Invincible in one touch

Chapter 101 Sending You On Your Way

Chapter 101 Sending You On Your Way

Chapter 101 Sending You On Your Way


The stellar energy was so strong that it broke through the black air all over the sky, and immediately revealed the figure inside.

It was a huge beast, its whole body was rotten, and black liquid continuously flowed out of its skin.

If some female players saw it, they might be so frightened that they couldn't even resist, and let you pick it.

The Hawkeye talent was swept away, and the attributes of the boss emerged.

Breath of Corruption (Earth-Level Boss)

Rating: 50
Blood value: 150000
Attack: 1170
Defense: 700
Corrosion: Ignore 10% of the opponent's armor when attacking

Skills: Hand of Black Demon (summons magic energy, causing great damage to the front) Darkness Corrosion (wraps the enemy with your own body, compulsively confines it for 3 seconds, corrodes the enemy's high blood value every second) Darkness Breeding (every 10 Recover 1% of your own blood in seconds)

Description: A disgusting monster, but possesses extremely disgusting power. When you see it, you must run fast

There are not many skills, but there are control, strong kills, and a very cowhide vitality recovery ability!

Restore 10% of your blood value every 1 seconds, which is 1500 points of blood, how can this be done?
Generally, when encountering this kind of monster, players don't need to fight at all, they can directly kill it.

It is a problem for their 1 minute output to exceed 1500!
Obviously, this is a group boss, and you must have enough people to defeat it.

Of course, with Ye Fusheng's attributes, he can completely kill it alone in a short time, just be careful of the compulsory control effect of darkness corrosion.


When Ye Fusheng was observing the attributes of the breath of corrosion, the steel blade was already fighting it with two swords.

The sword pierced into the flesh, bringing up blood-red injuries and black flesh.

The breath of corrosion was like a ball of ooze, and instead of fighting back, it scattered aside, surrounding the steel blade.

Ten seconds later, the Man of Steel managed to cut off 10% of his blood, and the flesh on Breath of Corrosion wriggled and recovered.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Steel Blade's complexion changed slightly, and he wanted to retreat quickly.

However, the breath of corrosion has already surrounded him, how can he escape?



A puddle of meat mud surged, quickly binding the steel blade, and the black breath even invaded the armor of the steel blade.

The bright red number jumped up, and the blood bar of the steel blade was attenuated by 10%. Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng hurried forward, raising his hand and punching him!
Ma De, although the steel blade can be resurrected after death, all it needs are resources!

The wind of the fist was fierce, and the breath of corrosion immediately stunned him in place.

The meteor fire rain was cast, and countless flames fell, hitting the breath of corrosion one after another.

In this way, the meat paste was melted by the flames, and the steel blade escaped immediately, and his health bar had already dropped to 70%!

"Hiss—what a powerful attack!"

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but shudder in his heart. In just two seconds, he had swallowed 30% of the steel blade's energy and blood. If it took 5 seconds, he might be dead!

General attack + heavy slash + general attack + punching slash + sword swing for nine days!

Without explaining the fall of the combo, the Qi and blood of the breath of corrosion suddenly plummeted to 80%!

"Hiss—so strong!"

"My lord is too powerful!"

Steel Blade and many cavalrymen were shocked, this shit, it's too fierce!


However, 10 seconds had passed, the breath of corrosion recovered its blood, and a green +1500 number floated out of his head!

At the same time, its counterattack is about to begin!
The skills were cooling down, Ye Fusheng activated the guardian state, the holy shield, stepped forward, and continued to slash at the breath of corrosion with his sword.

A real man must be tough!

However, before Ye Fusheng stepped forward to slash two swords, the rotting flesh that fell from the side of Corrosion Breath surged up together, and rushed onto Ye Fusheng's body.


"System prompt: You have been imprisoned by dark corrosion. Due to the high resistance to abnormalities, the imprison time has been shortened to 2.25 seconds!"

"Damn it, this skill cools down so fast?"

Unable to move his body abruptly, and surrounded by a mass of stinking carrion, Ye Fusheng's face suddenly turned dark.

What's the situation, he deliberately got stuck in the breath of corrosion and dared to use the time of the dark corrosion to output it, but after about 10 seconds, it can use skills again?

Damn, turn on the cooling reduction and hang up! -

Ye Fusheng's blood bar jumped wildly, and the damage was still increasing. Ye Fusheng finally understood why the steel blade was so embarrassed just now.

"Made, 2.25 seconds, I don't know if I can last it! Damn skill!"

Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth, and could only watch the blood bar continue to decrease, but fortunately, as long as he survived, the next round would explode, even if his skills were not complete, he could rely on high attack to suck back his blood and ensure that he would not die!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the attribute darkness resistance +5!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the skill Dark Breeding X1!"

Breeding of Darkness (Passive Skill—LV1): Every ten seconds, restore 1% of your own blood value and the blood value of the dark attribute X100


"I stole the skill of Dark Breeding?"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up. Although his dark attribute is very low now, and his skill level is also low, he can loot more monsters in the future, and he can definitely improve his dark attribute.

At that time, wouldn't it be as perverted as the breath of corrosion, which can restore qi and blood every second, unless he is killed in seconds, otherwise, he will hardly die!

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng didn't care to continue attacking the breath of corrosion, swallowed the blood bottle, and let the breath of corrosion attack him while recovering his blood volume.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, and getting the dark attribute +5!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining abnormal status resistance +3!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, gaining darkness resistance +5!"

With the continuous triggering of the plundering technique, Ye Fusheng's resistance to darkness increased, and the damage he received also decreased.

In addition, after being corrupted by the darkness, Ye Fusheng, relying on his high attack, can restore full blood with just a few sword strikes, so he is not afraid at all.

It's just that I'm constantly being wrapped in meat paste, and I feel a little disgusted.

However, watching the system panel keep refreshing, Ye Fusheng was satisfied.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, and getting the dark attribute +1!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, gaining darkness resistance +1!"

Ye Fusheng's complexion suddenly changed when the two plus 1 reminders sounded, and his eyes were full of disgust when he looked at the breath of corrosion.

Useless guy, it's time to send you on your way!
(PS: The eighth update today!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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