Invincible in one touch

Chapter 226 Legendary Boss, Karazhan!

Chapter 226 Legendary Boss, Karazhan!

Mountains and seas are difficult to level (mythical special item): an item that contains infinite power and will, no one knows what is hidden in it

"God...myth-level special item!"

"Gulu! It's definitely a good thing!"

Even though the description was very mysterious, Ye Fusheng was still shocked.

A mythical item, that is one of the most advanced items in the entire "Reincarnation of the Heavens" game.

At least, in the current setting, mythical existence is the pinnacle!

"System prompt: Due to the shattering of the demon altar, there will be a boss beyond the ghost level coming, please leave as soon as possible!"

"A BOSS that surpasses ghost level?"

"Sure enough! Once the altar is destroyed, a powerful boss will emerge!"

Seeing the system prompt, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, and he became happy.

The demons really took the bait!

Look at the hint, it is not Queen Scarlet Moon who is here in person, as long as the BOSS that surpasses the ghost level is led to the ruined temple and killed, if Queen Scarlet Moon dares to go there, she will definitely die!

"However, it's still time to fight that BOSS hard steel now! Prepare to retreat!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng put away the uneasy feelings of mountains and seas, turned around and left the altar with the stars.

Quickly left the altar, Bai Ye was already waiting outside.

"Welcome back, my lord!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng walk out of the altar, Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now the altar was trembling continuously, and there was also a terrifying force, which shocked them.

They were really worried that Ye Fusheng would die in the altar!

Once Ye Fusheng died, they would be alone and helpless, and they would have to die in this endless demon area.

"No need to be too polite, quickly take everyone back, line up, and guard at the main entrance of the altar!"

Ye Fusheng waved his hand, and quickly asked Bai Ye to gather the troops.

Once the dispersal continues, the powerful BOSS will come later, and I am afraid that he will be able to kill all his subordinates with a few swords.

However, he cannot dodge or hide, otherwise, the boss will not be able to find anyone, and he is afraid that he will leave directly.

Therefore, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to gather everyone together, and let Bai Ye lead the people to run first, leading the way, and ran to the dilapidated temple.

He fought the boss from behind and led him over.

After making up his mind, Bai Ye gathered all the members of the Ninth Legion, tens of thousands of people lined up neatly, standing behind Ye Fusheng and in front of the temple.

Ye Fusheng glanced at many soldiers, and Ye Fusheng looked quite proud.

After this battle, these fighters were almost unharmed, but their levels were all raised by more than five levels!
Perhaps, after this mission is over, they can all be promoted to eight or nine levels, and their strength will be improved to a higher level.

Cooperating with the army in the territory, Ye Fusheng might be able to be the city lord by himself.

At that time, perhaps even Xing Yun would look at him with admiration!

Just when Ye Fusheng was imagining some stories that had to happen between himself and his senior sister, thunder suddenly sounded, dark clouds burst in the sky, and a huge figure suddenly struck from afar.


"System prompt: Since the player is suppressed by the legendary boss, all attributes are reduced by 50%, including special attributes!"

"Hiss... it turned out to be a legendary boss!"

"Beyond the ghost level and the fairy level, it turns out to be the legendary level! I really don't know when it will reach the god level!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng waved his hand, making Bai Ye ready to lead people to retreat at any time, while raising his head, staring at the huge figure.


The thunder continued to strike, lingering around the huge boss. When the thunder light and the huge figure complement each other, it looks particularly terrifying.

The coercion, as strong as a mountain, also fell from the sky.

For a moment, the faces of everyone in Bai Ye behind Ye Fusheng were pale, and even the knees of the horses were bent.

Only Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing were not affected.

As they got closer, that huge figure gradually shrunk.

At this time, Ye Fusheng finally saw the figure clearly.

Different from the various strange monsters encountered before, it was a humanoid creature with a huge sword behind it, surrounded by purple lightning, like a chain, entangled him.

"Hiss... this boss is definitely very powerful!"

"The force is not even weaker than Ye Xing's avatar!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng couldn't help breathing fast.

If this legendary boss is killed, will legendary equipment be revealed?
Sky Zhan Lieyan and Yinyue Mohui, although they are spiritual weapons, have strong attributes, but it's time to change them!
Well, I kept seeing all kinds of fairy artifacts flashing on the screen, Ye Fusheng couldn't see those two spiritual artifacts anymore!
Gradually approaching, the mysterious boss also noticed Ye Fusheng and Bai Ye and the others, not even paying attention to the broken altar, passed by the figure, approaching Ye Fusheng and the others.


At the same time, thunderous roars sounded one after another: "Ants, did you destroy the altar?"

After the words fell, the mysterious boss stared at Ye Fusheng and the others as if a volcano was about to erupt in his eyes.


Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng said lightly, "That's right, it's the altar I destroyed! Dirty and ugly demons like you are not worthy of living in the altar!"

Saying that, Ye Fusheng waved his right hand lightly, controlling Bai Ye to lead people away quickly.

Otherwise, once the mysterious boss gets angry, they will most likely die.

