Invincible in one touch

Chapter 174 Hidden Professional Goddess Envoy, the Auction Officially Opens!

Chapter 174 Hidden Professional Goddess Envoy, the Auction Officially Opens!
In Xinshou Village, the appearance of a young girl immediately caused an uproar!


"Isn't that the vice president of the First Guild Ukiyo - Feng Lingxue Wu?"

"She seems to have something to do with Floating Life. When the guild was founded, she was made the vice president. Do you think she is a Floating Life woman?"

"Hiss - we'd better not worry too much about those important people's affairs!"

"However, Fenglingxuewu is already over 30 levels, why would she come back to Xinshou Village?"

Many players were astonished, but they stepped aside and stared at Qian Shanxue closely.

A few minutes later, when a little loli fell into Qian Shanxue's arms, all the players erupted.

"Damn it—that little girl, why is she so pretty?"

"This--is that her daughter?"

"Oh my god, it's not easy to have a goddess, but in the end, she even has a daughter?"

Seeing this scene, many players couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

Of course, no matter how heartbroken they were, it would not affect Qian Shanxue and little Lolita.

Qian Shanxue took little Lolita directly out of Novice Village and went to the advanced map.

The setting of "Reincarnation of the Heavens" does not limit the acquisition of experience, that is to say, even if you are level 1, you can gain experience even if you kill level 100 monsters.

Hurrying back to Sunset City, it was only 10 o'clock, and there was still a lot of time, Ye Fusheng breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed to the auction to consign the newly acquired equipment for sale.


"System prompt: Congratulations to Sunset City player [Fusheng Wanqian] for successfully consigning the Earth Tool and Petrified Plate Armor. The auction will be officially held at 12 o'clock today!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to Sunset City player [Fusheng Wanqian] for successfully consigning the gold weapon Zhanfeng Sword. The auction will be officially held at 12 o'clock today!"


When the system bell sounded, Ye Fusheng pondered for a moment, and directly yelled a server speaker: "The Zhanfeng Sword, the weapon of the Dragon Son, the leader of the top ten guilds, will be auctioned in Sunset City at 12 o'clock today. The sword that was once bullied by the Dragon Son People, you can buy the sword back as a collection, everyone is welcome to come, and there are many earth utensils and outstanding gold utensils for sale!"

The server horn fell, and in an instant, the players in the entire Huaxia War Zone and the seven major cities were boiling.

Especially those who have grievances with the Holy Dragon Guild, even if they were not prepared to buy land tools before, they all started to raise gold coins and rushed to Sunset City at this time.

Even if you can't buy the ground weapon, you can grab the weapon that the Dragon Son was exploded, and you can humiliate the Dragon Son in the future, revenge, why not do it?

Of course, Ye Fusheng didn't know other people's thoughts, but he had a hunch that he would definitely make a lot of money in this auction!
Turning around to leave, an NPC grabbed Ye Fusheng and said respectfully: "Dear warrior, because you have contributed a lot of equipment in this auction, you have got a special quota, and you can open a VIP box for players and friends to auction. Use it when you can!”


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who has obtained the right to use the VIP box No. 1 of the auction for 24 hours, and can bring no more than 30 players in!"

"Huh? There's even a VIP box?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being amused, that's fine, if a bunch of beautiful and lovely young ladies in their floating world are all crowded in the auction hall, it might cause a riot!

If they are all in the box, then he can enjoy the beautiful scenery alone.


"System prompt: player [Ye Xin] applied to add you as a friend, do you agree?"

"Huh? Ye Xin?"

"Little Loli?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng thought of the little Lolita who claimed to be careful and gave up such a name. Could it be that her surname is really Ye, her real name is Ye Xin?
Confused, Ye Fusheng agreed to the friend request and checked the information.

Ye Xin (Goddess Envoy)

"Level 1 is a hidden profession? It's a bit domineering!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng opened the official website and entered the three characters "Goddess Envoy". However, in the column of job description, there were countless question marks.

In other words, this profession may not be included in the game settings!
But, it appeared alive!

Just when Ye Fusheng was amazed by little loli's occupation, Ye Xin sent a message: "Xiao Niang said, let me ask where you are!"

"You ask her to bring you to the Sunset Auction House, I'll wait for you here!"

He has already made an appointment with Liu Yue to meet here, and Ye Fusheng can't leave for a short time, so he can only let Qian Shanxue come here with caution.

