Invincible in one touch

Chapter 203 Evolution, SSS level skills!

Chapter 203 Evolution, SSS level skills!
"Thousands of floating lives have come here, but does anyone dare to fight me?!"

The thunderous shout fell, and everyone in the Black Demon Palace, especially those ordinary players, suddenly stopped in their tracks.

Only Zilong in Baiyi, Yunchang in Qingshan and others' eyes lit up, full of fighting intent, they quickly turned around and killed Ye Fusheng.


"There was someone going out from the West Palace just now, how could he sneak in without anyone noticing?!"

Wang Zuowen frowned, his heart skipped a beat, they were always on guard against Ye Fusheng's arrival.

But, who knew, Ye Fusheng broke in without warning!
"Just one person dares to be rampant?!"

Suddenly, loud shouts sounded, and a soldier held a sword in both hands, and violently attacked Ye Fusheng: "A certain family, Gao Lan, wants to meet you! Slash!"

Slashing is just a common skill after all, other players can also learn it.

In an instant, Gao Lan's whole body was like lightning, rushing towards Ye Fusheng.

However, before his sword blade fell, Ye Fusheng raised the two swords with both hands, and released them suddenly.


The sound of thunder kept ringing, and several bolts of thunder burst, and before Gao Lan could reach Ye Fusheng, they hit Ye Fusheng violently, causing several bolts of damage up to [-] immediately!
Even without the scream, Gao Lan's body turned into white light and dissipated.

thorn thorn -

The continuously blooming thunder light even shook the players around them, and they backed away in fear.

Gao Lan's level is not weak, he is wearing silver and gold utensils, and his strength is already among the best among players, but he can't even last a second in front of Ye Fusheng, how can he not make them feel afraid?
"Damn it—that's a lot of nonsense!"

Wolong Kongming was on the other side, seeing this scene with a gloomy face, he quickly grabbed the green-clothed Yunchang who was about to rush forward, and said in a low voice: "You stay here, you must not let the people from the Demon Sect rush in!"


Hearing this, Qing Shan Yun Chang's expression changed slightly, this time he just got a mount, and he wanted to challenge Ye Fusheng again, but Wolong Kongming was extremely trusted by his elder brother, so it was not easy to disobey his decision on major matters.

Gritting his teeth, Qingshan Yunchang had no choice but to respond, with a gloomy expression, and immediately led many players to the outside of the hall, fighting with countless Demon Sect players.

The Demon Sect players never expected that Qing Shirt Yunchang would dare to rush out when he was under siege, and he was caught off guard, but Qing Shirt Yunchang killed every single one of them.

Wolong Kongming led hundreds of templar knights and hundreds of mages to the west temple quickly.

At this time, Ye Fusheng was also caught in the siege. Under the leadership of the brave Boyue and Nan Pi Zhongrong, hundreds of Templar knights were killed in seconds. They opened the shield wall one after another, trying to trigger a counterattack, and fainted. Dazzling Ye Fusheng.

Not far away, countless sharpshooters released concussion arrows one after another, shooting towards Ye Fusheng.

However, given the difference in level and combat power, most of the attacks falling on Ye Fusheng's body are misses, and it is extremely difficult to trigger the stun effect.

Yushan Gongjin, Wolong Kongming, and Wang Zuowenruo all knew Ye Fusheng's strength, and after the other three halls were sure that they could block the attack, they dispatched their men one after another to consume Ye Fusheng to death in the hall.

Even if he can't be consumed to death, he must be trapped in place, unable to move!

Even if it takes human life to pile it up, it will take a few hours to pile it up!

"All mages are in place!"

After Crouching Dragon Kongming led the Templar Knights and mages to their positions, he hurriedly called the Templar Knights forward, continued to block the seat of the Raging Flame Demon Horse, preventing Ye Fusheng from rushing forward, and then waved his hand, commanding many mages Unleash skills.

"Fire Phoenix Hunt!"


However, just as those sorcerers were about to release their skills, the sound of Fengming suddenly sounded, and in the void, a flaming phoenix appeared out of thin air.

"what sound?!"

