
Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Xu Bicheng was a little apologetic, and she quickly explained: "Don't blame me, I just don't want you to be in danger!"

Chen Shen smiled and nodded, "Understood, it's better to be straightforward in the future, so that everyone can live longer."

Xu Bicheng also laughed, and then told the whole story.At the end, she asked Chen Shen: "Now it's your turn to tell me, how did you find her?"

But Chen Shen smiled slyly and said, "I don't think it's worthwhile to teach the disciples to starve the master to death."

This is the first time since Chen Shen and Xu Bicheng reunited, they talked about the past.If Li Xiaonan hadn't suddenly come to the operation to find Chen Shen, they might have continued to chat.

In the teahouse, two cups of steaming tea.Chen Shen and Li Xiaonan are sitting at the table playing Go, Chen Shen plays white and Li Xiaonan plays black.Chen Shen made a move, and saw that his white pieces were about to surround Li Xiaonan's black pieces.He looked up at Li Xiaonan who was eating melon seeds while looking at the chessboard, and said leisurely, "You compare yourself to Cao Zhi, don't you?"

Li Xiaonan raised his eyes and looked at Chen Shen blankly, licked another melon seed, and dropped another one.After Chen Shen put down the white seeds, he put away the black ones that he had eaten, and explained: "Cao Zhi forms a poem in seven steps, every time you eat seven melon seeds, you end up with one seed, without thinking too much or too little, are you thinking about it? "

Li Xiaonan glared at Chen Shen, and said exaggeratedly, "You know how many melon seeds I ate, and you just stared at me without looking at the board. Are you thinking about it?"

Chen Shen watched helplessly as Li Xiaonan was about to surrender, and he put the piece in his hand into the chess box: "Forget it, I can't play anymore."

Li Xiaonan persisted, "What do you mean? Do you think I'm a bad chess player? Then who didn't come from a bad chess game? I don't practice much now, who will play with you when I get old? Go on..." Li Xiaonan finished speaking He dropped down quickly, and continued to say with high spirits, "Be careful, I will eat you a big dragon."

Chen Shen continued helplessly, "There is something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time. Last time it was your birthday, I went to Nanjing temporarily..."

Li Xiaonan's eyes looked at the chessboard, and his eyes flickered imperceptibly.Chen Shen observed her carefully, but Li Xiaonan's eyes were lowered, so he couldn't see the change in her eyes.Chen Shen continued: "I asked you to help me carry the purse, and you are not curious, what gift did I prepare for you?"

Li Xiaonan suddenly became excited. She widened her eyes and slapped the table, causing the chess piece to jump up. "That's right, you have no conscience. You haven't given me any presents yet. How dare you say that? Is it a gift?" It’s just hidden in the bag? What the hell is it? Why are you still hiding it for me? I would have opened it myself if I knew it!”

Chen Shen looked at Li Xiaonan, who was startled and froze, and didn't speak.Li Xiaonan dropped another piece at this time, put away the two surrounded white stones proudly and said, "Hmph, you said I can't play chess, did you lose Jingzhou carelessly? I don't care, you must make up for it later." Give me a gift. Don't mess with that, just give me the engagement ring."

Chen Shen ignored Li Xiaonan, dropped a piece, and began to collect the black pieces that were eaten, and said slowly: "This is called a big dragon."

Li Xiaonan was stunned, and quickly stretched out his hand to snatch the sunspot in Chen Shen's hand, "Hey, wait, I didn't see it clearly. It doesn't count, let's do it again..."

Chen Shen didn't know whether Li Xiaonan was pretending to be stupid, or if he was really confused.But in his heart, he hoped that Li Xiaonan was really confused.In this way, Li Xiaonan can continue to live happily and purely as he envied.

The pseudo-agent Wang who was in charge of tracking Tang Shanhai handed the book recording Tang Shanhai's whereabouts to Bi Zhongliang with both hands.

After Bi Zhongliang took it, he looked through it repeatedly, and finally decided to withdraw the secret whistle.Because Bi Zhongliang knew that Tang Shanhai was also a person who had gone through storms. Judging from the leak-free itinerary in this book, he might have discovered it long ago.

That night, Tang Shanhai walked into the house, took off his coat and hung it in the hall.As soon as he put down his briefcase, he heard the sound of cooking from the kitchen.He walked to the door of the kitchen and saw Xu Bicheng was putting a piece of steak into the frying pan in embarrassment.There was a thud, and the splash of oil in the pot caused Xu Bicheng to take a quick step back, hitting him right in time.He quickly supported her.

Tang Shanhai asked with some doubts: "What are you doing?"

Xu Bicheng quickly stood still, turned around and looked at Tang Shanhai and said, "Fried steak, don't you like steak? I want to make it for you."

Tang Shanhai's heart skipped a beat, he looked at Xu Bicheng speechlessly.He went to the dining room to set up the knives and forks, took out a bottle of TOV brandy from the wine cabinet, poured it into two goblets, and started mixing a bowl of fruit salad.After doing all this, he seemed to remember something again, walked to the side cabinet and opened the door, found the candle holder inside, took it out and put it on the dining table, lit the candle, and turned off the light.