It is estimated that when the auction starts, there will be no time to go to other places.

"Okay, Daddy, we're coming!"

Ye Xin sent a message, very well-behaved.

This made Ye Fusheng quite amazed, it would be nice if there was such a lovely daughter.

After a long time, Liu Yue came to the auction, saw Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and hurriedly greeted him: "Yo, little brother, where's the gang building order?"

Glancing at Liu Yue, Ye Fusheng traded the guild formation order to her, and entrusted her: "Well... when you come to see me tomorrow, you must bring everything with you!"


Hearing this, Liu Yue's cheeks were flushed, and she rolled her eyes, but she had a different style.

But, looking down at the attributes of the Guild Establishment Order, Liu Yue's whole heart became excited, she jumped up all of a sudden, threw herself into Ye Fusheng's arms, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hee hee, thank you, with this guild building order, I can definitely make Meteor Guild one of the top ten guilds!"

Liuyue was so excited that she didn't pay attention to her movements at all, and her whole body was squeezed into Ye Fusheng's arms.

"Huh? What? Do you want to play it in the game?"

Ye Fusheng only felt the evil fire growing in his body, looking at Liuyue's eyes, he suddenly became greedy.

"Bah bah bah!"

"No way!"

Liuyue came to her senses, blushed, and quickly withdrew from Ye Fusheng's arms.

"Tsk tsk tsk! You two, are you planning to show your affection in front of the NPC?"

A slightly cold voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Fusheng and Liu Yue turned around, only to see Qian Shanxue dragging a little loli into the auction house lobby.

In an instant, Liu Yue's face turned red, and then she glared at Ye Fusheng viciously.


Little Loli turned her head slightly, staring at Liuyue with her big eyes, and asked curiously, "Is this also a little girl?"


Little Lolita's address to Ye Fusheng completely shocked Liuyue, she was dumbfounded, looked at Ye Fusheng, then at Qian Shanxue, and said in surprise: "No wonder... no wonder your two families got married suddenly, so you even have a child ah!"

The Liuyue family is not weak either. When the news of the engagement between the Ye family and the Qian family came out, she guessed Feng Lingxue Wu's identity.

For a moment, Liu Yue looked at Qian Shanxue with strange eyes.

Qian Shanxue and Ye Fusheng were only 19 or 20 years old at best, but Little Lolita was 5 or 6 years old, which meant that when they were 13 or 4 years old, they just had a baby!

How could this not shock her? !
"No... I won't give birth to him!"

Qian Shanxue couldn't understand the meaning of Liuyue's words, blushed, curled her lips and said: "As for whose child is this, you can ask him yourself!"


In an instant, black lines appeared on Ye Fusheng's head, but with little loli here, he couldn't say much, it would be fine if it made her sad.

"How did you come so fast?"

Ye Fusheng quickly changed the subject.

"You just got the guild establishment order, I thought you would sell it, so you just brought caution, but now it seems..."

Qian Shanxue gave Liuyue a meaningful glance.

Liuyue appeared here, and even kissed Ye Fusheng excitedly, needless to say, the guild establishment order has already been in Liuyue's hands.

"Ahem, let's talk first, I'm leaving!"

Just after kissing Floating Life, she was caught by another fiancee. Even in the game, Liu Yue felt blushed and found an excuse to escape.

"This is, you want to form an alliance with Liuyue?"

Seeing Liuyue leave, Qian Shanxue pulled Xiaoxin forward and asked in doubt.

"Well, the Ye family also cooperates with them in reality. In the game, it is also a good thing to have more allies."

Ye Fusheng looked at the time, the auction was about to start, pulled Qian Shanxue, be careful, and directly opened the No. 1 VIP box.


The light was shining, and the three of them had already appeared in a luxurious private room. Not only were the various decorations beautiful, but there were also many fruit plates and desserts.

On one wall, there is a light curtain barrier, but it has not been opened yet.

Apparently, it was the light curtain used to inspect the auction items during the auction.


"Where is this?"

Women don't have any resistance to beautiful things. Seeing those decorations, Qian Shanxue and Xiaoxin became excited and kept looking at them.


"Sunset City Server Announcement: The auction will start in 20 minutes. Players can enter the auction house and get ready to start!"

After the server announcement fell, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look forward to it, how much money can he earn after today's auction?

At the same time, many guilds in Sunset City, as well as people from other cities, poured into the auction one after another.

