
Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Chen Shen smiled, and jokingly said: "If you beat well, I'll go and find out for you. If you don't work hard, I think it doesn't matter if we show up and let the headquarters save some money."

Biantou quickly and diligently helped Chen Shen kick his legs, "Boss, I am a very affordable person, and fame and the like are useless to me. I don't want to be promoted, so it's good to be a fool under your hands." , so the bonus is still...hehe..."

Liu Meina pushed the door open and entered, "Hey, what are you guys talking about?"

Chen Shen said: "Biantou is wondering if there is anything delicious in your pocket."

Liu Meina walked to the desk, "Then open it quickly. Just some local products from our hometown, such as rice cakes, pecans, etc. I can't finish them all by myself."

Biantou got up and untied the rope of the woven bag and said, "Then I will open it."

Liu Meina touched her pocket at this time, "Hey, where is my key? I clearly remember that I took it out."

Chen Shen said calmly, "Look for it quickly."

Liu Meina looked around anxiously, and finally saw the key next to the phone, "Why is it here? I clearly remembered that I didn't take it out, look at my memory..."

Chen Shen continued to look through the files calmly, one of which was Tang Shanhai's file, which read: Qingpu Special Training Class Phase I; hometown, Kunming, Yunnan; address, No. 333, Fuzhao Street; phone number, 70613.After reading it, Chen Shen closed Tang Shanhai's file, selected the other two files in the cart, and filled out the loan application form.He went to Bi Zhongliang's office, handed it to Bi Zhongliang's desk and said, "Here are all the intelligence files about "Sparrow" you want."

Bi Zhongliang took it and opened it, flipping through it casually.Chen Shen sat down on the chair opposite Bi Zhongliang and asked, "It is said that there is a time limit to catch the sparrows, and the day is coming, what should I do?"

Bi Zhongliang replied in a deep voice: "What should I do? This is not something I can handle alone. If the superiors are blamed, everyone in No. 76 will suffer together.

Chen Shen smiled, "I'll go to the smokehouse later, and I should get this month's salary again."

Bi Zhongliang nodded, "Okay. After taking the money, I will buy a wild ginseng supplement for your sister-in-law." Bi Zhongliang glanced at the file and found that Chen Shen hadn't left yet, so he asked, "Is there anything else?"

Chen Shen said: "Last night, when I was having dinner with Li Xiaonan, that killer appeared again."

Bi Zhongliang was startled, "Are you sure it's that person?"

Chen Shen nodded, "Ninety percent of them are."

Bi Zhongliang asked: "He didn't do anything to you?"

Chen Shen shook his head, "At first, we probably wanted to attack. But because Captain Tang and Mrs. Tang happened to be at that restaurant, and because the restaurant was full and wanted to share our table with us, the killer was probably afraid that there would be too many of us and it would be difficult for him to kill us all." Back, so I temporarily withdrew."

Bi Zhongliang put down the pen in his hand, feeling very strange, "You mean Tang Shanhai and Xu Bicheng? They knew in advance where you were going to eat?"

Chen Shen smiled and said, "How could he know? Do you think Tang Shanhai is with them?"

Bi Zhongliang thought for a long time and said: "If this is the case, I don't think so. If he really knew the killer, he would definitely avoid suspicion and shouldn't appear at the scene."

Chen Shen looked at Bi Zhongliang with a smile and said, "So what should you do? Is there any secret mission that can temporarily hide me so that no one can find me?"

Bi Zhongliang pondered, "It's not like there are no secret missions... But I can't decide who to choose."

Chen Shen's eyes flashed, thinking about everything.From Bi Zhongliang's words, Chen Shen was sure that there must be a highly confidential plan going on, and the level of confidentiality was beyond his reach.Will it be "plan to zero"?Chen Shen didn't know.

Chen Shen looked at Bi Zhongliang pretending to be calm, and he waited for Bi Zhongliang to give him an answer.Bi Zhongliang sighed and said, "For the time being, why don't you live in the operation first."

Chen Shen shook his head again and again, rarely serious, "No. No women, no cards to gamble, it's better to die."

