
Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Tang Shanhai didn't say anything, only a trace of uneasiness flashed between his brows, he felt that Su Sansheng didn't trust him at this time.

The sniper waiting to kill Su Sansheng at the window outside the door must have been in position at this time, even if Tang Shanhai knew that waiting might be dangerous, he had no choice but to give it a go.

Liu Erbao, who was squatting in the courtyard, soon heard Su Sanxing's voice from the direction of the cell: "If you don't want him to die, get out of the way!"

Su Sansheng escorted Tang Shanhai to appear at the door of the cell, and was quickly surrounded by several spies.

Chen Shen, Xu Bicheng, Liu Meina, Secretary Qian, Biantou and others also quickly ran out of the office building and came to the yard.Chen Shen didn't expect Su Sansheng to use glass, and his expression was extremely worried.Xu Bicheng clenched his fingers and stared at the piece of glass against Tang Shanhai's neck, for fear of any accidents.

Su Sansheng laughed and said, "I don't want Captain Tang's blood to splash on the spot, and I don't want him to die. Get out of the way!"

At this moment, Tang Shanhai was also so nervous that his forehead was sweating. From the corner of his eye, he saw the sniper on the wall trying to aim at Su Sansheng, but he didn't dare to act rashly because most of Su Sansheng was hiding behind him.This was the plan of him, Chen Shen, and Bi Zhongliang. First, Tang Shanhai sneaked into the interrogation room to deceive Su Sansheng into trusting him, and then let him take him out, charged him with fleeing in fear of crime, and shot him dead on the spot.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Shen couldn't help but winked at Biantou, and said in a low voice, "Go to Su Sansheng's house immediately and invite his sister over."

Biantou left in response.

Chen Shen took a step forward, trying to delay, "Su Sansheng, if I were you, I wouldn't do such a stupid thing."

Su Sansheng laughed when he heard the words, "Waiting to die will only make you more stupid. Get out of the way, I want to see Director Li."

At this time, Bi Zhongliang, who was standing at the office window watching this scene, frowned even tighter.He can now conclude that Zeng Shu must have notified Li Moqun, because the phone in his office has been ringing non-stop.Bi Zhongliang knew that it must be Li Moqun, but he deliberately didn't answer it. The phone rang several times before it became quiet.

This situation made Bi Zhongliang feel even more uneasy, because there was only one reason why the call stopped, that is, Li Moqun was on his way, and he had to kill Su Sansheng before Li Moqun appeared.

Tang Shanhai said to Su Sansheng: "Captain Su, calm down! If you want to see Director Li, you can ask Captain Chen to call him right now. Let me go first, and everyone sit down and talk."

Su Sansheng shouted excitedly: "I can't trust them."

Countless countermeasures flashed through Chen Shen's mind, he looked directly at Su Sansheng and said, "Okay, I can let you see Director Li, but there is one condition."

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Regardless of the other party's resistance, Chen Shen continued, "If I remember correctly, Captain Su's sister is also in Shanghai, right?"

Su Sansheng was really nervous, and glared at Chen Shen, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Shen stared closely at the expression on his face, "I heard that Captain Su's family was also killed by the Japanese. If your sister sees you being pointed at by so many guns and knows that you are actually a traitor, do you think she What will happen?"

"Don't touch my sister!"

"Then do you think I am qualified to negotiate terms with you?"

Su Sansheng held back his anger, and stared at Chen Shen viciously, "Speak! What conditions?!"

Chen Shen took two steps forward tentatively, "Fair terms. Let Captain Tang go, and I'll be your hostage."

Xu Bicheng and Tang Shanhai were startled at the same time, and looked at Chen Shen.

Chen Shen said: "I, Chen Shen, eat enough for one person, and the whole family is not hungry. I will be a hostage so that Mrs. Tang will not be worried when watching."

Xu Bicheng looked at Chen Shen with more worry in his eyes.Tang Shanhai obviously caught Xu Bicheng's expression, and his eyes darkened. He would rather be held hostage by Su Sansheng than see Xu Bicheng's expression.

Su Sansheng said: "Okay, prepare the car right away, I want to go to No. 76 immediately."

Chen Shen smiled and raised his hand to raise the car key in his hand, "Here is the car key." Then he raised his hands above his head and walked over without hesitation.

Chen Shen said, "Let him go."

Su Sansheng pushed Tang Shanhai violently, and quickly pointed the glass at Chen Shen's neck.But when the electric flint flashed, Chen Shen suddenly flashed, scaring Su Sansheng into surprise, and swiped the glass again to chop at Chen Shen.Chen Shen stretched out his hand, a big gash was cut on his hand by the glass, and Su Sansheng's hand was also cut bloody by the glass.Tang Shanhai had already retreated a few steps at this time, but was grabbed by Liu Meina and retreated to a safe area.Xu Bicheng's attention was all on Chen Shen, seeing him injured, he exclaimed, "Be careful!"

Chen Shen and Su Sansheng fell into a fight and scuffle. Liu Erbao, all the spies and the snipers on the wall pointed their guns at the two of them.Bi Zhongliang, who was watching the battle from the window, clenched his fists nervously. Seeing the two wrestling and wrestling on the ground in the yard, he was worried that Chen Shen would be injured, so he did not give the order to shoot for a long time, and was at a loss what to do.

