanted to trouble me for me."

Liu Lanzhi asked suspiciously: "The little bastard also has a gun? Why did the little bastard shoot you for no reason?"

Chen Shen made up a random reason, "Probably because I owe too much gambling debt."

Bi Zhongliang glanced at Chen Shen, and said to Liu Lanzhi: "Lanzhi, you are shocked today, I will ask Liu Erbao to take you home first."

Liu Lanzhi nodded, followed Liu Erbao to go out, just took two steps, then looked back at Bi Zhongliang and said: "Zhongliang, you have to find out, I'm afraid this kind of person will die, and I will trouble Chen Shen next time .You told Chen Shen not to go to work these few days, to avoid the limelight."

Bi Zhongliang nodded, watched Liu Lanzhi go away, and then asked Chen Shen seriously: "Who is the other party?"

Chen Shen also put away his foolish smile and said, "I don't know, but they were ambushing at the gate of the orphanage. They must have known in advance that I would go there. They acted very neatly, and they deliberately disguised themselves. They are obviously well-trained... probably The one who came directly to me should be someone from the military commander."

Bi Zhongliang asked: "Why not the CCP?"

Chen Shen smiled, "The person here is well-dressed and has a car. The CCP is so poor, it shouldn't be able to afford it."

Bi Zhongliang pondered for a moment and said: "I know you will go to the orphanage today, but it can only be someone from our operations department."

Chen Shen was thoughtful, "You mean there are traitors here?"

Bi Zhongliang's eyes flashed, and he asked, "What do you think?"

The reason why Chen Shen must be in the military is undoubtedly because he knows that even if his identity is the top secret within the organization, his superiors will never issue orders to kill him.But who is the military commander hidden in the operation department?Chen Shen was the first to think of Tang Shanhai.He could think of it, and of course Bi Zhongliang could think of it too.Subconsciously, Chen Shen wanted to excuse Tang Shanhai.If Tang Shanhai is really an internal agent sent by the military commander, then in the context of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, they are just friends, not enemies.

Chen Shen smiled and said nonchalantly: "For a person like me who wanders the streets all day long, it is not difficult for people to follow me. But who am I, why do they follow me?"

Bi Zhongliang teased: "In the action department, no matter what, you are still the second child."

Chen Shen looked at Bi Zhongliang and said with a smile, "It sounds big enough, but how much is the bounty?"

Bi Zhongliang and Chen Shen went back to the operation office talking and laughing like this.When Bi Zhongliang returned to the office, he asked Liu Erbao, "Have you checked everything? When my wife and Chen Shen were in danger today, who were not there? Or who went out this morning?"

Liu Erbao said: "I have checked, and except for a few people sent out by the government, all of them are in the team. As for the people who went out, there are many, and the guard at the gate may not remember it."

Bi Zhongliang thought for a while and asked directly: "Has Tang Shanhai... gone out? If he has gone out, find out where he went."

Liu Erbao nodded, turned and left Bi Zhongliang's office.Bi Zhongliang sat at his desk and pondered. The only person he doubts, or the only person he doubts, is Tang Shanhai.He must figure out Tang Shanhai's cards, the sooner the better.

Teahouse private room.Tang Shanhai asked Tao Dachun in shock: "Missed?"

Tao Dachun nodded, "We set up ambushes on the several roads he must pass to leave the orphanage. No matter which road he took, he would have been unable to escape our grasp. If it hadn't been for his subordinates who suddenly turned back , I have already succeeded."

Touching the teacup in his hand, Tang Shanhai said thoughtfully: "It seems that he is very lucky."

Tao Dachun snorted, "He won't be so lucky forever!"

Tang Shanhai pondered for a moment and said, "Don't act rashly for now, or I'm afraid they will suspect me."

Tao Dachun nodded, "Don't contact me for the time being, I will play by ear."

Tang Shanhai got up and wanted to leave, "Then I'll go first."

Tao Dachun suddenly remembered something, stopped Tang Shanhai and said, "Xu Bicheng also came to Shanghai? Did she come with you?"

Tang Shanhai was taken aback, "Yes, she is also working in the Operations Department now. The above means that the fewer people know her identity, the better, so..."

Tao Dachun said slightly: "I understand, you are protecting her. But fortunately she took a step ahead in the orphanage, otherwise I was really afraid that I would hurt her."

Tang Shanhai smiled and said, "I didn't tell you in advance, but I believe you can handle it well."

Tao Dachun laughed, "Of course, you must not hurt your own people. Are you partners now?"

Tang Shanhai nodded, then shook his head, "To be precise, they are husband and wife, in name."

Tao Dachun looked relieved and nodded again and again, "I understand, I understand, it's convenient for work." Then he took out a bamboo basket from under the table and handed it to Tang Shanhai, "Bicheng likes to eat the zongzi made by me. When I was in Chongqing, I often Give her something to eat."

Looking at the basket of zongzi, Tang Shanhai hesitated, "Actually, I don't want her to know that I'm contacting you. You know, her business ability is not very good. The more she knows, the more dangerous she is. Including today's matter, she do not know anything."

Tao Dachun was a little surprised, "That's it! But since I brought this zongzi, you should take it. Don't mention me, let her taste the taste of her hometown."

Tang Shanhai nodded, and took the basket from Tao Dachun's hand.He walked out of the private room of the teahouse and walked down the street alone with a basket in his hand, thinking deeply.He knew that with the vigilance of Bi Zhongliang and Chen Shen, it would be very difficult for him to succeed in the second assassination in a short period of time if he failed in one strike.He slightly regretted his abrupt move.In fact, he has not sent back the list of Wang's traitors to Chongqing, so it stands to reason that he does not need to carry out anti-rape operations so quickly.But by accident, he ordered Tao Dachun to attack Chen Shen.He thought in his heart that once the assassination was successful, he could claim credit from his superiors while submitting the list.But at this moment, Tang Shanhai had to calm down and examine himself carefully.He thought that the reason why he took the risk was more for Xu Bicheng.He was afraid that Xu Bicheng would not be able to control his emotions and would show his feet in front of Chen Shen.But is this the whole reason why he can't wait to get rid of Chen Shen?Thinking of this, Tang Shanhai didn't want to think any more.

(End of this chapter)

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