Bi Zhongliang stared, "Then you will die!"

Chen Shen stood up and said carelessly: "You said that. I will tell my sister-in-law exactly what she said, saying that you don't care about me and let me die. Let's see how she deals with you."

After Chen Shen finished speaking, he walked out, leaving a helpless Bi Zhongliang in the office cursing "little red guy".Chen Shen went downstairs, and unexpectedly met Tang Shanhai who came up from downstairs on the stairs.After Tang Shanhai greeted him, he said, "I'm really sorry for making Captain Chen spend money last night."

Chen Shen smiled and said, "I didn't want to upstage Captain Tang, but yesterday was your wedding anniversary again.

However, Li Xiaonan ordered an inexplicable whole fish feast, and it was unreasonable for Captain Tang to pay for these dishes. "

Tang Shanhai said: "Speaking of this, Captain Chen is too far-fetched."

Chen Shen hooked Tang Shanhai's shoulder, "Actually, I mainly want to get close to Captain Tang. If you are polite, then you will be out of touch. Only when you owe each other favors and don't take it seriously, then you are really your own." Is that right? Please ask me another day."

Tang Shanhai nodded, "Captain Chen is right."

Chen Shen patted Tang Shanhai on the shoulder, turned around and went straight to Fushou Smokehouse.Preserved egg handed Chen Shen the envelope containing the money as usual.It's just that this time the preserved egg told Chen Shen that one of Boss Hua's subordinates, Wu Long, had an appointment with someone alone, and wanted to collect a batch of tobacco, bypassing Boss Hua and doing it himself.The important thing is that that person belongs to the Chongqing military command.

When Chen Shen heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately asked the preserved egg to bring Wu Long over to meet him.

Preserved eggs brought Wu Long to Chen Shen, who was sitting on a package of goods and drinking kvass.Chen Shen winked at the preserved egg, and the preserved egg walked out of the warehouse knowingly.

Wu Long approached courteously and said, "Captain Chen, are you looking for me?"

Chen Shen smiled and threw a pack of Cherry brand cigarettes to Wu Long.Wu Long stretched out his hand to catch it cleverly, "Thank you, Captain Chen, do you need me to do something? Just tell me."

Chen Shen smiled, "Before you helped Lao Bi deal with a batch of private goods on the black market, and it was pretty clean."

Wu Long smiled and said: "I understand the rules. Who is not allowed to keep some private money for themselves these days? Director Bi asked me to do it because he trusted me. This kind of thing must be done cleanly."

The smile on Chen Shen's face deepened, and he said leisurely: "Then do you know that Lao Bi is arresting a military commander who smuggles cigarettes and soil recently? Why? Now you even dare to swallow Lao Bi's goods yourself?"

Wu Long's face changed drastically, and he said in panic, "Captain Chen, you've been wronged! I really didn't know Director Bi also wanted this batch of goods."

Chen Shen jumped down from the cargo, walked up to Wu Long and said, "Whether Director Bi wants this batch or not is Boss Hua's idea. You are quite courageous, kid, to sneak up on Chen Cang!"

Wu Long fell to his knees in cold sweat, "Captain Chen, I was wrong, I was wrong! I beg you to help me, please don't let Boss Hua know about this, or I will have no way out!"

Chen Shen looked at Wu Long and said, "Whether you can survive depends on whether you understand the rules. Get up and talk."

Wu Long stood up like saving Amnesty and asked, "Captain Chen, will you help me?"

Chen Shen asked: "How much do you know about the details of that military commander?"

Wu Long said everything he knew, "I only know that the man is Liu Sanmu. He has a brother who is also from the military command, and was recently arrested by your people. Liu Sanmu said that the military command knew his brother Liu Sanjin was there. Selling Yantu, I was secretly looking for them. When I heard that they had arrived in Shanghai, I deliberately leaked the news to you, borrowed a knife to kill people, and got rid of them. Fortunately, Liu Sanmu ran fast when he heard the news. Now he wants to sell Yantu, and the gold pot Wash your hands and get out of here...

(End of this chapter)

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