By the way, lure that mysterious boss away.

If he couldn't be lured to the dilapidated temple and then killed, Queen Scarlet Moon rushed over and failed to fall into the trap, so it would be difficult to kill her.


The sound of trampling horseshoes kept ringing, and Bai Ye and the others would not hold on. Seeing the powerful BOSS approaching, they shouted to cheer up, and immediately ran away.

It's a good thing that Ye Fusheng didn't turn around and couldn't see that scene, otherwise he might have killed them with his own hands!
Really, too cowardly!

It's a disgrace to him!
"Damn bastard!"

"How dare you destroy my altar of the Demon Race, and speak so brazenly!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, the boss was furious, and thunder danced wildly beside him, like a thunder dragon, suddenly slashing at Ye Fusheng.

This surprised Ye Fusheng, unexpectedly, this boss can control the thunder attack, that is a spell!

Judging by his appearance, he is clearly a soldier!
Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng controlled the Raging Flame Demon Horse to dodge, while using the Eye of Truth talent to investigate its attributes.


The Eye of Truth was released, and the attributes of the BOSS were neatly arranged in front of him.

Thunder Gorefiend Karazhan (Legendary Boss)

Rating: 120
Blood value: 160000000
Attack: 18000
Defense: 15000
Thunder: When attacking, there is a 10% chance to trigger thunder, causing damage to the enemy and causing paralysis for 3 seconds

Blood Slaughter: When attacked, there is a 10% chance to increase the Blood Slaughter BUFF and increase its attack power by 10%
Magic Thunder Dance (Mo Wu skills, summon thunder, mixed with sword energy, cause high damage to enemy targets within 30X30 yards, and have a 3% chance to cause 5 seconds of paralysis)

Blood Sea Demon Realm (summons the blood sea enchantment, covering the battlefield within 50X50 yards, weakening the opponent's 10% of all attributes, and increasing its own 20% of all attributes)
Thunder Blade Breaks the Air (calls out the thunder, traverses the world, and causes huge damage to targets within 10X20 yards)

Thunder Purgatory (…)
Magic nine days (...)
... (unknown skill, unknown effect)

Description: A general under the Crimson Moon Empress, possessing amazing strength, sits in charge to attack the northern plain of the Star Watching Tower
Weakness: Demon Heart

"6000 million blood points, [-] attack power, [-] defense power!"

"This attribute is actually three times higher than that of a ghost-level seven-star boss!"

"Tsk tsk, as expected of a legendary boss!"

He licked his lips, although he said that, but Ye Fusheng's eyes were full of excitement, without any fear.

What about [-] damage, what about several powerful features and skills, as long as he can't kill him in seconds, he has a chance of triggering the instant death effect!
Wouldn't it be great to kill Karazhan directly at that time?

Of course, before leading Karazhan to the ruined temple, he had to pray to God that he would not be able to trigger the instant death effect, and even try not to attack.


The thunder fell and struck directly on Ye Fusheng who was still thinking.

In an instant, several damage numbers floated out of his head, and Ye Fu's blood value dropped sharply.

A series of damages of around 5 were hit, Ye Fu's blood value plummeted by more than [-], and he was struck by a thunderbolt, falling into a paralyzed state, unable to move, and could only watch helplessly as Karazhan pulled out the huge spear from behind. The sword came and walked towards him slowly.

"Humble human bugs, only death can resolve the demon god's anger towards you!"

"Suffer to death!"

After Zhong Er's voice fell, the giant sword in Karazhan's hand ignited a purple-black flame, and there was also a flash of thunder.

Obviously, it really wanted to chop Ye Fusheng to death with a sword!

No comparison at all!
People don't talk too much, I'm Karazhan in society!
If the other demon bosses were as decisive as him, perhaps the human race would have been wiped out long ago.

However, Karazhan did not talk much, but he was not strong enough.

Before getting close to Ye Fusheng, Xing Xing had already used Shunbu, released his Star Concentrating Slash skill, teleported to Karazhan, and stabbed him in the head with a sword.


The power of the stars exploded, and in an instant, Karazhan was pushed back a few feet away. He only felt his head buzzing and couldn't stand up at all.

"Good job!"

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng let out a long sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Sure enough, it's easy to do things if there is a girl in the family!
Well... anything can be done!
At the end of five seconds, Karazhan stood up again. However, at this time, Ye Fusheng had been liberated from his paralysis, and everyone in Bai Ye ran away tens of feet away.


"If you want to kill me, you can practice for dozens of lifetimes!"

Laughing loudly, Ye Fusheng turned his horse's head and let the angry flame horse lead him to run wildly, catching up with the Bai Ye people who left, while switching the bow of doom and judgment, he shot an arrow at will.

call out--

The feather arrow pierced through the air and immediately hit Karazhan.

Immediately afterwards, a system prompt sounded suddenly in Ye Fusheng's ears, causing his pupils to shrink suddenly!

(PS: Today's first update, there will be updates in the future! Well, the shielded chapters have been released, and updates can be added tomorrow!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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