Embarrassed, Xu Bicheng brought out two plates of burnt and ugly steaks from the kitchen, and immediately felt the romantic atmosphere in the restaurant.Tang Shanhai was already sitting at the table, looking at her with a smile.She put the steaks in front of herself and Tang Shanhai respectively.Looking at Xu Bicheng in the candlelight, Tang Shanhai only felt that she was extraordinarily beautiful and charming, and unconsciously he was a little lost in thought.

But Xu Bicheng was completely unaware of Tang Shanhai's tender eyes.She looked at the red wine, candlesticks, salad, etc. on the table, and then at her own steak, and couldn't help sighing, "This makes it even more obvious that my steak won't be on the table."

Tang Shanhai came back to his senses, didn't say anything, but picked up a knife and fork to cut a piece of steak, put it into his mouth with the fork, chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it, and said with praise: "The outside is burnt and the inside is tender, from the outside it's tender, The charred aroma, the chewiness of the middle layer, and the tenderness of the inside. This steak let me taste the taste of ten ripe, seven ripe and three ripe at the same time. It is really produced by the master, which is extraordinary."

Xu Bi looked at Tang Shanhai with a smile, "Your criticism is getting better and better."

Tang Shanhai also looked at Xu Bicheng, and said seriously: "For something you're not good at, it's more important than anything else that you put your heart into it."

Xu Bicheng's eyes flooded.She looked at Tang Shanhai gratefully, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Shanhai."

Tang Shanhai's eyes were extraordinarily sincere and pure, "It should be me thanking you, thank you for giving me a warm dinner and giving me a feeling of home."

Xu Bicheng quickly changed the subject, "The car that has been following us seems to have disappeared for two days."

Tang Shanhai lowered his head to cut the steak, and was silent for a while before saying, "I'll go to see Tao Dachun in a while and inform him to suspend all actions against Chen Shen and Bi Zhongliang."

Xu Bicheng was a little surprised, "Did you guess that I was going to ask you about this?"

Tang Shanhai smiled and said: "After you came to Shanghai, you only thanked me twice, both for Chen Shen. So when you said thank you just now, I already knew what you want me to do."

Xu Bicheng muttered, not daring to look at Tang Shanhai.She tried to explain: "He is such a smart person, there must be someone behind. If there is an accident with him, our identities will be exposed."

Tang Shanhai didn't want to expose her small thoughts, so he just agreed with a smile: "You are right, eat."

Xu Bicheng smiled in relief, "Then I'll wait for you at home."

Tang Shanhai smiled and nodded.After dinner, Tang Shanhai left the house and drove straight to the door of the Yunnan Guild Hall Tao Dachun had told him about.He walked in, and an old man wearing glasses greeted him, "Is this gentleman looking for someone or a place to stay?"

Tang Shanhai said: "Look for someone. Is there someone named Lao Tao here? I am a boy from Zhuge Village in his hometown. His wife asked me to send him a message. I wonder if he is there?"

The old man became serious when he heard the words, looked at Tang Shanhai and said, "Old Tao is going out tonight, why don't you wait for him here for a while?"

Tang Shanhai was a little shocked, "Goed out?"

The old man nodded, "Yes, we're going out, sir, if you are willing to wait, please come inside."

Tang Shanhai followed the old man into the inner room, and there seemed to be a layer of worry on his face.He didn't expect that Tao Dachun would not be there, and he even didn't expect that Tao Dachun and Lu Ming came to Chen Shen's house at this time, each riding a bicycle.After confirming that Chen Shen's house was completely dark, the two stopped at a street corner not far away.There was a tool bag on the back seat of the bicycle. When the last pedestrian in the alley also walked away, Tao Dachun nodded slightly to Lu Ming, and Lu Ming picked up the tool bag and went to Chen Shen's house.Tao Dachun stood where he was, lit a cigarette as a passerby, and released the wind for Lu Ming.

Lu Ming poked a wire into the lock and turned it for a while.With a click, the door lock opened.He turned his head and gave Tao Dachun a slight nod, then slipped into Chen Shen's house.He didn't turn on the light, and went directly to the table in the dark, saw the thermos, glass, and kettle on the table, immediately opened the tool bag, and took out a pocket flashlight.Just as he was about to open it, he found a gap in the curtains in the living room. He went to the window and pulled the curtains to make them airtight.

Tool kits were scattered on the floor, and a bomb was stuck under the table.With a pocket flashlight in his mouth, Lu Ming carefully connected a thin wire to the bottom of the thermos bottle, and then put the thermos bottle back to its original place.After all this was done, he started to pack the tool bag and put all the tools back in the bag.At this time, a small piece of metal wire from the electric wire fell to the foot of the table on the ground, but Lu Ming didn't notice it.Lu Ming turned off the flashlight, went to the window in the dark, and opened the curtain a little.He didn't seem to be sure about the size of the original seam, so he opened the curtain a little wider, and then left with the tool bag on his back.

Tao Dachun saw Lu Ming walking out of Chen Shen's house, and quickly stepped forward and stood in front of the door to block Lu Ming.After Lu Ming locked the door again, Tao Dachun said, let's go to the front intersection to ambush him, and if we can't kill him, we will shoot again.

(End of this chapter)

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