
Chapter 58

Chapter 58

In Huamao Hotel, Tang Shanhai, Xu Bicheng and Li Moqun were dining in a private room.After the four of them exchanged pleasantries, they went directly to the topic.Li Moqun put a chopstick of vegetables into a bowl and asked, "Shanhai, Bicheng, you have been at the operation for a while, how do you feel?"

The two looked at each other.Xu Bicheng said, "I'm in the General Affairs Office, that is, I handle some logistics affairs, and the work is quite easy."

Tang Shanhai went on to say: "Recently, the members of the Hurricane Team of the Military Command have been too aggressive, and the operation department has not made any major moves for the time being. Bi Zhongliang took good care of me and basically did not arrange any dangerous work."

Li Moqun snorted, and said in a cold voice, "Take care? He's just on guard against you. He's been doing a lot of work these days, and he's had a good time running to Nanjing."

Tang Shanhai nodded and said, "I have heard some rumors. Bi Zhongliang has a classmate in Nanjing named Li Mengguo, who is close to Mr. Wang."

Li Moqun said: "Huh, this Bi Zhongliang has some skills, but he is also careful. He runs around a lot, and his hands and feet are not clean. Boss Hua, who is in the tobacco business in Huxi, pays tribute to him every month. He thought that I don't know. If I hadn't turned a blind eye, his life would have been so easy?"

Tang Shanhai pondered for a moment, but still spoke out.He said: "I've heard people say that Bi Zhong has a great conscience and seems to have the ambition to replace his uncle."

Upon hearing this, Li Moqun clenched the chopsticks in his hand, and said with a half-smile: "That depends on whether he has the ability."

Tang Shanhai took a look at Li Moqun, and said slowly: "Actually, if Bi Zhongliang is used well, and if he catches him, he is still useful. I'm afraid that he will do some small tricks secretly, and it will be hard to guard against."

Li Moqun loosened his grip on the chopsticks, thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll ask Secretary Sun to notify Bi Zhongliang and transfer Bicheng to the confidential room of the Operations Department as a secretary. No matter what action you take, it must be documented and filed. It's too late for me to see the documents, but if Bicheng is there, I'll know right away."

Tang Shanhai was taken aback, he didn't expect Li Moqun to ask Xu Bicheng to do this.He smiled and said, "Uncle's idea is good, but I'm afraid that Bicheng won't be able to do it. Before I come here today, I thought whether I should tell my uncle to let Bicheng go home and be his wife at ease."

Li Moqun turned to look at Xu Bicheng and asked, "Bicheng doesn't want to work anymore?"

Tang Shanhai wanted to say something, but Xu Bicheng preempted him, "No, uncle. Shanhai always underestimates me. Anyway, I also attended the special training class in Hanzhong. Very good, I can remember most of the documents I have read. I also feel a bit too boring in the general affairs office all day long. Just do as uncle said."

Tang Shanhai couldn't refute for a moment, he just glanced at Xu Bicheng and remained silent.Li Moqun sensed Tang Shanhai's displeasure, and said reassuringly, "Don't worry, Shanhai, I only let Bicheng read the documents, I won't arrange her to do other things, and there will be no danger. But it's not urgent, you guys The two of you will go back to discuss and discuss, and reply to me in two days."

Tang Shanhai nodded casually, as an answer to Li Moqun.Even though he and Xu Bicheng are fake couples, in his heart, his liking for Xu Bicheng is real, so he does not allow Xu Bicheng to be in any danger, even the slightest.But he couldn't openly disobey Li Moqun, until he and Xu Bicheng drove home, his face was still stern.Xu Bicheng glanced at him a few times while sitting in the co-pilot, but he also pretended not to see, and kept his eyes on the front.

The inside of the car was very quiet, and it was raining outside the window, only the sound of the wiper scraping the glass was heard.

After a long time, Xu Bicheng said, "You don't seem very happy."

Tang Shanhai still opened his mouth.He said: "Although our task is to collect intelligence, that is my task. You just need to be my wife, the wife in name."

Xu Bicheng was puzzled, "Didn't the organization tell us to look for the 'Return to Zero Project'? Bi Zhongliang is always on guard against you, how do you find it? If I enter the confidential room, I may have access to more information."

Tang Shanhai glanced at Xu Bicheng, a little helpless, "Li Moqun's motive for calling you to the confidential room is too obvious, do you think Bi Zhongliang would not understand? If he wanted to prevent you, he made some false information to confuse the public, like you Such an inexperienced and impulsive person, I'm afraid you will fall into his trap."

Xu Bicheng immediately said: "I promise to report all the information I have seen to you, and you will be able to distinguish the authenticity and decide whether to take action. I will definitely not be impulsive."

Tang Shanhai said: "You have to remember that in the operation department, except me, there is no one you can completely trust, including Chen Shen."

