
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Chen Shen walked forward along the corridor.Bi Zhongliang watched Chen Shen's back gradually disappear, and his steps were steady without any confusion.Chen Shen is the person Bi Zhongliang trusts the most in the entire operation. He doesn't want or want to doubt Chen Shen.But all the movements and expressions of that little crewhead named Shen Zhaoqing just now made him suspicious of Chen Shen.

Bi Zhongliang called Liu Erbao and asked Liu Erbao to bring the crew cut out for separate interrogation, which might give him some unexpected gains.He thought for a while, and asked Liu Erbao to tell Wu Zhiguo to keep an eye on Chen Shen when he went to the hospital, and not to let Chen Shen have any communication with the suspect.

Chen Shen and Wu Zhiguo came to the entrance of the hospital. He looked at the group of Wang pseudo-agents dressed in plain clothes behind him, and said to Wu Zhiguo: "Let the people from the first team be responsible for the guards inside, and the people from the second team be in charge of the outside."

After Chen Shen finished speaking, he walked into the hospital.The words "Intensive Care Area" were written on the two facing hallway doors.Biantou and his subordinate Ada were smoking by the door of the corridor, when they saw Chen Shen, they rushed up immediately, "Captain Chen."

Chen Shen looked up at the intensive care area, and asked, "Apart from the suspect, is there anyone else inside?"

Bian turned his head and said: "There are two other patients who were sent in last night with only one breath left. I have already told the hospital that the family members of other patients are not allowed to come in until we leave. Don't worry, Captain Chen. They are all our people, like an iron bucket."

Chen Shen nodded, "How many exits are there?"

"One here." Ada pointed to the other side, "There is another one at the other end. A Qing is over there."

Chen Shen continued: "Old Bi said that as long as the suspect can't die, he will be brought back for interrogation. Is the suspect awake?"

Biantou said: "I woke up, I woke up earlier than me, my eyes are rolling around, and I am still in good spirits. If you can, take it back quickly, so that the brothers don't dare to close their eyes for fear of losing people. No brains."

Chen Shen patted Biantou on the shoulder, "Didn't you sleep all night? Everyone takes a nap in shift, and I brought the people from the second team too. There are so many people, don't be too nervous!"

Biantou rubbed his stomach, "Hey, I ate too much fried rice in the morning, and it's still full, so I can't sleep now."

Chen Shen looked at the other side and asked, "Which ward does the suspect live in?"

Flat head said: "322."

Wu Zhiguo followed at this time, "Biantou, what's the suspect's situation?"

"Just reported to our boss." Biantou replied.

Chen Shen pushed the door and walked towards the intensive care unit. The door closed again behind him, shutting Biantou and Wu Zhiguo out.He glanced back at the door and found that the door was not closed tightly, but there was a crack left.At this time, a spy came out from the ward and greeted Chen Shen as he passed by.

Chen Shen nodded and watched the agent go out. He noticed that the agent was pushing the corridor door.But when he came in just now, he pushed it inward.Chen Shen already understood in his heart that these are two doors that can be pushed forward no matter what direction you come from.

When the door was closed again, Chen Shen noticed that since the door could not be fully closed, there was a small space at the top of the door that could not be seamed with the door frame.Chen Shen stared at this small space and thought about it. He seemed to have thought of something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Wu Zhiguo came in, and Chen Shen gave him a calm look, "Let's go, let's go to the ward."

Wu Zhiguo responded and walked forward.Chen Shen deliberately lagged behind by two steps, looked at his back, and re-determined what he had just thought of.After a while, they walked to the door of the ward, where the doctor was measuring the blood pressure of Shen Qiuxia on the bed.Chen Shen stood at the door and looked at Shen Qiuxia's pale and bloodless face from a distance. At this time, her eyes were closed tightly, her eyelashes were long and charming.Looking at the weak sister-in-law, Chen Shen felt a strong sense of guilt and powerlessness in his heart. He tried his best to restrain his emotions and followed Wu Zhiguo into the room.

Wu Zhiguo asked the doctor, "How is the suspect's injury?"

While measuring her blood pressure, the doctor replied, "The bullet penetrated her right chest, but did not hurt her lungs. The soft tissue penetrated the wound. It should not be life-threatening."

Chen Shen reached out and took the medical record in the doctor's hand, pretending to read it, and walked behind Wu Zhiguo.Standing there, he dared to take a serious look at Shen Qiuxia, his eyes were clearly full of pity.At this moment, Shen Qiuxia heard someone talking and opened her eyes slightly.She obviously also saw Chen Shen, but she knew that Wu Zhiguo was also staring at her, so she didn't dare to make any movements or expressions, and closed her eyes again.

Chen Shen flipped through the medical records page by page, looked up at the doctor and asked, "Hemostasis, disinfection, anti-infection treatment, didn't even suture surgery?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes. The penetrating wound should be disinfected first, and then we'll see the situation. According to the current injury, it should be able to go to the ground soon after recuperating."