"My God?! Is that a Phoenix?!"

Suddenly hearing a strange sound, many players were taken aback for a moment, looking up to see the phoenix bursting with flames, they were even more surprised and froze in place.

However, they froze in place, Ye Fusheng and Lingfeng would not hold back at all!

Amidst the sharp phoenix cry, Lingfeng's whole body spun, and the daggers in both hands quickly thrust out, slamming across the 50x50 yards where the mages gathered!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

As the screams continued, the fire phoenix swept across, instantly killing hundreds of mages within the range, without even having time to release life-saving skills!
Afterwards, the fire phoenix did not slow down, quickly turned its direction, and killed the other mages.


A dagger made entirely of flames shot at Crouching Dragon Kongming!
Even if Ye Fusheng said to let Lingfeng attack the other players, she still wanted to do something big to make Ye Fusheng look at her with admiration.

It's a pity that the reason why Crouching Dragon Kongming can be called Kongming is that his own strength is not weak. Facing the dagger, he waved the fan lightly in his hand, and two silver hurricanes emerged, instantly extinguishing the flaming dagger.

"Sword Dance Dazzling!"

There was another soft shout, and Ye Fusheng raised his swords, fiery red and silver white spiritual power frantically gathered, and immediately burst out an extremely bright and gorgeous sword light, which suddenly surrounded Ye Fusheng and players within 50 yards in front of him are all enveloped in it.


The next moment, like a feathered arrow, thousands of sword qi burst out instantly, piercing through the bodies of every player in the area.

There was not even a scream, and after three seconds, the diffuse sword energy dissipated, and except for Ye Fusheng, no other players in the area could stand!

Only the equipment and weapons all over the floor are left!

The players who were lucky enough not to enter the area, who had endured the sword dance's dazzling skills, couldn't help gasping, and looked at Ye Fusheng in fear.

"Hurry up!"

Wang Zuowenruo had been staring at Ye Fusheng, seeing thousands of templar knights and soldiers dead, his face changed slightly, and he quickly sent several teams to rush forward, trying to besiege Ye Fusheng.

However, at this moment, the entrance to the west hall was completely cleared without any obstacles. Outside the hall, the daughters of Qianshanxue rushed in immediately after receiving the message.

Although there are very few of them, each one is an elite player with a good professional match.

With the release of skills such as Explosive Arrow and Ground Explosion, the players who rushed up again were immediately stopped.

Coincidentally, Lingfeng's Huofeng hunted and killed the seven jumps, jumped up suddenly, and the whole body fell down like a bomb.

boom boom-

The flames were released mixed with sword energy, killing all the surviving mages in an instant, even if they activated the mage's life-saving shield!

Even Crouching Dragon Kongming, after being swept by the flames, his blood value continued to drop, so he could only frown slightly, flickering, and stayed away from Lingfeng and Ye Fusheng.

"Hahaha, where is Fengxian, come and kill with me!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fu let out a howl, raised his two swords, and killed many players again.

"Unexpectedly, the Floating World Guild actually has Shadowthorn players hiding in the hall!"

Wang Zuowen narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly raised his voice: "All mages, use AOE skills in various directions in the hall! Force me out of the hidden Shadow Thorn players in other guilds!"

"Templar players come forward and support Floating Life Thousands at all costs! The rest of them, beat me back as soon as possible!"

Now that Ye Fusheng has already charged into the hall, if he surrounds Ye Fusheng with all the firepower, if the defensive force is weak, the other guilds will also rush in, and the Shenjiang Pavilion will be in a situation of being attacked from the front and back, and there will be no defense force.

However, if the other guilds can be repelled first, then they will turn around and besiege Floating Life, and the winning rate will be much higher.

After all, there are only dozens of people in the Floating World Guild. Even if everyone is a master, it is impossible to kill tens of thousands of them, right?
Yushan Gongjin and Wolong Kongming didn't understand what Wang Zuowenruo meant, they immediately ignored Ye Fusheng and went to resist the hall, preparing to drive the other guilds back as soon as possible.

As for Ye Fusheng and the others, they ran into an army of templar knights led by Hao Zhao, Guo Huai and others.