They had no choice but to come. Dozens of ground artifacts and hundreds of gold artifacts flowed out. If they failed to buy them and let their competitors get so much equipment, they would be suppressed all the time!

One step behind, one step into the abyss!

Therefore, no matter how competitive the pressure is, they still have to grab some equipment so that they can continue to maintain their competitiveness.

Even the son of the dragon, who had just been forced to kill by Ye Fusheng, brought the Holy Dragon Guild to Sunset City, preparing to auction the guild establishment order.

Well, in their thinking, Fusheng Wanqian has almost no friends, and has created a guild, and they will definitely sell it when they get the guild establishment order!

The chat interface of the Floating World Guild is also bustling.

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Boss is too strong, as soon as those equipments are shot up, even people from other sub-main cities ran over!"

Non-sweet toffee: "Holy Dragon Guild, Demon Gate Guild, Fengyun Pavilion, God's Realm, Years Past... and Bai Yizilong, Rende Xuande and others are all here!"

Xuejia Fengxian: "Rende Xuande? Huh, that guy!"

Clear as water: "Not only that, I saw Tiangong and people from the Luoshen Guild at the city gate!"

Non-sweet toffee: "My God, are all the top ten guilds coming?"

Clear as water: "Ah, there are so many people, I can't squeeze in! I want to see how lively this kind of auction will be...QAQ!"

Seeing these conversations, Ye Fusheng became more and more happy. The more people came, the more people would scramble for the equipment, and he would be able to sell it at a high price. He would support Goddess Xingyun and reach the pinnacle of his life!

However, it is the kingly way to bring in all the girls in the guild first.

"I've already opened a VIP box, and I've granted permission for you. If you agree, you'll be able to enter in an instant!"

Ye Fusheng opened the box settings and invited the girls in the guild one by one.


The next moment, more than 20 girls and Xuejia Fengxian all entered the box.

Just like Qian Shanxue and Cain's reaction, when they saw the luxurious decoration, the girls kept exclaiming and started playing in the box.

Qingqing Rushui blushed, just about to walk towards Ye Fusheng, but saw that Xue Jia Fengxian had already walked to Ye Fusheng's side, so he had to stop.

After two days of leveling up, the blood armor Fengxian has leveled up to level 32 again, and his equipment has also been improved.

Ye Fusheng was amazed by this, as expected, he was indeed worthy of being the God of War Lv Bu who could leave his name in history, and his strength was really not weak.

"Boss, when will our guild recruit more people? There are so few people, I still want to form a cavalry team!"

Xuejia Fengxian grinned, he was very interested in being an official, and he wanted to command more people.

"Our guild only accepts elites!"

Ye Fusheng shook his head and said with a smile: "If you have time, collect more territory resources. I will give priority to summoning cavalry for you. At that time, even if there are millions of cavalry, you will be in command!"


Hearing this, Xue Jia Fengxian's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Okay, I will start collecting resources from tomorrow!"

At this time, the girls calmed down, and seeing Qian Shanxue holding the little loli, they all exclaimed: "Wow, where did the little girl come from, so cute!"

"Sister Xue, is this your child?"

"Wow, so cute, hurry up and let my sister hug me!"

For a moment, Xiaoxin became the favorite of the group, and the girls kept teasing her, but when they learned that this was Ye Fusheng's daughter, their expressions suddenly changed, and the way they looked at Ye Fusheng became much weirder.

Especially when it's as clear as water, she still wants to soak in leaves, but she even has a daughter, so what's the use of it?
However, when they learned that Xinxin's mother was missing, Qing Rushui's eyes on Ye Fusheng lit up again, and then she began to get closer to Xinxin.

Well, being a stepmother doesn't seem too bad, maybe I don't have to have children!

"System prompt: Sunset City Auction is officially open!"

The announcement fell suddenly, the light curtain in the box flickered, and with a "swish", a projection appeared, and in an instant, everyone's eyes turned away.

The first auction of "Reincarnation of the Heavens" is officially open!
(PS: The update starts today!!! Please recommend tickets. In addition, the red envelopes in the group have been sent out today, and will be sent again tomorrow Sunday. Anyone who wants to join the group can join!
Group number: 713879534, everyone can join the group to remind, water group, chat, and speculate on the plot!In the future, there will be more people, and there will be benefits from time to time! ! !I love you all, thank you for your support all the way, pure Xiaofeng, will strive to write more "pure" plots!
Really, I am very pure, and the plot is also very pure! )
(End of this chapter)

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