Wu Zhiguo interrupted the doctor and said, "Our operation department also has a medical room, you prescribe the medicine you need, and we will take it back for treatment.

The doctor hesitated, " case the wound becomes infected..."

Wu Zhiguo turned around and said to Chen Shen in a serious tone: "Captain Chen, Director Bi told me that as long as the suspect can't die, he will be brought back for interrogation immediately!"

Chen Shen walked to Shen Qiuxia's side, looked at her face and said, "Okay, it's better to pick it up earlier."

Wu Zhiguo said: "Then... How about asking Captain Chen to call Director Bi for instructions?"

Chen Shen took a look at Wu Zhiguo and understood that he would not give himself and Shen Qiuxia a chance to be alone.

He smiled and said, "Okay, I'll ask Lao Bi for instructions." Then he asked the doctor, "Where can I use the phone?"

The doctor took Chen Shen directly to his office. The moment Chen Shen stepped out of the ward, he looked back, and Wu Zhiguo just looked down at his watch.When Wu Zhiguo looked up, Chen Shen had followed the doctor out of the ward, and Shen Qiuxia on the bed still had her eyes closed.

Chen Shen followed the doctor down the corridor with firm eyes.His hand stretched out from his pocket, holding a small sealed plastic bag about five centimeters square, which contained white crystals.He glanced at the bag of crystals and put it back in his pocket again.

Wang Puppet Secret Service Operations Office.Shen Zhaoqing was quickly taken to a table and sat down.Bi Zhongliang sat across from him, looking at his case file, and after reading the last piece of paper, he raised his head and stared into Shen Zhaoqing's eyes and asked, "You have confessed your crime, do you know that this is a capital crime?"

Shen Zhaoqing was about to cry, he nodded and said: "I know. But I really only said one word to that woman, and if I said it, it would be a death penalty. The man who came with you... he didn't say anything to that woman. After talking, I even ordered a bottle of kvass for that woman...Unfortunately, I didn't hear what they were talking about..."

After hearing this, Bi Zhongliang became thoughtful.At this time, a special agent ran in and said, "Report, Chief, Captain Chen called from the hospital, saying that the woman's life was not in danger, and asked if you would like to go over to confirm whether the woman will be brought back for treatment."

Bi Zhongliang responded, looked at his watch thoughtfully, and nodded after thinking.He immediately called Liu Erbao, and asked Liu Erbao to send a car to Tongren Hospital immediately, and at the same time find out the details of Shen Zhaoqing in Chongqing.

Chen Shen put down the phone and looked at his watch. The time displayed on the watch was ten thirty.He turned and left the doctor's office. When he walked into the corridor, patients, doctors, nurses and others passed by him.

His gaze flicked over an infusion bottle with one-third of its liquid left on the window sill, and he walked over by the window sill, standing by the window sill and lighting a cigarette.Confirming that no one was paying attention to him, he turned the infusion bottle upside down and placed it on the windowsill, and moved it to the edge of the window sill, leaving about half of the bottle in the air.The liquid in the bottle began to drip out through the remaining leather tube.He took out a small pack of white crystals from his pocket and placed them on the outer edge of the upward bottom of the bottle. Because there was still liquid in the bottle, it maintained a temporary balance.After finishing all this, Chen Shen looked at his watch. After 2 minutes had passed, he took another look at the remaining liquid in the bottle before leaving quietly.

Chen Shen continued to walk forward.When he walked to the door of a toilet, his eyes were stung by the light coming in from the window inside. He thought for a while and walked into the toilet.A man is using the toilet.To avoid suspicion, Chen Shen also walked into a toilet cubicle and began to urinate.He turned to look out the window as he urinated and saw the glare coming from the reflection of a pane of glass on the opposite side.The reflection shines on the toilet window sill and into the toilet.

The man who had finished urinating left at this moment, Chen Shen pulled up his trousers and quickly walked to the window.He saw that there was still some snow on the window sill, and immediately gathered the snow into a small snow block that was not too strong.He took out a small bag of crystals from his pocket again, and looked downstairs. There was a green belt directly opposite the toilet downstairs.

Chen Shen hung the small bag of crystals in the air, left some on the window sill, and pressed it with snow.He let go, making sure that the crystal would not fall for a while.The sunlight reflected from the glass on the opposite side shone on the snowball, and the snowball showed faint signs of melting. The time at this time was 35:[-].

Then Chen Shen walked back from the doctor's office building to the inpatient building.He saw a small building being renovated, and some workers pushed out the renovated construction waste with a cart and poured it into the corner downstairs of the hospital.Among the rubbish were some wooden boards with nails, many of which were nailed upwards.When the construction workers walked past Chen Shen, a long rusty nail fell to the ground.

Chen Shen looked back and forth, and found a few pseudo-agents of Wang not far away.He accidentally dropped the cigarette case on the ground, and when he bent down to pick it up, he picked up the spike and put it quietly in his trouser pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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