They raised the shield wall one after another, without using any skills, and with the blessing of countless sacrifices and item buffs, they used their lives to block Ye Fusheng's footsteps.

However, with Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian present, these templar knights couldn't stop the attack at all.

The two of them, like sharp knives, tore apart the entire defense line.

Without the defensive front, those templar knights were even more unable to stop the offensive of Qian Shanxue and Lingfeng's daughters, and retreated steadily.

"The dragon in white is here!"

Just when the defense line was about to be attacked, Zilong in Bai Yi, driving a silver horse, jumped out suddenly and rushed towards Floating Life, with a firm expression on his face.

He knew that there was still a gap between himself and Ye Fusheng, but he couldn't just watch so many brothers die at Ye Fusheng's hands.

Even if it's a game!

"Want to challenge our president? Let me see your strength first!"

However, before the white-clothed dragon stepped forward to kill Ye Fusheng, the blood armor Fengxian shot out suddenly, and his mount leaped up, colliding with the white-clothed dragon impressively.


The two guns collided, and then the two horses fought together. Xue Jia Fengxian and Bai Yi Zilong fired their guns continuously, like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, very quickly, and sparks were constantly rubbed out.

During this confrontation, Zilong in Baiyi and Fengxian in Xuejia turned serious and stared at each other.

They all felt that the opponent's strength was terrifying!
Seeing Zilong in white and Xuejia Fengxian confront each other, Ye Fusheng raised his brows slightly, and no longer cared about it, and continued to charge out, slaughtering those Templar players.

Only by slaughtering all the players in the God General Pavilion and grabbing the token of the will of the undead can we win this war!
What's more, Xuejia Fengxian's strength is not weak, even if the equipment is not as good as that of Baiyi Zilong, he will never be killed. Without the hindrance of Baiyi Zilong, he can save a lot of time.

Ever since, the entire Black Demon Palace has become weird.

Outside the hall, everyone in the Shenjiang Pavilion went crazy, and the famous generals led the players, and even drove back all the major guilds.

The assassins who had finally lurked in from the Hidden Killing League were directly hit by AOE damage, and they were massacred one after another.

Slaughtering the world, Yeyin and others had no choice but to withdraw from the Black Demon Palace under the attack of countless shield guards and long-range marksmen.

However, in the Black Demon Palace, Ye Fusheng, Qian Shanxue, and Lingfeng also carried out crazy killings, continuously reducing the surviving forces of the Shenjiang Pavilion.

This made Bai Yizilong very angry, but Xue Jia Fengxian was so powerful that he kept pestering him, never giving him a chance to stop other people, so he had to fight with him.


"They kill people too fast!"

Shanren Boyan suddenly rushed from the South Hall area to Wang Zuowenruo, gritted his teeth and said, "What are you thinking? Why don't you call out all the people from other places soon? Once the internal defense is lost, even if we beat out the rest of the people, it will be a waste of money." The war is lost!"

Hearing this, Wang Zuowen glanced at Shanren Boyan and said calmly, "You can't transfer back! Here... you can lose!"


"What the hell are you doing?!"

Shanren Boyan was not stupid. Seeing Wang Zuowenruo's reaction, he immediately understood that there must be other things, which are more important than fighting for the territory!

"Don't think about it, even if you die, you have to die here! Hold them back!"

Wang Zuowen looked calm, and indifferently glanced at the group of players in the hall who were being slaughtered by Ye Fusheng, his eyes were indifferent.

"Okay, since that's the case, then we will stall for time!"

Slightly nodding his head, Shanren Boyan rushed to gather the remaining mages and Shadow Assassins.

At this time, Ye Fusheng and the others were already red-eyed, and the IDs on their heads were all blood-red, like harvesting wheat, harvesting heads one by one.


"System prompt: Since the player has killed 50000 people, the Eye of Slaughter has been passively upgraded to an SSS-level passive Killing Feast!"

"Huh? Has the skill evolved to SSS level?!"

Suddenly seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng frowned, and quickly opened the skill panel!
(PS: The first update today, there will be more to follow!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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