Invincible in one touch

Chapter 300 Level 100 breakthrough, soaring thousands of miles!

Chapter 300 Level 100 breakthrough, soaring thousands of miles!

"The strong man of the orc race?"

Su Keshi stared at the Thunder God Tiger, and said coldly: "Why did you appear here? Could it be that you beast clan want to provoke a fight with the demon clan?"


"As long as I kill you, who else will know that I have come?"

The purpose of the Thunder God Tiger is to kill Su Keshi and his group. In this way, as long as the black dragon Demon Emperor Enroth dies, no one will know that it has ever been here.

The demons will not do anything to the orcs!
Therefore, even without Ye Fusheng's request, it will find a way to kill all the demons who have seen it.

"court death!"

Hearing this, Su Keshi's faces suddenly became embarrassing, it was the first time they met such an arrogant person!
Ah no, it should be the first time I have encountered such an arrogant beast!

"Let's go together, kill this guy quickly!"

Su Keshi waved his hand, and in an instant, dozens of bosses from various ethnic groups shot together, all kinds of power burst out, and smashed towards the head of the Thunder God Tiger.


A terrifying power burst out and landed on the Thunder God Tiger with a bang, immediately bringing up thick smoke.

"Hmph, this guy is dead!"

"That's right, we shot with all our strength, but it didn't even do defense. It's just asking for its own death!"

Many bosses sneered, but Su Keshi, who had reached the level of a demon king, felt something was wrong, frowned, and stared at the cloud of mist.


Thunder light suddenly burst out from the smoke, and the next moment, the fog dissipated, and the body of the Thunder God Tiger appeared, with eyes full of disdain.

"I can't deal with emperor-level powerhouses, but it's easy to deal with you!"

With a sneer, the Thunder God Tiger suddenly jumped up, and in an instant, thunderbolts struck down from the sky one after another, hitting the bosses continuously.


The powerful force destroyed all the defenses of those bosses in an instant. In an instant, the thunder rushed into their bodies, raging and destroying their flesh and blood, and their meridians.


"What kind of power is this?!"

"Too strong, run quickly!"

Feeling the terrifying power of the Thunder God Tiger, the group of bosses panicked. Most of them are not powerful demons, they only came to help because they were photographed by Su Keshi.

Now that they encountered a strong man like the Thunder God Tiger, they would naturally not hold on.

It's just that they have already chosen to come here, can they just leave?

Ye Fusheng, will you let them go?
Can't help but Ye Fusheng, the Thunder God Tiger won't let them leave!

"Hmph, Thunder God Realm, block it for me!"

With a cold shout, the Thunder God Tiger slapped the ground with both claws. In an instant, the thunder light spread rapidly, turning into a sky prison, trapping all the bosses in it.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately afterwards, there was the crazy attack of the Thunder God Tiger.

Ye Fusheng's sight was blocked by Tianlei Shenyu, and he couldn't see clearly. He was a little nervous at first, but when the system prompts kept ringing next to his ears, he stopped panicking.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the legendary BOSS·Black Demon. You will be rewarded with 10000000000 experience points and 10000 reputation points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations player..."


After a while, system notifications sounded one after another, and Ye Fusheng's smile became brighter and brighter.

Sure enough, it was the right decision to ask Xing Yun to help him get this mount.

There are so many high-level bosses, it is almost impossible for Ye Fusheng to kill them.

Unless you spend a lot of time grinding them one by one, you will have a chance to kill them all!
But, with the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger, Ye Fusheng doesn't even need to do anything himself, just watch quietly, and he can gain experience, how happy is that?

Turning his eyeballs, Ye Fusheng summoned the stars again.

After finally having such an opportunity to gain experience, how can we forget the beautiful star girl?


The golden light kept flickering, the level in front of the stars was too low, and it was easier to upgrade than Ye Fusheng, not long after, the golden light kept appearing on his body, and he was upgrading crazily.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading and reaching level 99!"

After a while, Ye Fusheng also successfully upgraded.

What surprised him even more was that after reaching level 99, the speed at which his experience increased did not slow down, it was still rising rapidly.

In less than 5 minutes, Ye Fusheng's body shone with golden light again.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading and reaching level 100!"

"System prompt: Since the player has reached level 100, the profession has been strengthened again, and the professional skills of each department are +1, and the effect has been strengthened!"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed. All kinds of professional skills have been strengthened, which means that his strength can be increased by more than several times.

It's not over yet, before Ye Fusheng went to check the skill effect improvement, the world server announcements came down one after another.


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia Theater player [Floating Life] successfully reaching level 100, becoming the first player to break through to level 100! Reward the Pioneer Treasure Box X9! Reward the Huaxia Theater Dragon Wanli BUFF for 24 hours!"

"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia Theater player [Floating Life] successfully reaching level 100, becoming the first player to break through to level 100! Reward the Pioneer Treasure Box X9! Reward the Huaxia Theater Dragon Wanli BUFF for 24 hours!"


Nine world server announcements came down one after another, and in an instant, players all over the world were boiling.

But, not so shocked.

After all, they have seen from the ranking list before that Ye Fusheng is as high as level 97 and can rise to level 100 at any time.

It's just that he didn't expect Ye Fusheng to be promoted so quickly, and then there is the BUFF reward from the Huaxia Theater!

For a moment, all the Huaxia players were very excited, especially proud, as if they broke through to level 100, and they were the players who made the Huaxia theater world famous!

Of course, there are also people who feel the pressure has increased.

Many powerhouses have accelerated their leveling speed.

In the past, for various reasons, their level was quite low, so much so that Ye Fusheng pulled them away by more than 40 levels. Now, they are unwilling to continue like this.

Life is alive, if you don't fight once, how can you live happily?

"Another nine pioneer treasure boxes?"

"Grass... is all about making faces, what can I do with it?"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was rather depressed.

Can't you just reward some good things directly?
Do you have to fight like this?

"Forget it, just drive it, I hope those bosses can show me some more good equipment later!"

"Hey, those bosses are all high-level bosses, and they can definitely explode artifacts!"

As he spoke, Ye Fusheng couldn't help swallowing his saliva, he was very excited.

After a while, the beep beside the ear stopped ringing.

Ye Fusheng's experience bar also stopped at around 100% of level 34.

All the bosses were beheaded!

The Heavenly Thunder God Realm disappeared, and all the powerful bosses turned into corpses.

Ye Fusheng rushed forward excitedly, but when he saw the corpse clearly, the corners of his mouth twitched and he froze in place.

(PS: The two updates are over!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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