Xu Bicheng nodded, "I know."

"Cooperating with him was just an accident. Think about it, if he is 'Sparrow', and if we want to compete for the same information, how would you choose?" Tang Shanhai glanced at Xu Bicheng after speaking.He was waiting for Xu Bicheng to give him an answer, or waiting for Xu Bicheng to figure it out by himself.Xu Bicheng was stunned.The headlights of the car penetrated the darkness of the rainy night, driving on the way home, as if there was a light ahead to guide the progress, and it seemed that the whole body was surrounded by darkness and there was no peace.

In the early morning of the next day, the Wang Puppet Operation Office.A spy was training the wolf dog Ah Si. Bi Zhongliang and Chen Shen watched from the sidelines, chatting with each other.Bi Zhongliang asked Chen Shen: "Did you see Xu Bicheng's call?"

Chen Shen said: "I see, Secretary Sun personally delivered it today, and transferred her to the confidential room."

Bi Zhongliang pulled Chen Shen closer to him, then lowered his voice and said, "This morning, Li Moqun specially called me to his office. Guess what he said to me?"

Chen Shen asked, "What did you say?"

Bi Zhongliang said in a deep voice: "It is said that although Xu Bicheng is his niece, she may be an undercover agent sent by Dai Li. Tell me to be careful."

Chen Shen was a little surprised, "Does he mean to take you as his confidant?"

Bi Zhongliang sneered, "What a confidant! Li Moqun doesn't trust anyone at all. He wished that his subordinates would fight against each other and cause a chaotic battle, and then everyone would find him as a backer, so that he could secure his position."

Chen Shen smiled and said: "To fight with you, you have to have this ability. When Xu Bicheng was my student, he was ranked last in almost every class in the class. He has a pretty face and a stupid stomach, so there is nothing to worry about." .”

Bi Zhongliang looked at Chen Shen and smiled meaningfully.He asked: "Of course I am not afraid of her. Do you know who I am most afraid of?" Then Bi Zhongliang patted Chen Shen on the shoulder and said, "As long as my brother doesn't betray me, I am not afraid of anyone."

Chen Shen was stunned for a moment, and then smiled playfully: "Give me the abacus, and I'll calculate how much I can sell you when I get back, and I'll share half of it with you."

Bi Zhongliang smiled and punched Chen Shen, "Little red guy."

Chen Shen ended his morning chat with Bi Zhongliang.Regardless of whether Bi Zhongliang's motive for saying this was to test or casually, in fact Chen Shen knew that, perhaps in Bi Zhongliang's heart, he didn't trust anyone.But if he wants to make a ranking, of course he believes in himself the most.This afternoon, when Chen Shen was busy in the office, Xu Bicheng walked in, handed a commendation document to Chen Shen and said, "The commendation document just arrived today."

Chen Shen took it over and looked at it. The above commendation was about the six-member team of the Military Command.He closed the document, threw it aside the table, and said with a smile: "This credit is actually yours."

Xu Bicheng also smiled, but her smile seemed to be preoccupied.She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I also saw a prison transfer notice today, about the transfer of ten Juntong prisoners from Caohejing Prison to Tilanqiao Prison."

Chen Shen looked at Xu Bicheng and said seriously: "The documents you see may not be what I should know. As a confidential secretary, you must learn to keep your mouth shut."

Xu Bicheng said: "I will keep my mouth shut to others, but I must ask you about this matter. Do you remember Zhou Li? She was the girl who lived in the same room with me when I attended the special training class."

Chen Shen nodded, "Oh, she also sent me a letter for you."

Xu Bicheng said sadly: "Yes, that's her. I saw her name on today's prison transfer list.

Chen Shen pondered for a while, "There are many people with the same name and surname."

Xu Bicheng shook his head and said affirmatively: "But my intuition is her. After graduation, she was transferred to the Second Department of the Military Command. Later, I heard that she was sent to other places to carry out secret missions. I never saw her again."

Chen Shen's eyes were dark.He looked at Xu Bicheng and asked, "If it was her, what would you want to do?"

Xu Bicheng said word by word, "I want to save her."

Chen Shen still looked at Xu Bicheng, but stopped talking.It took him a long time before he said: "As far as I know, no one has ever been able to save someone from Bi Zhongliang."

Xu Bicheng took a step forward and said eagerly: "You know that during the time I was studying in the special training class, I couldn't do anything well, but she always helped me and encouraged me. Besides you, she is the most important thing to me. People, she is closer than my own sister. How can you let me know her whereabouts, but do nothing?"

Chen Shen asked: "Then are you planning to die with her? Or let me and Tang Shanhai die with you?"

Chen Shen's words made Xu Bicheng fall into despair.She looked at Chen Shen, and asked desperately, "Is there really nothing I can do?"

(End of this chapter)

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