At this time, a gunshot sounded at the gate, breaking the fierce fighting situation in the courtyard, and a Japanese military vehicle quickly came into view.Su Sansheng was taken aback for a moment, while Chen Shen took advantage of the moment Su Sansheng was distracted and threw a punch, knocking Su Sansheng to the ground.Several guns of Liu Erbao and others aimed at Su Sansheng's head at the same time.However, the driving car had stopped, and Shibuya jumped down with a team of Japanese military police, quickly surrounded the people in the yard, and shouted in blunt Chinese: "Everyone, stop!"

Bi Zhongliang, who was standing at the window, saw that Ying Zuo also came down from the cab of the car, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.He clenched his gums tightly and spat out a sentence: "Li Moqun, the shit, if you don't come by yourself, you brought the Japanese here."

Chen Shen sat on the ground panting violently, everyone was looking at Yingzuo who came down from the passenger cab of the car, but Xu Bicheng only had Chen Shen in his eyes.

A thrilling civil strife had to come to an end because of Yingzuo's sudden arrival.All the confidential personnel present were taken to the meeting room.Ying Zuo took the main seat, and the rest of them lined up.Su Sansheng's hair was messy, and with blood all over his body, he roared angrily: "Framed, definitely framed! General Yingzuo, I have already given the entire military command Shanghai area to No. 76. I and the military command have long been at odds. How could it be possible? Helping the military command to steal information? This is definitely framed!"

Bi Zhongliang knew that there was no time to delay, so he sat upright and said pointedly: "Su Sansheng, you are too impulsive. No one has imposed the crime of stealing information on you from the beginning to the end. How guilty are you? Do you have to leave here in a hurry, even at the risk of kidnapping Captain Tang?

The outside voice of what is said here is naturally for Yingzuo to listen to, but Yingzuo just watched from the sidelines and did not respond.

Su Sansheng glared at Bi Zhongliang angrily, "That's not what Chen Shen said."

Chen Shen caressed the open wound on his hand, and responded calmly, "It seems that my reasoning frightened Captain Su."

Su Sansheng laughed angrily, "Since you can handcuff me as a spy, you can also kill me and tell others that I have confessed. I can't wait to die here."

Bi Zhongliang looked at him coldly, and snorted coldly, "Really? Then why don't we kill you directly while you are unconscious, and have to wait for you to wake up?"

Su Sansheng was speechless for a moment.

Chen Shen looked at the angry Su Sansheng calmly, and analyzed the civil turmoil clearly: "After an inexplicable fire broke out, when everyone left the office building, Captain Su stayed in the file room all the time. When we found you half an hour later, you fainted on the ground inexplicably, and there was no sign of a fight. Coincidentally, there were signs of someone trying to open the top-secret safe in the archives. Captain Su, whoever sees this In any case, will this person be listed as a suspect to ask the truth?"

"Fart!" Su Sansheng yelled at the case, "I am a victim at all. Someone locked the door from the outside when it was on fire, so I couldn't get out. I don't even know who set the fire."

Tang Shanhai knew that since Ying Zuo had appeared here, Li Moqun must have had good things to say.Now that the matter has come to this, he will sell Su Sansheng in due course.Tang Shanhai said slowly: "Although Captain Su hijacked me too impulsively, I also think that it is impossible for Captain Su to do everything by himself."

Su Sansheng nodded immediately, and at the same time apologized: "Captain Tang, I'm sorry just now." He then turned to Yingzuo and said respectfully, "General Yingzuo, I suspect that someone deliberately framed me because they were afraid that I would find out information about the traitor and communist party. .I demand a thorough investigation into this matter and return my innocence.”

Sure enough, Ying Zuo looked at Bi Zhongliang with a calm expression, "Director Bi, I think I may have understood a little bit. This matter should be a misunderstanding. In order to thoroughly investigate this matter, I want to bring Su Sansheng back to the Mei Agency. I will instruct the gendarmerie to investigate this matter, and I hope you can cooperate."

Su Sansheng looked back at Bi Zhongliang provocatively. Although Bi Zhongliang was extremely annoyed, he couldn't refute Yingzuo's meaning.Bi Zhongliang stood in front of the office building and watched Su Sansheng follow Shibuya into the car of the Japanese Gendarmerie, and Chen Shen and others sent him out.Xu Bicheng stared at Chen Shen's wounded and bleeding hand from beginning to end, she couldn't hold back, and stepped forward to tug on Tang Shanhai's sleeve.But when she was about to speak, Tang Shanhai booed her to stop her.

Ying Zuo put Bi Zhongliang's shoulders, knowing that he must be concerned about today's affairs, he did not forget to comfort him: "Director Bi, in the whole No. 76, you are the person I admire the most."

Bi Zhongliang knew that Yingzuo was giving him a sweet date after slapping him, but he still had to pretend to be modest, "Thanks to General Yingzuo's love, Zhongliang is flattered."

(End of this chapter)

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