
Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Xu Bicheng had tears in his eyes, but his expression was firm.She gritted her teeth and said, "I don't care what his reason is, I will get back this debt for Zhou Li one day."

Chen Shen looked at Xu Bicheng with sparkling eyes.Such Xu Bicheng, to Chen Shen, is like a flower blooming in the dark, struggling to shine and budding.

Lu Ming, who was tied to the rack, has been tortured beyond recognition.Liu Erbao stepped forward with a written interrogation report, and a special agent grabbed Lu Ming's hand and pressed bloody fingerprints on the report.Liu Erbao put away the report with satisfaction, and handed the report to Bi Zhongliang's desk in the early morning of the next day.Bi Zhongliang sat at the table and took the interrogation report from Liu Erbao.

Liu Erbao stood in front of the table and said: "This person's name is Lu Ming, he is a member of the Hurricane Team of the Military Command, and their captain is named Tao Dachun.

As far as he knows, Tao Dachun is the only person who has met the inner ghost.On the day of the operation, it was also Tao Dachun who suddenly received an order to suspend the operation, and they evacuated.But what was the specific reason, and who notified Tao Dachun, he didn't know anything.He also recruited their secret residence, which is in the Chongqing Guild Hall on Ningde Road. "

Bi Zhongliang pondered for a moment and said, "I'm afraid it's too late to go now. After being arrested all night, the Hurricane team must have withdrawn long ago."

Liu Erbao asked: "Are you still going?"

Bi Zhongliang thought for a while, "You should take a few people there and see if you can find any clues."

Liu Erbao received the order and immediately went to prepare.Bi Zhongliang leaned back on the chair, filtered all the clues in his mind, and then opened his eyes suddenly, this time he is bound to find out the ghost!
Early the next morning, Tang Shanhai knocked on Xu Bicheng's office.He handed over the milk and bread in his hand and said, "I'll bring you some breakfast."

Xu Bicheng forced a smile, took it and said, "Thank you."

Tang Shanhai asked with concern: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Xu Bicheng said: "I made do with the night on the recliner, just thinking about going home tonight."

Tang Shanhai smiled and said, "Yes."

After Tang Shanhai finished speaking, he returned to his office under the watchful eye of a spy next to him.He stood at the window of the office and saw that the door of the cell was guarded by several secret agents, and everyone who tried to enter would be stopped and questioned repeatedly.Tang Shanhai frowned deeply, took out the group photo of Lu Ming's family of three from his pocket, and put it back into his pocket.Tang Shanhai called Li Moqun again.

Chen Shen, who was also in the office, answered a phone call asking him to interrogate the prisoner.He hung up the phone, thought for a while and walked out.When he reached the door of the cell, he put his hands in his pockets and swayed in.Bi Zhongliang ate the peanuts and drank the hot Huadiao wine in the enamel cup, and said to the scarred Lu Ming: "You must still want to see your wife? Do you have children?"

Lu Ming's eyes fluctuated a little, full of sadness and helplessness.Standing behind Bi Zhongliang, Chen Shen silently listened to Bi Zhongliang continue to say: "Actually, I have always felt that the so-called belief of giving up the family to protect everyone is bullshit. If a man can't even keep his wife and children, he wants those What is the use of high-sounding beliefs? For ordinary people like us, what can be more practical than family reunion, peace and joy? As long as you say it, I can let you go and let your family reunite."

Lu Ming hesitated for a while, and said with trembling lips, "My daughter-in-law was also arrested by you." Bi Zhongliang suddenly smiled. He looked at Lu Ming and waited for Lu Ming to say, "If I help you find that person, will you Can you release me and my wife?"

Bi Zhongliang took a sip of Huadiao wine and said slowly: "The beauty of adults has always been my hobby."

Chen Shen's heart was in his throat, but he knew he couldn't do anything now.He could only look at Lu Ming, and he couldn't even change his expression.He heard Lu Ming say: "The day before the operation, Tao Dachun met a woman, that woman was not yet 30 years old, with long curly hair, and she was pretty. I don't know if that woman is his superior."

Bi Zhongliang's spirit was lifted, and his tone was filled with excitement, "If you see her again, will you recognize her?"

Lu Ming hesitated, but finally nodded, "It should be possible."

Standing aside, Chen Shen was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead.At this time, a spy came to tell Bi Zhongliang that Li Moqun called him.Bi Zhongliang frowned and said, "Call early or late."

Bi Zhongliang turned his head and saw Chen Shen. Chen Shen, who had been silent just now, showed his usual foolish look and smiled, "The one who complained was earlier than you."

Bi Zhongliang pointed to Lu Ming, and said to Chen Shen: "I'm going to answer the phone now, and you bring this person to the conference room for me."

Chen Shen asked, "Go to the conference room?"

Bi Zhongliang said to another spy: "You call all the women in the office to the conference room and let him recognize them."

After Bi Zhongliang gave his orders, he left in a hurry.

In the meeting room, the action virgins including Xu Bicheng and Liu Meina were brought into the meeting room and stood in a row.Xu Bicheng was extremely nervous when he heard the sound of ankle chains being dragged from the ground.

Chen Shen led Lu Ming to the meeting room.The anklets on Lu Ming's feet scratched across the smooth ground, making harsh friction sounds.Chen Shen looked calm. He saw Tang Shanhai walk out of the office and appear in the corridor, looking at him from afar.

When he came to a corner where no one was around, Chen Shen suddenly showed the group photo of Lu Ming's family of three.

Lu Ming looked at the photo in surprise, and looked at Chen Shen in disbelief, "You are..."

Chen Shen interrupted Lu Ming, and said quickly and briefly: "I am just a messenger. Every traitor who surrenders to Bi Zhongliang will die in the end, because they are no longer useful. If you really want to save Your wife and child, are you willing to believe in the Hurricane team, or Bi Zhongliang? Only if you keep your mouth shut forever can Zhou Li and the child be safe."

Chen Shen looked at Lu Ming's tangled expression, paused and said, "Otherwise, Boss Dai's Hurricane Team wouldn't let you go."

Lu Ming was in despair.Deep in his heart, he already believed in Bi Zhongliang's words, and chose to sacrifice the connector to save their family.But Chen Shen's words pushed him back to the original point, and he had to make another choice.

It's just that this time his choice became to trust the Hurricane, sacrifice himself, save his wife and children, and save that connector?
Still believe in Bi Zhongliang, only sacrifice the connector, save him, save his wife and children?
In just a moment, Lu Ming walked to the door of the conference room.He saw Xu Bicheng at a glance, and Xu Bicheng was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat.

At this time, Bi Zhongliang was talking on the phone in the office: "Director Li, you have wronged me by saying that. Of course I believe that Bicheng is innocent... Don't worry, Director Li, as long as there is no conclusive evidence, I will definitely let Bicheng return today." Home."

Bi Zhongliang hung up the phone, his face became gloomy.He muttered viciously to himself: "If there is solid evidence, she will never want to go home again."

(End of this chapter)

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